Ch. 28

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"Let me go, you fucking orange!" Ryder yelled.

Ryder is currently being held in a cage on top of a table in Orange Towers by the orange himself. You would think Ryder has rabies by the way he was scratching at the cage.

"I'm not letting you go for one reason." The orange said.

"And the reason is?!" Ryder asked, agitated.

"One, you're going to tell me where your colored rat friends are." The orange said.

"Look, I don't know where they are. If I knew, I still wouldn't tell you." Ryder said and growled at him then sat back and crossed his arms.

The TV was on and Ryder didn't have anything else to do. He turned around to look at the TV. The headline almost killed him.


"W-why?" Ryder asked.

"Why what?" The orange asked.

"Why did you strike Syria?!" Ryder asked. It mixed between anger and confusion.

"Did you forget that they started it with a chemical attack to us?" The orange asked. Ryder growled again. He wished he could break out of the cage and just claw his face apart. But don't we all?


I decided to walk to Amy's to see why she's mad. She can't be that mad. What she thought I did couldn't have been that bad.

Now, I'm in front of Amy's house. I cautiously knocked on her door and quickly got into my best fight stance even though I can't fight for shit. But I wouldn't stand a chance anyway. She has her god-like hammer.

She answered the door and scowled at me.

"Go away." She said, harshly.

"Amy, what did I do?" I asked.

"You tried to kill me and Sticks!" She exclaimed. "What did we ever do to you?"

Let's see. You hit me with your hammer on a few occasions and Sticks won't stop calling me an alien. Those could be valid motives but not enough to kill them.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "I never tried to kill you!"

"Yes you did! Earlier today!" Sticks exclaimed. "Sticks and I saw you at Meh Burger. We called you over and you went murder crazy on us!"

"I was never at Meh Burger today. I sent Sonic and Tails off to (S). Later, they called because they were attacked by crazy fangirls. I think they died because I tried calling back and they never answered. But after that, I took a long nap. After I woke up, I walked to Meh Burger and saw you guys on the ground." I explained in one breath.

"At Meh Burger, Sticks and I saw you. I swear it." Amy said.

"Then, I must have an evil twin running around that I don't know about because I never tried to kill you." I said. "Tell me, how did they try and kill you?"

"She shot beams at me and Sticks and I don't remember past that." Amy said.

"I already spot a problem. I don't have powers! I can't shoot beams or anything like that." I said.

"Then your evil twin did it." Amy said.

"What does my evil twin look like?" I asked.

"Well, she had slightly darker fur than you." Amy started but I interrupted.

"Oh does she?" I asked.

"Yeah, she also had green eyes and no mouth." Amy said. Oh shit.

"My twin had no mouth?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, just the muzzle." Amy said.

"So: darker fur, green eyes and no mouth. I'll look out for her." I said. I bid her goodbye and started walking to the beach.

I'm currently super on edge from an evil twin running around making me out to be a homicidal maniac. If evil twins are running around, then why don't I see Scourge or Miles or Rosy?

I would know if I had a twin. And I'm super sure I would've left her ass back in (S) to suffer. I'm proud to be an only child. And I know I'm the reason why my parents never had another child.

But, any noise that I hear will put me on edge. Like rustling in bushes or twigs snapping. I will yelp then hate myself for getting so scared. But when do I not hate myself?

When I was a few minutes from the beach, I heard numerous twigs snap and a lot of rustling. I looked behind me and scanned the area. Why do I feel so scared for some reason?

When I turned around for the beach I saw...Shadow the Fucking Hedgehog. I yelped and jumped a bit and my anxiety was kicking in.

"What do you want?!" I asked. When I calmed down, I focused on his face. He didn't look right.

Before I could react, he grabbed my wrists. I saw a quick flash of baby blue and was surrounded by darkness. I felt him release his grip on me and I was shoved into a chair and heard chains and locks.

He chained me to the chair. It was pitch black, I couldn't even see a centimeter in front of me.

After a few seconds, a bright light blinded me. When I adjusted, I saw Shadow staring at me. The problem was, there wasn't an inch of red on him. I stared into green eyes instead of crimson...

And no mouth.

I wasn't really sure if I was even gonna update today. I've seen nothing but Syria news today. Kinda made me depressed. But, good news for me: I rounded up a group of eight friends and we're running away to Canada. Nothing bad ever happens in Canada...right? Bye.

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