Want this divorced more??

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**** Tyler's perspective right now ***
I was with jaden. I just wanted some man to man time since I haven't had some in a while.
"Yo Tyler man ... So you and Alex are divorcing ?" Jaden asked.

"Uhh yeah ..." I said.

"What happened between you two?" Jaden asked me.

"Umm I don't know. Me and Alex somehow just felt like we were annoyed of each other and we kind of mutually felt like we should divorce. And anyways 3 months into our issues , we both were seeing other people." I said.

"You and Alex were seeing other people ?!" Jaden asked me.

"Yeah it's no big deal..." I said.

"So she wants the divorce 100%?" Jaden asked me. Just throwing these questions at me.

"Pretty sure." I Said.

"What about you ?.." Jaden asked.

"Dude what do you mean?... Of course I want this divorce as well." I said.

My phone went off. It was Stella . I didn't answer.

"Ohh is that your new chick?" Jaden asked.

"Haha yeah .." I replied.

"She better than Alex?" Jaden asked.

"Man what do you mean .... They're not really the same .." I said. I didn't know Jaden was trying to do.

"No I'm just saying umm I happy you found someone good for you. I mean Alex was probably a pain for you from what you're saying  and it's good you realized that you don't like her anymore and regret the relationship ." Jaden said.

"... I mean yeah our relationship was a little rocky but I don't think I regret it. She's literally -" I said then didn't continue.

"What?.." Jaden asked me.

"Umm she's literally one of a kind and I think someone good is going to Come into her life and they're gonna be happy with her and she deserves the best .." I said as I drank my drink. My mind was everywhere .

"So .. To make it clear.. You have no feelings whatsoever to her and you're happy for the divorce." Jaden said.

"..... Yeah .... " I said .

"It's so funny because I remember how much you really liked her and now it completely switched and now you really don't like her." Jaden said.

"Things happen... Stella is a good fit for me.." I said. I left later. He got me thinking about Alex and my relationship while I was trying to sleep. Shit I really felt like I was making a mistake agreeing to the divorce but .. Maybe my head was in different places right now.

***end of Tyler's point of view ***

***back to Alex's point of view like always ******

So tomorrow was the day of the divorce. I decided to rest in my hot tub just doing nothing trying to be stress free. Jaden texted me saying he was cleaning out his garage and had some stuff for me. I drove to his house.
The garage was already up.

"Hey Alex! Come here! " jaden said. As I walked to the garage , Tyler walked out the door connected to the house and garage.

"Oh ... Hey .." Tyler said as he drank his water.

"Anyways ... So yeah I forgot I had a box of pictures and here's some of you that you might want." Jaden said as he handed me the box.

Tyler was helping Jaden move some stuff.
I was going through some of the photos.

"Oh... You didn't tell me some of these would be pictures of me and ... Tyler.." I said to Jaden.

"Haha what?" Tyler said as he leaned over to look.

"Oh shit .. I forgot about these ... Alex look. This was when I tried making you eat asparagus and you hated it." Tyler said.

"Shut up... It was really bad!" I said and we both laughed.

We looked at more of them. It was kinda making me remember the good parts of the relationship. Shit I was starting to have that thought I hated which was cancelling the divorce.

"So your guys's court thing is tomorrow?" Jaden asked.

"Yeah man.. You asked like so many times.." Tyler said.

"Yeah umm... I think I'm not gonna keep these photos .. But thanks for asking me if I wanted to." I said to Jaden.

"You sure you don't want a memory of me ?" Tyler added .

"..... no I don't .." I said to Tyler as I was leaving.

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