Ch. 22

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Reader's POV

So after their little heist, they all got what they needed to get to make another remote.

Right now, I'm making the myself in Tails's workshop with Tails. Why isn't Tails helping? He's looking at those stupid books he took.

"Tails?" I asked over to him.

"Shh!" He responded back to me. He did not just 'shh' me.

"I'm sorry. Am I interrupting your little reading time?" I asked. It sounded like I cared when I really didn't.

"Kinda, yeah." He said.

"If my shoes were't taped to my feet..." I said. I looked at my sports-taped arms and my shoes. They taped them pretty tight. Now I'm an actual Boom! character.

"(Y/n), you can build it yourself. These books are just so interesting." He said. I growled and kept working on the remote. The entire process was taking a really long time since only one person bothered to work on it.

After another hour, I finished the remote. And Tails's finished reading his second book. I saw him open up another one to a random page and gasped.

"(Y/n)!" He shouted.

"I don't care about your stupid books." I responded.

"Seriously! Come here!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes and walked over to his space. He was looking at a page in the book. But the page didn't even fit into book. It looked like it was shoved into the book so the page could hide.

The page had a sketch of a hedgehog that looks like Shadow but with notes scribbled everywhere. The notes were about improvements or adjustments. But at the top of the page stood out to me the most.

Project Mephiles

"What is 'Project Mephiles?'" I asked Tails. "And why does he look like Shadow?"

"I have no idea. This must be Eggman's plan." Tails said.

"Making Shadow clones. Yeah, that'll work." I said, sarcastically. "But why make a clone when he could get the original?"

"Remember Shadow doesn't like him. Or anyone in general." Tails said.

"Oh yeah." I said.

"I'll get the rest of the team to help us figure it out." Tails said. He contacted everyone and they all met at his workshop within ten minutes.

"Wait, so what's happening?" Knuckles asked.

"Egghead's making a Shadow clone." I answered.

"Why a Shadow clone? Why not a clone of me?" Sonic asked.

"Because Metal Sonic is a piece of junk. Plus, it's made like it's an improved Shadow." Tails answered. Amy looked over the page and did what Tails and I didn't do. She flipped the page and saw the back.

"Did you guys see this?" She asked.

"See what?" Tails asked. Amy showed us the back. On that side, there were just a bunch of notes. As usual, there were about improvements and upgrades. However, the page had no title.

"Probably more notes." Tails said.

"Hold on, I'm lost." Sticks said. "Did Eggman make a Shadow alien clone?"

"Seems like it." I answered.

"Who knew Egghead could create artificial life?" Tails asked.

"Maybe it's that unnamed element." Amy said.

"Good thing I destroyed that place. Now he can't finish Project Mephiles." Tails said. I don't know why, but I just had a bad feeling about this entire thing.


The window of opportunity is closing. Eggman had to finish Project 'M' before it was too late. But, it's his fault he wasn't working on it much. He was keeping the 'rats' out the way so they wouldn't suspect anything.

Seeing (Y/n) falling from the portal and land in the water made him think.

Why is she warping through portals when she claims she's from an island? Why do they call it a country? Why do they have such a big island?...Did she come from (S), USA?

He mentally cheered. When she said it was such a horrible country, he knew she was from US. He keeps up with the news from there. Humans eating laundry detergent and the possible nuclear war. He knew all about it. He knew that's what she was complaining about. But he wanted to know how she knew how to make a functioning portal.

He walked back into the destroyed lab and looked back at Project 'M.' So far, the plan is working well.

"Don't worry, M. Solaris will happen soon. I can promise you. Iblis is doing his job quite well. Once you develop more, I'll send you to Iblis. Destroying the United States is taking longer than I thought. But, a certain human-(A/s) hybrid did us a favor." Eggman said.

Project M is only a few months old, 10 weeks actually. The process isn't like how human babies develop. He is two thirds away from being fully developed. After it turns 15 weeks, Project M will be fully grown and the only thing left to do is to be reunited with Iblis.

***Later, 10:43PM***

Project M was resting, like he has been for 10 weeks. However, for the first time, he opened his eyes. He had a red sclera and green pupils. He moved his head and looked around the lab and at the other colored fetuses.

After getting a feel for his surroundings, he remembered a certain male voice.

Hello, your name is Project M. My name is Dr. Eggman. I'm your creator.

Project M also remembered mentioned names, such as Solaris and Iblis and 'rats.' He also remembered times where Eggman was uttering phrases such as 'time travel' and 'shapeshifting.' About shapeshifting, he could turn into different forms of matter like liquids and gases.

Project M was made with an element (similar to Chaos Control) that allowed him to time travel. It also made him very intelligent, being half of Solaris.

He knew what he's capable of and how he could use and control his powers. He wanted to try shapeshifting first. He instantly turned into a black liquid. You could tell another mass was in the tank based off the black liquid in a dusty baby blue liquid filled tank. In his liquid form, it just moved in place.

Just a FYI, I will NOT be active all of Saturday (April 7th, 2018) and Sunday night (April 8th, 2018). I have a family day Saturday. If you read my bio, you would know I'm a raging wrestling fan. And Wrestlemania is Sunday so yeah, I'm not missing that. (Don't start with that 'wrestling is fake' shit with me. I'm not the person to tell that to.) However, I will be writing. Just for future use and to save on an A/N, thank you for 800 reads! Comment, follow, share, vote and all that shit. Bye!

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