Mccree x female reader

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McCree was never a fan of mornings.

This morning Reyes had planned for a strike team to leave for a mission at 0800. This included the young gunslinger.

He yawned as he stood in Reyes' office, getting an earful of the mission details an hour before departure. At the end of the briefing, Gabriel passed a file to the younger man and said,

"Mind passing this along to Y/N?"

Reyes would never admit it, but he was trying to get you with McCree ever since he saw the look Jesse gave once you during a training session when you complimented his shooting ability. He figured the poor kid could use a little love from someone like you.

Plus, it was getting a little annoying watching Jesse's pining for you every time you laughed at one of his stupid jokes. Thankfully, it was 0700 and McCree was a little more susceptible to Reyes tricking him into talking to you alone.


Jesse left with the file and did not realize you were probably asleep until he knocked three times on your door. You did not have any missions or meetings today. He cleared his throat and straightened out his uniform before you opened the door, to be as presentable and charming as he could be.

However, he was certainly not prepared for what opened the door.

You swung the metal door open and Jesse's jaw dropped to the floor. You had crazy bedhead, your slouched figure seemed to be barely standing, and most noticeably YOU WERE HALF NAKED.

He scrambled to look down both sides of the hall to see if anyone was around and quickly ushered you back into your room and closed the door. His face turned a deep red as he saw you appeared to only be wearing a bra and small shorts.

Although usually he would shamelessly flirt with you in suggestive situations, McCree tried to be a gentleman and took off his hat to shield his eyes and turned the other way as he stuttered,

"UH- MISS- I- UM- YOU are very UNDRESSED right now."

Either he was trying to be a gentleman or the image of you undressed was a bit too much like a dream come true. He could not count the times he imagined you wearing something similar to what you had on, under him, on a mattress-

OKAY NOPE. He told himself to stop those thoughts because he was already flustered beyond belief.

You looked down on your body and saw that yes, you were not wearing much, but due to the fact you had comeback from a mission at 0300 and were dead tired, you did not realize the dilemma.

"Huh. I guess I am," you sleepily drawled. You peered up at the back of McCree through half-closed eyes and realized he wanted you to put some clothes on.

At this point, he was desperately trying to think of something other than how much of your skin was exposed to him.... and how good your room smelled.... and how good you would look pinned to the wall... NO STOP JESSE. He thought something along the lines of "NOT a good idea fantasizing about another agent especially when she's standing half clothed right there.

"Lemme find a shirt or something...." you mumbled as you rubbed your eyes. Slowly, you plodded over to a dresser and rifled through a drawer lazily. You came upon a shirt and tried to pull it over your head, but alas, your head had gotten stuck.

"Jesse...?" you quietly said.

The cowboy slowly turned around to see you struggling to slip a shirt on.

He froze where he stood. Jesse thought you were completely adorable and would have exclaimed this, but he was not sure how much you would remember when you broke out of your sleepy haze, so he kept his mouth shut.

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