Ch. 15

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Reader's POV

So, it's been a few days. I finally pushed Ryder in the portal in his sleep. I guess he's still sleep because he has yet to come back. Like, I pushed him, with the help of Knuckles and Sonic, in the portal two days ago. I remembered what Tails said about a few minutes there are hours here. I just hope he didn't trap himself there. Unless he can turn himself back into a human, he's stuck like a raccoon.

I guess Team Sonic misses him because they won't stop asking me to get him.

"Please (Y/n)!" Knuckles begged.

"I told you guys, no!" I yelled at them. "If you guys miss him so much, why don't you go get him?"

"Because he has the remote." Tails answered.

"Make another one." I told him.

"It's not that simple. All the supplies for the first two remotes are gone. The store is completely out of it." Tails explained. I groaned and buried my face in my hands.

"Guys, I will not repeat myself. I'm not going back. You guys find another way to get him. Or, have you thought that he possibly doesn't want to be rescued?" I asked. That was a possibility. Yeah, he had a bad family situation and no friends but it was more than what I had.

"Don't you think if he wasn't coming back, he would've told us?" Amy asked.

"He's confusing like that." I answered.

"Maybe Eggman has some parts we could use." Tails said.

"Don't you mean, parts you can steal?" I asked.

"(Y/n), we don't steal. We just simply take it without permission." Sonic said.

"Do you plan on returning the parts?" I asked. Sonic scoffed.

"Of course..." He started. I smiled, at least he was honest. "Not." He said. I facepalmed. That was too good to be true.

"Well, you can go steal parts to return to that horrible world. I'm going for a walk on the beach." I said and started walking. After a few seconds...

"(Y/n)!" I heard Amy yell. I stopped and stomped my foot in anger. I can't have one fucking second to myself.

"What?" I asked.

"Will we be normal when he go get him?" Amy asked. Oh, right.

"No. You would have to use the program on my computer to turn into humans. Even when I went back, I was a(n) (A/s)." I answered. "It's not like people will be scared of mis-colored animals."

"What colors are hedgehogs in your world?" Amy asked.

"And foxes?" Tails asked.

"And echidnas?" Knuckles asked.

"And badgers?" Sticks asked.

"Well, hedgehogs are brown last time I saw one. Foxes are red and are actually bigger than hedgehogs, echidnas and badgers. Echidnas, I think are brown. Then, badgers are brown, too." I said.

"Wait, so in your world, I would be taller than Sonic?" Tails asked.

"I don't know if size will happen in my world. But, foxes in my world are bigger than hedgehogs." I said.

"Cool!" He exclaimed.

"Well, they also don't have two tails. Just one." I mentioned.


So, I realized telling Tails that was a mistake. It took a while to calm him down. I guess he really likes his tails. Hell, that's why we call him Tails. I think the reason may be if he only has one tail. He would just be called 'Miles' and I heard how much he hates being called that.

"Tails, it's fine. No animal in my world has two tails, unless it has a serious problem." I assured him. "But here, that's what makes you special." He wiped his tears and sniffled.

"T-thanks (Y/n)." He told me.

"You're welcome, Tails." I told him. You guys have no idea how long and how many tears he cried. You know, it may be my fault because I said it was a problem. But, his Tails are probably why he has so many *fangirls. It really didn't help when everyone abandoned me to deal with him. Here's how it went:

When Tails was crying on my shoulder...

"Aren't you gonna help me?" I asked, whispering.

"You started it." Sonic said and they all quickly left.

That's really all that happened. After I calmed Tails down, I saw them hanging out near the beach.

"Do you guys have any idea how much he cries?" I asked them.

"Yeah, we have a rule," Amy started, "whoever makes him cry, deals with him."

"Does that happen so often that there's a rule?" I asked.

"More often than you would think." Sonic said.

Sorry for being so inactive. With spring break coming up, my mind's been on that. Plus, I just got inspired to write this so. Also, over spring break, I will be active. I won't publish everyday but it'll be within a few days of each other. Vote, share, comment, follow and all that shit. Bye!

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