Lucio x female reader

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( this is from @ben10freak it was a request... reader is on her period)

Reader pov
Darkness surrounded me... it was beautiful. I woke up to my alarm going off. Half-asleep, i reached over and swatted at it, missing a few times before managing to shut it off. I glanced at my phone and saw that it was indeed 6 AM...on a Saturday. Why did I  leave  my alarm on, i had no idea. I groaned and rolled over from my side to my back and placed my arm over my  closed eyes.
Almost immediately i became aware of an incredibly odd warmth coming from "down there."  Realization hit me and i threw the covers off before leaping out of the bed. Sure enough, there was a lovely dark red stain on my sheets. Which meant that there was one on my pajama short bottoms and, in turn, my white underwear as well. I cursed, rather loudly, and went to clean myself up before dumping my sheets and blankets in the wash. This was a great way to spend my Saturday morning.
Showered, dressed in my comfiest,
'(Y/n)'  "no-way-am-I-going-anywhere-today" clothes and prepared with your preferred menstrual sanitary item aka my tampon, i went to chill on the couch and watch shadow hunters for a bit until my blanket was done, after which i had every intention of curling up in them.
Just as i was about to sit, however, my stomach decided to demand nourishment. Walking to my kitchen, i decided to make it of the yummy kind. I went and got my (f/f), then I walked over to the sink where the smaller pots hanged on a rack above it.
I got the correct pot down...and then it hit me. Earth-shattering,
'(Y/n)' "my-entire-flipping-reproductive-system-is-about-to-implode"
cramps. They came quick and intense, causing me to hiss...and drop the pot i  was holding on to my toe. I screamed out in incredibly creative string of curse words as i started hopping on my  good leg. Not paying attention to where I was going, i stubbed my good toe on a cabinet. I yelped and fell flat on my butt, which hurt now too.
So here i was: uterus (figuratively) imploding, both toes feeling broken (lucky they were not), and i were pretty sure I was  going to have a big bruise on my butt (and yes you did and that was gonna hurt). And to top it all off, i felt a headache coming on. All i wanted was some good food and what did i receive in return? Pain and bruises.
Unbeknownst to me, my boyfriend had decided to surprise me with a lovely bouquet of my favorite flowers. What he did not expect to find was me sitting on the kitchen floor bawling my eyes out next to an upside-down cooking pot. Lucio, being the amazing man he is, dropped the flowers on the counter and quickly knelt next to me.
'Lucio' "Y/N, doll, what's wrong?" he asked.
'(Y/n)' "I woke up *sobs* to my stupid alarm *sobs* at 6 and Satan's sacrificial waterfall started flowing, which *sobs* stained the sheets,blankie, which are *sobs* in the wash with my pajamas shorts and underwear, and *sobs* I just wanted some *sobs* food but my uterus decided to try to *sobs* kill me and I dropped the pot on my *sobs* toe and then I stubbed the *sobs* other one on the cabinet and I fell *sobs* on my butt and now I'm getting a headache from *sobs* Hell and I just wanted some stupid food 'cause it sounded good-"
I cut off with a sob before realizing what just came out of my mouth.
My relationship with Lucio was still fairly new and i had just moved in together. I knew he was a grown man, but if i were being completely honest with myself and I  weren't completely sure how he would react to me on my period. He hadn't said a word and the seconds since I have  spoken were quickly ticking by. A fresh wave of tears began as i thought I would  maybe freaked him out.
Lucio surprised me by pulling me close and rubbing soothing circles on my back.
"I'm sorry," i blubbered.  "This is so stupid."
"It's not stupid, doll," he reassured you. "I'll be here for you, whatever you need. Just try to relax."
The two of us sat like that for a few minutes before Lucio picked me up and set me on the couch.  He told me to stay there and he quickly walked away. I would've followed, but frankly i didn't feel like it. Instead i curled up into the fetal position on the couch and watched the TV.
Lucio came back a few minutes later with a glass of water, a painkiller, a hot water bottle and a big fluffy blanket. I slowly sat up, took the medicine and pressed the hot water bottle against my lower part of my  stomach while Lucio  wrapped the blanket around  me. He walked off again and this time i turned my head around to see what he was doing.
He was in the kitchen stirring something vigorously. After a few minutes he came back, holding a steaming dish in his hands. He gave it to me and it was filled with the food I had  tried to cook earlier.
When i  was done eating, Lucio cleaned up and picked me up from the couch after turning off the TV.  My hot water bottle was left on the table and the pills had begun taking effect. The cramps were still there, but not nearly as bad as they were before. My head was beginning to feel better as well. My toes didn't hurt nearly as bad now, though i wouldn't be surprised if i found a bruise later.
Lucio set me down on the bed and i noticed how toasty, comfortable and warm it was. He must've gotten the sheets out of the wash while i wasn't  paying attention. There also seemed to be a lot more pillows than usual. I unwrapped the blanket from earlier and buried myself into the covers of the bed.
Lucio joined me shortly after. He turned on the TV in our room and gently pulled me close to him. He was laying on his back, propped up by the extensive number of pillows, my body  wrapped on top of him. My head was on his chest, and his left arm was wrapped around me protectively.  I placed my arm around his middle abdomen and he brought his right arm to gently stroke my thigh. I  sat like that in silence for a while before i realized that he hadn't said a word since i sat together on the kitchen floor.
"Lucio?" I asked quietly.
"Hmm?" he hummed in response.
"Did I freak you out earlier? When I told you, what was wrong?"
"Nah. I'm just glad I could be here to help. You feeling better, doll?"
"Yeah," i replied, smiling. Just then i happened to see the flowers on my dresser. Lucio, who had been watching me, followed my gaze.
"Hope you like them," he said.
You turned your head to give him a kiss.
"I love them, thank you.  And thank you for helping me today."
"Anything for my best girl."
We both settled back and watched the TV. Listening to Lucio's heartbeat, along with the lazy strokes he was leaving up and down my thigh, i began to doze off after a while. I held onto him a little tighter and closed my eyes.
Lucio watched me sleep.  He pressed a kiss to the top of my head, careful not to wake you up, before nodding off himself a bit later.
After a few hours I woke up and found Lucio, my froggio with his arm wrapped around me and him mumbling sweet things. I kissed his cheeks and closed my eyed well I rubbed circles on his chest, drifting off to sleep.

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