Ch. 8

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Reader's POV

"So when do we start?" Tails asked.

"Tomorrow?" I suggested. After all the shit that happened today, I need at least 24 hours of rest before I can involve myself in anymore stuff.

"Tomorrow? Where do I go until tomorrow?" Ryder asked. I placed my hand on my chin and thought.

"Anyone willing to let Ryder crash for a night?" I shouted, hoping someone was nice enough. Either everyone looked down, tried to look busy or simply shook their head 'no.' Some 'nice' people they are.

"He can crash with me." I heard a male voice shout. Everyone except me and Ryder gasped and I looked in the direction that the voice came from. It was Sonic. Who knew? Well, I obviously did because I recognized his voice but whatever.

"Thanks, Sonic." I told him. He nodded.

"And (Y/n), you can crash with me." Amy said. I smiled but on the inside...I was terrified. Who wouldn't? She has a fucking hammer. One wrong move and I'm her new punching bag.

"Wait, wait, wait. I'm lost." Knuckles said. We all looked at him.

"What's wrong, Knux?" Tails asked.

"If your portal-thingy didn't close when you went through it, did it close when Ryder went through it?" Knuckles asked. I thought for a second and realized something. If it didn't close when I left, it probably didn't close when Ryder left. If it's still open, anyone could...Oh my fucking gosh.

"Knuckles! You're right!" I yelled. "Ryder! When you go back, you have to shut that thing off! I can't be responsible for bringing random beings from another dimension here."

"I'm just an assistant there. I have no idea how to shut that thing off." Ryder explained.

"I can write down instructions so you can shut it off." I said.

"Why can't you do it yourself?" He asked.

"Because I'm not going back." I responded sternly. He knew how much I hated America. He knew how much I hated it there.

"I know we can't really judge on what America is like, but think about it. You can never go back." Amy said.

"That's why I built this. That's why I'm here. I want to live where I'm happy to say where I'm from without sly comments or stereotypes." I said. I wanted to say more but they wouldn't get it. I sighed and kept my cool. "Whatever, I'm tired."

"Fine, let's go." Sonic said, obviously catching I didn't want to argue anymore.

*As we all walked back to our respective places...*

"So, (Y/n)?" Sonic asked.

"What?" I snapped back, still slightly upset.

"When you said we're fictional characters..." He started.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Does that mean we have fangirls?" He asked. I stopped in my tracks and I tried not to laugh. I covered my mouth and started snickering. I found this extremely hilarious. Of course it would be Sonic who asked that. They all looked at me worried and I stopped laughing.

"What?" I asked, panting, because I suffered that laugh attack.

"Why are you laughing? I just asked if we have fangirls." Sonic said.

"No, you wanna know if you have the most." I stated.

"So we do have fangirls." Sonic said.

"Yes, you guys have fangirls." I said, panting lightly.

"So who has the most?" He asked. I was about to answer truthfully but closed my mouth. He looked at me and smirked as he walked towards me and wrapped his arm around me. What the fuck, Sonic? Ever hear of personal space?

"I get it, you don't want Tails or Knux upset at me for having the most fangirls." Sonic whispered to me. "Also Amy would probably freak."

"You don't have the most fangirls." I told him, not whispering. He gave me an offended look and took his arm from around me.

"Then who does?! Tails?!" He yelled. I shook my head no. "Knux?!" Shook my head no. "I swear if it's Eggman..." He said with a lowered voice. I started gagging.

"No! Not Egghead!" I yelled, clutching my stomach.

"Then who?!" He yelled. By this time, Tails, Knuckles and Amy were staring at him with disappointed looks.

"You really want to know?" I asked.

"More than anything!" He yelled. Amy then walked over to me and put her arm around my shoulder. What is with them and invading personal space?

"You know what? Don't tell him. What he doesn't know can't hurt him." She said, facing me but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"But he knows too much." I said back.

"She's right! I know too much! I need to know!" He yelled.

"But you're gonna think I'm lying." I told him.

"No, I won't. I'll believe you 100%!" He yelled. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Fine. I'll tell ya." I said, tiredly. "Shadow has the most fangirls." I said. Everyone except mine and Ryder's jaws dropped.

"I don't believe you." Sonic stated.

"Me either." Tails said.

"It's true. He has the most fangirls." I said.

"Why him?" Amy asked.

"Don't ask me. Ask all his fangirls." I remarked.

"Are you one of his fangirls?" Tails asked. Shit. I widened my eyes in surprise and avoided eye contact with them.

"This isn't about me." I said, rushed.

"Why does he have more fangirls than me?! What does he have that I don't?!" Sonic yelled. Ok, I was holding back but my tiredness is starting to turn me irritated.

"Chest fur." I said in a sing-song manner with a smirk on my face. His eyes widened in surprise then he started scowling at me. Maybe I was tired, but I had no regrets. I could hear Amy, Tails , Ryder and Knuckles snicker at my remark.

"I'm going home." Sonic growled and started stomping away. I could hear him grumbling words within the lines of 'stupid' and 'chest fur.'

Ok. I'm free of writer's block now! Vote, comment, share, follow and all that crap. Bye!

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