Ch. 33

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"Now I know why (Y/n) hates it here so much." Sonic said.

"Me, too. People are mean and inconsiderate for others." Tails said.

Sonic and Tails had given up on all hope for finding Ryder and going home. Without the remote, they couldn't go home and have Knuckles and the girls help. And (Y/n) isn't answering her CDC.

"I give up." Tails said.

"Don't give up yet." Sonic said. "Did we give up when we battled Shadow?"

Tails gave him a look that said something a ten-year-old shouldn't be saying.

"Right, but..." Sonic started. "Nevermind. But we can't just give up now."

"Why not? We have no remote. We have no Ryder who has the other remote." Tails said. "Where else would we go?"

"Didn't (Y/n) say she had a portal that started this whole thing?" Sonic asked.

"Yes, but we don't know where it is." Tails answered.

"You may not know but I do." Sonic said.

"How?" Tails asked. "When did she tell you?"

"She didn't." Sonic said. "She's a scientist and works at a lab here. We just find the lab she works at and we go back home."

"Does (S) really have only one lab?" Tails asked.

"Let's look around." Sonic said and grabbed Tails's hand and started running around the city/town.


"And that's why we need to keep Mephiles out of the United States." Shadow said. I was amazed. How could Egghead pull that off? I'll give him props for that.

"How do we stop him?" I asked.

"We keep him from going to your dimension at all costs." He said.

"What if he kills everyone that gets in his way?" I asked.

"Then you and everyone else will die an inferior to me." Shadow said.

"You love to arrogant, don't you?" I asked.

"It's not arrogance." He said.

"It is when you're saying all the victims will be inferior to you when die." I pointed out.

"Did you forget I'm immortal?" He asked.

"You're an immortal that's gonna get his ass beat." I muttered.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing of importance." I said. "Um...can we get out so we can like, save the world or something?"

"Fine." He said. He teleported us out the cave and into a part of the jungle. We started walking east toward the beach.

While walking, Shadow suddenly stopped and walked into a bush.

"What are you doing?" I asked, staring at him. He walked out the bush with my CDC! It was flashing red, which meant it had urgent messages.

"What's this?" He asked while examining it.

"My only communication with Sonic and Tails." I answered and took it from him. "Mephiles took it from me when he left me in the cave."

"Was he trying to impersonate you?" He asked.

"Trying to." I answered. "But he looks similar to me."

"Does he have that idiotic adhesive you have on?" He asked.

'Idiotic adhesive?' What the hell is he talking about?

"What?" I asked. He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"The tape on your arms." He said. Oh yeah! He probably couldn't see the tape from the chains he tied me up with.

"No, I didn't see the tape on his arms!" I exclaimed.

"Then those inferiors you call 'friends' better figure it out." He said.

"I hope." I said and started looking through my CDC. Damn, 5 missed calls from Tails. He has to be pissed. So while I tried calling him, I accidentally went to the call log...M talked to him. Oh no...

"(Y/n)?" Tails asked.

"Hey, Tails." I said. "Look, whoever called you last wasn't me! It was an imposter!"

"Are you sure?" He asked. "She was mean like you and talked like you."

"I can swear that wasn't me! It's all part of Egghead's plan!" I exclaimed.

"(Y/n), we don't have time for Egghead." I heard Sonic say. "We're still trying to find Ryder and a way back home since you won't help us."

"Ok, I know I said that but I need you guys back here, like now." I said.

"But...Ryder was kidnapped was by Animal Control." Tails said.

"What, why?!" I yelled.

"He's a raccoon in clothes walking on two legs." Tails said.

"Don't be a smart-ass." I said. "So, why didn't you guys get caught?"

"We were electrocuted and passed out." Sonic said.

"Oh...And you guys are still alive?" I asked.

"Yep. It wasn't that bad." Sonic said. "But we lost Ryder. They took him in a big truck and drove off."

"Check the pound. That's where they keep the animals." I said. "Anyway, besides Ryder, why can't you com back?"

"Remember? Fangirls stole my belt and Ryder has the other one." Tails said.

"Fine, just call me when you can." I said and hung up to see Shadow glaring at me. "What?"

"That was a mistake sending them there." He said and started walking.

"You're a mistake." I muttered.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing of importance." I replied.

Soon, we arrived at the beach and saw Amy and Sticks unconscious. Not again...

Sorry I haven't updated! The RP book has taken up my life! Plus testing...and I'm mad. My mom went to a fan screening of Infinity War and she's seeing it as I type and I'm at home. Yeah, she's gonna spoil it for me.

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