Ch. 2

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Reader's POV
Where the hell am I? I'm laying down and I can hear voices. But those voices...they can't be who I think they are. They just can't. Maybe I drowned and my brain is replaying for seven minutes like they said. Maybe five minutes of that is me laying in bed constantly watching Sonic Boom.

"Is she dead?" A female voice asked. "Because if she is, I don't want her in my house."

"She's not dead. I checked her pulse before I brought her back." Another feminine voice said.

"Just to be sure, bring that needle in here." A male voice said. What the hell? I'm deathly afraid of needles. There's no way in hell I'm being stuck with a needle. I immediately jerked up at that and opened my eyes. Ok, I have to be dead. It can't be them.

"Are you alright?" The male asked.

Sonic the fucking Hedgehog is talking to me. I looked around and saw Tails and Amy, too. I pinched myself without looking but that didn't work. Ok, I'm not dreaming and I'm not dead. I'm actually on Bygone Island with them.

"Are you ok?" He asked again. I nodded and looked around. I think I'm in Tails's place.

"I'm f-fine." I answered. To think of it, I'm actually half freaked out and half happy. I mean, I'm happy it worked and I'm here but actually being around fictional characters made me rethink my life a bit.

"What's your name?" Amy asked.

"(Y/n) (L/n)" I answered. They all looked at me weird.

"What's a (L/n)?" Tails asked.

"That's my last name." I told them.

"So it's not (A/s)?" Sonic asked. I gave them a weird look.

"Why (A/s)?" I asked.

"Because that's what you are." Amy answered, hesitantly. I quickly unzipped my jacket and took it off. Turns out instead of my hairless (S/c) arms, they turned (Fur/c) along with my hands. I couldn't see how my legs or feet turned out because I was wearing jeans. To be honest, I didn't think me turning into a (A/s) would work. I guess I am a (A/s) I thought.

"Y-Yeah. I'm (Y/n) the (A/s)." I answered. They all gave me uneasy looks. They think I'm crazy, I know it.

"Where are you from?" Tails asked.

"That's a long story." I answered. How am I gonna explain why I left and how they're all famous in my world?

"We got time." Amy said. Ha, they think they have time to listen to me when Eggman could attack at~Oh my fucking gosh, an explosion just happened. I'm glad I don't have to pour out my feelings to these guys now.

"Was that just an explosion?" Tails asked.

"Yeah, we better head over there. (Y/n), stay here. We'll be back later." Sonic told me. I nodded and they left. As I got my bearings together, I remembered my phone. I got it out my pocket and looked at the monstrosity. After cracking it, dropping it in water and now this, it's ruined. Dead. I groaned as I shook it and a few drops of water leaked out the ports. I frowned then noticed something in the glass. I saw my reflection and I didn't have a human face. I had a (A/s) face.

I was a (Fur/c) (A/s). I had a (S/c) muzzle/beak and (e/c) eyes. I gotta admit, I look better than my human self. But, my (H/h/c) hair went to (H/a/c). Holy shit, I couldn't believe I was a fucking (A/s).

When I finished looking at my animal self, I was startled by the loud knocking at the door. Back already I asked myself. Nope, it wasn't Sonic, Amy and Tails. Orbot and Cubot busted in with the use of a robot bug of Eggman's. I widened my eyes in fear and I leapt off the couch I was laying on and to another room. Then I remembered Tails's house didn't have separate rooms. Goddammit, Tails. I had to think fast. I know Orbot is pretty intelligent while Cubot...never mind.

"Stop, you (A/s)!" Cubot shouted. I thought of the nearest thing to use as a weapon, as the bug was coming for me. I grabbed a hard cover science book from a table and smashed the bug into pieces. Just like in (S) when I smashed dozens of other bugs.

"Dang, she's smart!" Cubot said to Orbot.

"Surrender or you'll be taken by force." Orbot said. They slowly moved toward me and I needed another idea. There was nothing within my grasp to fight them off. But then again they are harmless robots, what can they do?...Instead of kidnapping me?

Ok, I need a plan. I looked down and noticed my shoes didn't look to bad. I took my left one of and held it like I was gonna hit them. They moved back a little.

"Don't hit us!" Cubot shouted then hid behind Orbot. He then turned to Cubot with a serious look.

"Cubot, a shoe isn't going to do any~" He explained before I threw my shoe at him. He immediately dropped and powered off. That can't be considered murder. I can't be accused of murder. Not again. Cubot and I looked at Orbot then at each other. I cocked my head to the side and smirked at him with a look like 'You want some?' He then ran away, I assume back to Eggman, yelling and screaming. I tried not to laugh at him while I grabbed my shoe and put it back on. Now, what do I do with the body?

Amy's POV
False alarm, I guess. But explosions are no accidents. Tails flew around in the X-Tornado while Sonic ran around the island. Both reported there was nothing suspicious. Weird.

We all met up and walked back to Tails's house. But we saw the weirdest thing: Cubot running while yelling and screaming.

"Cubot, what's wrong?" Tails asked.

"Orbot and I were gonna kidnap that girl but she killed Orbot and I don't wanna be next." He said.

"Let me get this straight, (Y/n) killed Orbot?" Sonic asked.

"She had good reason to. They were gonna kidnap her." I said.

"Murder isn't ok though, Amy." Tails said.

"Self defense is ok. I'm pretty sure Cubot is overreacting. (Y/n) doesn't seem like the type of girl to kill anyone." I argued back.

"How did (Y/n) kill Orbot?" Sonic asked, using the word kill loosely.

"She threw her shoe at him! I'm too young to die! There's things I haven't done yet!" He yelled.

"Like what?" Tails asked.

"Stuff, okay?!" He yelled. Then, he continued running away. We all exchanged looks and hurried back to Tails's house.

When we got back, we saw the door wide open. We walked in and I was proven wrong: (Y/n) had killed Orbot.

Yay! Another chapter done! Normally my chapters will go from 1000-1500 (1156 rn) depending on how much I have. See ya later!

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