Ch. 1

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Reader's POV

I finally done it...I finally done it! I finally made a portal out of this shit hole they call a country. I can finally leave for Bygone Island. All those years our hair pulling science and failed attempts, it finally works. Being a very intelligent and very irritable girl, I figured out why all my past attempts failed. That one last piece was missing and I found it.

You may be asking, why Bygone Island? Well, A) I'm a Sonic fan, B) my life will be full of adventure and C) it's not America.

I looked over at my packed bags that's been there for over a week. I took a look at my lab that I've spent a million hours working on this in. Then, I thought about who I was leaving. My mom and dad think Bygone Island is a boarding school I got a scholar to and my friends and I have drifted apart since I started working on it. However my best friend, (B/f/n), will be both proud and mad at me for actually finishing it. I grabbed my phone from my desk and called them. They were known to never answer their phone when I had important stuff to tell them. But the un-urgent stuff always made them available.

"Hello?" They answered.

"Hey...I did it." I said.

"You finished it?" They asked excitedly.

"Yep, finally." I said.

"So, I guess this is it?" They asked.

"It's not it. It never will be it." I said.
"Best Friends for Life, right?"

"Best Friends for Life." They answered.

"I promise to call whenever I can. In the very likely event that there is no internet, keep my SnapChat streaks please." I informed her. I am very serious about streaks and how long they normally last.

"Sure thing. I'll keep them.". They told me. "Man, I'ma miss you."

"I'll miss you, too. I'll call ASAP." I told them.

"Ok. Bye."

"Bye (B/f/n)."

I ended the call and took a deep breath and realized I would never see (B/f/n) again. I slid my phone into my pocket and grabbed my headphones and  (Fav/c) bag. I put my (Fav/c) jacket on. I took one last glance at my lab and my life on Earth. Man, I'm not gonna miss this place.

I took another deep breath and jumped through the portal. I was in zero gravity for a few brief seconds. Until I felt myself in free fall and saw sunny skies. Then my body moved until I saw an ocean.

Oh shit, I'm going to drown.

I prepared myself to splash in the water and closed my eyes and plugged my nose. I splashed into the water and it was surprisedly warm. I quickly swam for a breath of air and looked around me. I saw a very evil looking island then an island with a beach and snow covering the mountain tops. I then saw my (Fav/c) bag floating away from me and almost sinking. I swam over to it and grabbed it before it completely submerged underwater.

By now, I was extremely out of breath. I mean, I just fell through the air into water. Ok, maybe it could be the fact that I'm not the healthiest eater or the best exerciser. (Who am I kidding? I'm unhealthy AF.) Due to lack of swimming classes I had when I was younger, I only learned how to tred water.

Great, I'm starting to get sleepy now. I yawned and my arms and legs started to get tired. A little rest isn't gonna do anything, right?

I slowly let myself float with my bag in my grasp. I was right on the brink of sleep before I realized one thing...My phone was in my pocket with no protective case. Godfuckingdammit, I know I should've got that warranty. But, at this point, I was passed out and floating in the ocean.

Let me know how I did! *Nice* feedback would be cool. And let me know if I should continue!

*I normally don't do chapters that are under 1000 words (705 words rn) chapters will be longer if I continue.

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