Stealing your friend?

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So the next day I think Kate was having a little get together. Just some friends over. To hang and talk. I saw jaden at a table outside sitting with Bryce.
I walked over to them.

"Why are you guys out in the backyard? Almost everyone is inside." I said.

"Yeah I didn't feel like playing video games with the other guys." Bryce said.

"Why aren't you inside ?" Jaden asked.

"Okay then . Well some of the girls are helping Kate with choosing her dress for this super fancy date she's gonna have tomorrow with her man... I mean I'd rather be outside here with the coolest people ever !!!" I said joking around. Me and Jaden and Bryce ended up talking. Bryce left to go back inside to talk to Jess. Me and Jaden started talking about the concert plans.

Someone came out the door.

"Hey man I was looking all over for you.." Tyler said.

"Yeah. I was out here the whole time.." Jaden replied.

"With Alex.. Interesting." Tyler said.

"Should I leave you two alone or...?" Tyler asked being annoying.

"Umm no we're just talking . " I said.
Tyler came and sat at the table with us. It was kinda awkward .

"So... What are you two love - I mean good friends talking about?" Tyler asked. Ugh he was trying to start shit. Me and Jaden aren't even dating....

"Oh me and Jaden were talking about the fun concert w'ere gonna be going to tomorrow... You know ... That you're not going to!" I said !!! Tyler rolled his eyes at me .

"Okay." Tyler replied.

"So... Umm how's Stella?" Jaden asked.

"She's good.. How are you two?" Tyler said.

"Umm I'm good..." Jaden replied. We all kinda didn't say anything.

"I'm great." I replied.

"So umm Alex, did you want me to pick you up at 7:30 or 7:50?" Jaden asked.

"Uhh probably 7-" I said then I got cut off.

"Probably 7:50. Alex is usually takes long to get ready ." Tyler said then looked at me with an annoying smile.

"... Yeah..7:50." I said.
Jaden went to use the bathroom and went inside the house. Me and Tyler were just outside.

"Why are you suddenly interested in speaking to us? You're usually talking to ..." I said.

"Go on....  I'm usually talking to Jaden.... My friend right?. But looks like you're out here talking to him ." Tyler said.

"Aww are you jealous I'm stealing your guy time with Jaden?" I asked.

"Alex seriously? ..." Tyler said.

I understand Tyler's friends with Jaden so I guess it makes sense for him to be out here with us cause Jaden is his friend.

"Fine! I'll leave then since you wanna speak to your friend alone .." I said and got up.

"Alex i didn't actually mean it -" Tyler said.

"No it's fine I'll go. " I said and went back inside. I ate some chocolate covered strawberries. Talked to some friends.

Like 15 minutes later Tyler and Jaden walked back inside the house. I tried ignoring Tyler . He ignored me. But whenever I'd wanna talk to Jaden he'd be with Tyler.
It was like 9pm. I had to leave to pick up some stuff from the store .
I walked out the door and Tyler and Jaden were outside at the front of the house . They glanced at me as they were both talking.

"Leaving so soon ?" Jaden asked.

"What? Oh yeah I kinda gotta go pick up some stuff before the stores close." I replied.

"Oh okay. Well bye then." Jaden said as he gave me a hug. After that it was awkward
Me and Tyler didn't really say anything too each other.

Tyler kinda looked somewhere else and walked like 3 feet away. I didn't care cause I didn't even wanna say bye.

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