Ch. 37

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"You can call me his evil twin." A voice that sounded exactly like Shadow's said.

'Project M.' Shadow thought.

"Hmm, the colored rats have guts. But I sort of knew that. It would've been too easy to kill them on the first try." M said.

"What are you doing here?" (Y/n) asked, bravely.

M then morphed into his (Y/n)-form.

"Just a family reunion." He answered, in his (Y/n) voice as he walked closer to them.

"Shadow...any plans?" Amy asked.

"Just one...Fight." He said and immediately started for M. M smirked and teleported away, which sent Shadow into the cave wall.

He quickly recovered and looked all over the cave.

"He got away." Shadow stated, growling.

"He couldn't have gotten that far." Sticks said.

"How far is 'far,' exactly?" Knuckles asked.

"He's probably still on the island is what she means." Amy answered.

**?? AND ??**(S)**A LOT EARLIER**

"Jade, I still don't know why you took Tails's tool belt." Sydney said.

Jade and Sydney were among the 'crazy fangirls' who ambushed Sonic and Tails in the abandoned building. Sydney found it weird that Jade took Tails's belt, as she was wearing a blue shirt.

"Better than nothing." Jade responded.

"I guess the other girls took all of Sonic's stuff?" Sydney asked, teasingly.

"One of the girls took his scarf!" Jade exclaimed. "That's the best thing about him!"

"His sports tape?" Sydney asked.

"It was basically waxing off his fur. I didn't want to cause him harm." Jade replied.

"Right." Sydney said.

"So where's your souvenir?" Jade asked.

"I didn't get one." Sydney answered.

"Why?" Jade asked.

"Shadow wasn't with them." Sydney answered and gestured to her black and red shirt.

"Of course." Jade replied, rolling her eyes.


The girls walked back to Jade's house and up to her room.

"Hey, what's this?" Jade asked as she unlatched the remote from his tool belt.

"It looks like a remote." Sydney answered and laid down on Jade's bed.

Jade examined the remote carefully.

"Tails probably made this." Jade said.

"No shit, it was on his tool belt." Sydney answered.

"What do you think it does?" Jade asked.

"I don't really care unless it brings Shadow here." Sydney answered.

Jade pressed the big red button. You would think that's the destruct button. That is such an Eggman move. Tails isn't that stupid.

Instead, a portal opened, like it should onto Jade's floor. She dropped the remote while Sydney shot up from Jade's bed. Both of them had looks of amazement and fear.

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