Ch. 3

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Reader's POV
Oh gosh...this doesn't look good. Sonic, Amy and Tails just walked in, a broken robot bug, an unconscious robot and a (A/s) they just met from a place she wouldn't tell them about. Yeah, I'm going to jail.

"What's going on?" Sonic asked.

"It isn't what it looks like!" I shout. "They broke in and I defended myself!"

"So you kill a robot as defense?" Tails asked.

"No, I just threw my shoe at him." I told them, like it was obvious. "Shoes don't kill."

"Then why isn't he moving?" Amy asked.

"I must've just powered him off. It's fine. We just find his power button and we're all good." I said, a little fast and frantically. 

"Ok," Sonic said, uneasy, "Tails, fire up the X-Tornado. We'll take Orbot to Eggman and see how he reacts."

"On it!" Tails said and left. I avoided eye contact with Sonic and Amy because I didn't want to see their reactions to a possible murderer in their friend's house.

***Timeskip, 20 minutes later***

Tails flew us over to Eggman's island. I gotta admit, he's the last character I want to see or meet at all. Since none of us wanted to carry Orbot's "body," we drew straws and well...I lost. I'm not a strong girl but damn, this robot was heavy. Sonic knocked on the door three times and waited for a response. A few seconds later, a million guns and atomic bombs shot out from the side of the house and aimed at us (Despicable Me, anyone?). I'm pretty sure with a press of a button, all of us could be dead. 

"What do you want?!" A low, hoarse voice asked.

"Eggman, we um...have Orbot." Amy said.

"Why do you have Orbot?" Eggman asked.

"Look, can we explain inside?" Sonic asked irritated. I hear a groan that meant 'But I'm too lazy' from Eggman.

"Fine." He said and the front doors opened to us. We all walked inside, me following them. We walked through a few straight hallways and through a few automatic double doors. I guess we got to the main part of the "house" I guess? We saw Eggman staring at a monitor and he looked back at us. He gasped when he saw me with Orbot's "body."

"What did you do to Orbot?!" He asked, yelling. He ran over and took him out my arms and over to a lab table.

"(Y/n) can answer that." Sonic said, trying not to laugh and looking at me. What the fuck, Sonic? You're supposed to be a hero, why are you throwing me under the bus? I gave him a "What the hell did you just do" look. He shrugged.

"Who's (Y'n)?" Eggman asked, not facing us. I took a few steps forward. While my heart was pounding out my chest, I weakly said, "Me." He abruptly looked back at me and growled.

"What did you do to Orbot? Weren't you the girl they were supposed to kidnap?" He yelled at me. I was about to answer but Amy chimed in.

"She used self defense to avoid herself from being kidnapped." Amy said. Eggman shot her a glare that told her "But out" so she stopped and took a few steps back.

"What happened to Orbot?" He asked again.

"Cubot didn't tell you?" I asked.

"I haven't seen Cubot. They were taking too long so I left him and Orbot."

"Well, as self defense," I reminded him, "I threw my shoe at him and he powered off." I said, looking down.

"You threw your shoe at him? How did that power him off?" He asked, now walking over to the table to work on Orbot.

"No idea. But I'm sorry and it won't happen again." I said. But, of course it'll happen again if they try kidnapping me again.

"You're right. It won't." He said before revealing a button from behind his back. He pressed it and a cage fell on me, trapping me. Goddammit.

"Let her go!" Sonic yelled.

"Nope, you guys actually made my plan easier bringing her. I needed a new test subject." Eggman said walking toward the cage. I growled at him and tried scratching at him. He pulled away and I missed.

"I'm not a fu~freaking test subject." I stopped myself, knowing that another word come out. "I've been one, I didn't like it." It was true that I was a test subject in a science class a few years ago. I was voted to be the guinea pig. I don't want to go into details but I never worked with that group again.

"Let her go or else." Sonic said. Him and Tails and Amy (already with her big-ass hammer out) started walking toward Eggman.

"Or else what?" He asked.

"After all the times you lost, you should know how this always end." Amy said. I looked around my cage and noticed how far apart the bars were. Can I squeeze through I asked myself. 

"Oh, but this time it's different, Sonic. This time, I have back up." Eggman said and pressed another button on the remote. The automatic doors that we came though opened and a bunch of smoke emptied into this room. I was shocked at the figure who walked out the smoke and into view.

Who do you think the figure is? Until next time, see ya!

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