Pharah x reader

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Your POV

Pharah was fiddling with her meal as she glanced over at the table just a few feet away. Y/n was sitting there enjoying themselves with their best friend, they were laughing, talking, and just all around having a wonderful time. They were at a simple fast food joint, just a few blocks from downtown. It's been there for god knows how long. The traditional white and red paint covering the facility had not been painted in over 20 years and was faded and chipped. But hey! Never judge a book by its cover. Even though this kind of food wasn't the best for you or your friend, it was both delicious and cheap. Win-win! The funniest part about this situation was that Pharah actually came here first, to get her mind off of her crush. She had noticed that y/n's friend had made a surprise visit to the Overwatch base and was greeted with excitement and kindness. The same kindness that Pharah adored, and wanted to get away before her jealousy ate her alive. Only to find that y/n and company arrived just five minutes after she had sat down.Pharah sighed just thinking about y/n. They were just so... Fantastic! The way they talked.. walked, smiled, and laughed just made Pharah's heart soar. However... Seeing them with someone else just made her finger tap on the plastic table faster. She knew in her mind that getting worked up because her crush was out with a friend was entirely stupid. They were just friends... right? Her trail of thoughts was interrupted by a burst of laughter from their general direction. She slowly turned her head to see that y/n's friend managed to spill their soda all over themselves and y/n. Both of them got up and quickly escorted themselves out to get cleaned up. Pharah furrowed her brow seeing that y/n's friend had just left the mess there for the workers to clean up. She huffed as she walked to the table where they were sitting only to find that y/n had left their purse at the table. She snagged the purse before anyone could see what she was doing and opened it to make sure it was theirs. And sure enough, their ID was in the front plastic sleeve sporting their amazing face. She smiled looking at that person in the ID sleeve. Sure they had a straight face and no smile. But still, in Pharah's eyes. It was a great picture. As she shoved the purse in her back pocket she quickly rushed to the double glass doors hoping to catch y/n before they left. However, before she got outside a body slammed right into her causing Pharah to slip and fall flat on her back. Pharah groaned as she sat up, ready to knock some sense into whoever ran into her. "Hey! Watch where you go-"Her strict tone and voice disappeared immediately the second she saw y/n on the floor rubbing their head. They slowly opened their eyes to see Pharah in shock. They gave her a warm grin and responded, "Hey! Fancy seeing you here! How are you!"Pharah was quite surprised; even after falling flat on their back they still greeted her with a warm smile. This made Pharah blush as she started to get up. "Y-yeah, I just needed something other than food offered at the base." Pharah helped y/n get to their feet and continued, "But when I saw you and your friend walk in and cause that little scene I noticed you left this."Pharah pulled the f/c purse from her back pocket and handed it to y/n. Their face lit up with excitement, eyes dancing with energy and happiness, as they held the purse in their hands. This made Pharah's heart flutter. "No way! Pharah! Thank you so much! b/f/n swore that I had lost it and wouldn't see it again!"Pharah crossed her arms and mumbled under her breath, "Some friend you have, I wouldn't let you walk out without your purse. That has some important stuff in there. "Y/n glanced up the second Pharah started to mumble. They then raised their eyebrow and let a smirk fall upon their face. "What was that Pharah?"Pharah blushed at your face and tried to save herself from crashing and burning with embarrassment. She was good at hiding certain things that weren't important at the time... But that was at work not here in public, she didn't know how to act. "I said that your purse has important stuff that you can't forget. "Y/n then leaned up against the wall and commented, "That's not what I heard."Pharah raised an eyebrow at the now smirking y/n. Pharah then questioned the motives of y/n."Then why did you ask me to repeat it? "Y/n then smiled as they took a sip of their own drink that didn't spill when they ran head-on into Pharah."To confirm my suspicions of course!!"Pharah was now annoyed, she hated when she was played for a fool. She was an excellent soldier and a fantastic addition to Overwatch. She did not like it when people tried to dumb her down. yet she continued with y/n's little game. "What suspicions? "Y/n suddenly jumped back and pointed straight toward Pharah."You are jealous!!"Whatever confidence Pharah had, whatever superiority she had over y/n was LONG gone. She started to stutter as she put her hand on her chest trying to look offended. "I am NOT jealous! "Y/n snickered at Pharah's reaction, loving her face for every second of it."Since when do you ever eat outside of the base when you are on duty. And you do happen to do it the day b/f/n arrived and was getting the grand tour." Y/n observed.Pharah put her fingers on the bridge of her nose, trying to conceal her embarrassment with annoyance."I am not jealous."Pharah's eyes shot wide open the second she felt y/n's lips on her cheek. It wasn't a passionate kiss, more like a playful peck, but it was sure enough to get Pharah to change her face color to a very bright red.Y/n smiled at Pharah before walking away and yelling behind their back."You keep telling yourself that!"As y/n strutted over to b/f/n's car Pharah still had a hand on her cheek. She watched as they drove away, giving Pharah the finger guns towards her as they vanished in a sea of cars.Pharah leaned against the old building, smiling from ear to ear. She felt that nothing could disturb her happiness.That is until she heard the grumbling of a fast-food worker who was cleaning up a to-go bag that had spread everywhere on the floor. Her entire meal was now splattered on the not so clean grey floor after colliding with y/n.Oops

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