Ch. 6

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Reader's POV

Shadow noticed the change in my facial expression and looked behind him. Amy had appeared (with that big ass hammer no one knows where she gets it from). Shadow saw her as she ran to knock him out. He teleported to who knows where and she ran right towards me, like she was about to hit me...which she did. But, that bitch can swing. I ended up blacking out and the last thing I heard was Amy's voice.

*Time skip, 2 hours later (5:32)*

I was hearing voices again...

"Are you crazy, Ames? You could've killed her!" I heard Sonic's voice say.

"I didn't mean to hit her. Shadow vanished before I could hit him and it was too late before I swung." Amy said.

"And by 'hit,' you mean 'give her a concussion?'" Tails asked.

"Is it that bad?" She asked.

"No, she's fine. She just needs to rest. I told Sticks and Knuckles what happened and they're bringing gifts for her." Tails answered. I started opening my eyes and a blue, pink and yellow blur focused into Sonic, Tails and Amy. I was in Tails's couch in his house again.

"W-What happened?" I asked.

"Amy tried murdering you." Sonic said.

"Did not! I accidentally hit you with my hammer and you passed out." She explained.

"She really means 'knocked you unconscious.'" Tails said. Amy growled at both of them.

"What happened after that?" I asked, sitting up.

"We fought Shadow and brought you back." Sonic explained. Then, I felt a pulse in my stomach. I held my stomach in pain and groaned.

"Oh no! Did I cause that?" Amy asked.

"Depends. Did you hit me in my stomach?" I asked, meeting my eyes with her. She awkwardly laughed and avoided eye contact with me. She's going down.

"Could you just be hungry?" Tails asked. I shook my head. It probably could be Amy's hammer but I thought it was a harmless PIKO PIKO hammer you win at arcades and it makes a squeaky sound. Since when do children's games become dangerous?

"It's not the h-hammer," I groaned. "It's probably just cramps." (NO, NOT YOUR PERIOD, I'M NOT THAT CRUEL)

"Cramps?" Sonic asked.

"Maybe, I guess I am hungry. I haven't really eaten anything today. Weird, I don't feel hungry at all." I said.

"I'll stop by Meh Burger. What do you like on your burger?" Sonic asked.

"No, don't get Meh Burger. She's hungry, she isn't dying. She's not that desperate for food." Amy said.

"Says the girl who tried to murder her." Sonic mumbled.

"I heard that, mister! I said I was sorry!" Amy yelled.

"Do they always argue like this?" I whispered to Tails.

"Pretty much." Tails answered. How could Tails act normal if they argue like this ALL THE TIME? Maybe I can use his technique for when people I can't stand are talking to me.

So, after a long argument, I told them that I didn't care what I ate. Then, after Sonic went and came back not even three seconds later with a Meh Burger. Just from the looks, I knew why it was called a Meh Burger.

"I know, it doesn't look appetizing. I told him." Amy said.

"I really don't care." I said, grabbing it from his hand. I bit into it and I was surprised.

"How is it?" Tails asked.

"It's decent." I said and took another bite. I mean, it wasn't Burger King or Wendy's good, but it was decent. Then, while I was eating, all their communicators went off simultaneously.

"What, Knuckles?" Amy asked.

"Well, we have a situation in the village." Knuckles said.

"What's wrong? Is it Eggman?" Tails asked.

"No, not him." Knuckles said.

"I can't really explain it. You guys have to see it." Knuckles said.

"Ok, we're on the way." Sonic said. "(Y/n), stay here. We'll be back."

"How did that work out last time?" I asked and crossed my arms. They all exchanged looks then looked back at me.

"Fine, you can come." Sonic said. I smiled and got up and followed them to the village.

I saw little buildings and businesses and people running them. When we turned a corner, I saw a really tall red echidna looking worried. We walked over and looked at what he was looking at. What the hell is that?

This is a really sucky cliffhanger and chapter in general. I'm having extreme writer's block right now. Comment ideas on what everyone saw. Bye!

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