Ch. 35

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Ryder had no idea if he could trust the orange or not. The orange was known to be offensive...and kinda a liar so...

Ryder sat in the cage, somewhat regretting the choice of trusting the orange with that information. Like, if he dies, at least he'll die with friends. But then the world could probably be taken over easily. Ryder does have faith in the girls and Knuckles but...

About an hour later, he was startled by the door suddenly opening. He turned so he faced the door and saw the three men who were part of 'Animal Control following the orange. The blond and bald one had held bodies in their arms.

"Asshole! You killed them!" Ryder yelled.

"Relax, raccoon." The orange said. "The rats are alive. I made sure of it."

"Prove it." Ryder growled and crossed his arms. The blond one, that was holding Sonic, shook him and Sonic started groaning. Ryder growled to himself for getting them in the position they're in now.

"See?" The orange asked. "He's alive."

"I can see that." Ryder growled. The two 'Animal Control' men dropped the bodies straight on the ground. Both the boys started groaning and were conscious.

"Now, I made my promise...Here's when I double-cross you." The orange said and had both the 'Animal Control' men close and lock the doors.

"Asshole!" Ryder exclaimed. "What are you doing?!"

"Double-crossing you." The orange answered. "Duh."

By this time, Sonic and Tails were somewhat awake and heard the conversation.

"Wait, who are you?" Sonic asked, groggily.

"That's the orange (Y/n) talked about." Ryder answered, growling. Sonic widened his eyes and got into his fighting stance as Tails got to his feet.

"Man, (Y/n) does not like you." Tails added.

"A lot of people don't like him, Tails." Ryder said.

"Here's one reason, why'd your goons take Ryder?" Sonic asked.

"I'll do you one better," Tails started, "why'd your goons take us?"

"I'll do you all one better," Ryder started, "how are you double-crossing us?"

"I know you're all here to prevent Solaris and I won't allow that." The orange answered.

"Solaris?" All three boys asked.

"Wait, do you guys know what Solaris is?" The orange asked.

"No idea. But something tells me we should." Sonic said.

"Too bad you never will." The orange said.

"And by that, you mean...?" Tails asked. The orange rolled his eyes and walked toward the men.

"Jesus Christ, Tails, he's gonna kill us!" Ryder blurted out and immediately regretted it.

"I wouldn't use 'kill'...more like exterminate." The orange said and whispered to the men.

"Oh no, we have to get to Bygone Island!" Sonic exclaimed. Ryder realized what he said and started shushing them.

"Hey Ryder, do you still have your remote that lets you cross from here to Bygone Island?" Tails asked. Ryder shushed him more, urging him to shut the fuck up.

"Do you at least know where (Y/n)'s lab is so she can change you back into a human?" Sonic asked.

"OH MY GOD, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Ryder shouted. The orange turned around and faced Ryder.

"So the raccoon lied..." The orange said. "...Take him to the lie detector."

"The hell you are!" Ryder growled. Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything because he's still in the cage. The men walked over to grab the cage.

Sonic whispered something to Tails and he nodded.

"Got it." Tails whispered back.


So Shadow and I (really just Shadow) took Amy, Sticks an Knuckles to a safe place. That safe place was his cave after we (also really just Shadow) moved all the rocks out the way. Why not Amy's house or Sticks's burrow? It would be considered breaking in and entering.

I swear, Shadow is so impatient. I told him that they'll wake up when they do but no! I gave them ten minutes to wake up before I let Shadow have his way.

When I had my way, I gently shook them. No response. I shook them again. No response. So I let Shadow take over. Man that was a fucking mistake.

At first, I thought he was gonna beat them in their sleep but he was...gentler than what I thought he would be. He gently kicked their stomachs and they all started waking up.

After they all woke up, the girls and Knuckles explained what they experienced. I guess M was impersonating me because Knuckles freaked out when he saw me.

After they explained what they saw, they asked why Shadow and I are together. They probably think that Shadow and I are dating...Now I know how Sonic and Amy feel when I tease about SonAmy.

But after explaining why Shadow is with me, we went into some detail about what Mephiles plans to do. We didn't explain everything, just the main stuff.

"So explain why we can't open a portal." Knuckles said.

"Even if we could open a portal, we can't. Then we'll risk Mephiles going into the real world and taking that world over." I explained.

"Then how will Sonic and Tails and Ryder get back?" Amy asked.

I lowered my ears and in sadness.

"That's the point, female. To guarantee that Iblis and Mephiles don't unite, no one crosses from here to there or vice versa." Shadow said.

"But, the boys..." Amy said but trailed off.

"It's the only way to be sure." Shadow said.

"Do they at least know?" Sticks asked.

"Yes, they know what you know, the main parts. But before we could tell them who Iblis was, the CDC disconnected on his end." I said.

"Well, who is Iblis?" Knuckles asked.

"Iblis is~" Shadow started but stopped. He looked like he was staring at something so I looked his way and gasped. The girls and Knuckles saw my expression and turned, too.

"Shadow, you never told us you had a twin." Amy whispered.

"That's because I don't." Shadow answered.

"Then who is that?" Sticks asked. The figure started walking towards us. I could see it's silhouette and it looked a hell of a lot like Shadow's...

But when light shone on it, there were light blue-ish streaks and green eyes. He looked exactly like Shadow, just no red anywhere.

"You can call me his evil twin..."

So I'm making a promise to myself now that I'm done with testing. I will update a lot more often. I can't update once a day like I used to. Honestly, I got lazy after I called that break last month. Like, instead of updating every four days to a week, it'll be updated every 1-3 days.

Also, I decided to call off the contest. Only one person entered and made a masterpiece. AsuniTheCat ! Congrats! I'll PM you for additional stuff.

Also, I made a Tumblr! Same account name @SydTheHedge (NO PERIOD). I recently took up drawing and I want to try something (that isn't original). You can ask me stuff and I'll draw responses.

Bye until later.

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