Ch. 23

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I'm back! I have a 2hr+ drive so I'll spend it writing.


Eggman went to check on Project M the next morning. He walked into the lab and saw only dusty blue water and some type of black liquid floating around. He started panicking.

Where is Project M? Did those rats take him? Did the yellow rat liquidize him?

He inspected the tank and widened his eyes. The black liquid started swimming around in a swirl. The liquid then started coming together and reformed Project M. Eggman caught his breath from his panic/anxiety attack.

"M, how did you figure out how to shape-shift into a liquid?" Eggman asked. "You aren't finished developing."

Project M narrowed his eyes at the man. He remembered his voice. He hated his voice.

"M, you have to rest. You need to develop more." Eggman said. M tilted his head to the side a little and still stared at Egghead.

"I will not develop at the hands of a fool." Project M responded. However, M had no mouth. But his muzzle still moved as if he had one.

"M, rest now." Eggman said in a threatening voice. M narrowed his eyes again.

"I will not rest until I am united with Iblis and Solaris is the God of Destruction." M responded.

"Technically, Beerus is the God of Destruction so..." Eggman said.

"Enough!" M yelled. "I will not wait any longer for Solaris to be united."

"It doesn't matter. Iblis is in the United States. There is a way to get there but I don't have access to it." Eggman explained.

"Who does?" M asked. "Is it those colored rats you complain about?"

"It's a female who hangs around them." Eggman answered.

"Who is this female?" M asked.

"I don't know her name at the moment, but~" Eggman started but M interrupted.

"Who is this female?" M asked again, but raised his voice this time.

"She's a (Fur/color) (A/s)." Eggman answered, defeated. "She's somewhere on Bygone Island."

"Perfect." M said. Next thing Eggman knew, he saw M dissolve into the black liquid. The black liquid then sank to the bottom and through the thin cracks of the tank. Eggman looked down to see the black liquid around his shoes. He quickly stepped out of it and M returned to his normal red-eyed form.

"M, the plan! It isn't~" Eggman started.

"It isn't reliable. You know what the plan is? It's taking too long. I'm tired of resting. Solaris is happening whether you want it to or not." M said. Then, M turned into a gas and floated out the lab and out of the lair. Being a dark organism meant for evil, he naturally burnt from the sun.


Tails and Sonic went back to (S) to get Ryder. Tails had programmed the remote and was being sent off by (Y/n).

"I'm letting you guys know now. If you break the remote in (S), you fix it in (S). Don't expect me to build another remote or have the girls come in after you." (Y/n) said.

"We'll be fine." Tails assured.

"How hard is it to grab a walking and talking raccoon?" Sonic asked.

"It'll be hard if someone else grabbed him before you guys." (Y/n) answered.

"We'll find him." Tails said. "Plus, I made a cross-dimensional communicator."

He handed (Y/n) a (Fav/c) band that looked like a watch. However, the face that was supposed to be the watch was a touchscreen. (Y/n) could answer or make calls on it. It also has other features embedded into the system, too.

"Cross-dimensional?" (Y/n) asked.

"It means we can communicate to each other even if we are not in the same dimension. I made sure the voice quality was good no matter where I am in the dimension." Tails said.

"Those stupid books paid off, didn't they?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yep." Tails said. He pressed a button and opened (S) in a portal. (Y/n) recognized it to be a park she often went to before she started working on the project.

"Remember, I'm not saving you guys." (Y/n) reminded them.

"We'll be fine." Sonic said and jumped through the portal into the park. Tails gave a small wave and jumped through. The portal closed which left (Y/n) all alone...well, almost alone.

(Y/n) walked out of Tails's workshop and started for the beach. Her route there has a few bushes along the way. A certain black gas was following her from a distance. That particular route is also shady so he wasn't burnt as much as he was in the sun.

The black gas turned into M and started walking quietly behind her.

The fool did say she was a (Fur/c) (A/s).

He kept following her until they were in a secluded part of the beach. He started burning up again so he had to be quick. He eyed her shadow and remembered his 'better' plan. He sank into the ground and started for her shadow.

(Y/n), being super unaware of her surroundings, didn't notice or even feel anything wrong around her. When M was close enough, he absorbed her shadow. After, he rose from the ground in (Y/n)'s form. There were some slight differences.

M's version of (Y/n) had slightly darker (Fur/c) fur and instead of (E/c) eyes, he had green eye slits. The clothes were somewhat the same. But instead of the (Fav/c) shirt and (Fav/c) bottoms, the shirt was changed to a dusty blue and the bottoms were black. And he had no mouth at all.

(Y/n) continued walking to the beach, not even noticing her shadow was stolen. M had started walking the other way toward town. He remembered 'the fool' complained about a pink rat and a brown-ish rat. They are his first targets.

Yay, another chapter done. Honestly, I fell asleep about half a hour into the drive and woke up at home. Now I have to finish homework that should've been done Friday. But, family days are more fun than homework. Comment, share, follow, vote and all that shit. Bye.

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