Ch. 9

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Reader's POV

So it's the next day. Sleeping over at Amy's wasn't so bad...except for the fact that she kept me up half the night talking about America. Which I didn't want to do, but I was not gonna be pummeled by that goddamn hammer again. Here's just a bit of last night.

*Last night*

"Amy, for the last time, no! I'm not gonna tell the horror that is 2016." I told Amy, while laying on her couch.

"You don't have to tell me everything. Just tell me the worst things." Amy pleaded.

"You don't understand. There were no 'worst things.' Everything was equally bad so there's no list. Plus, once I start, I can't stop." I warned her.

"Please." She begged, making puppy eyes and intertwining her fingers. I rolled my eyes. Damn, I'm a sucker for puppy eyes.

"You got anything to drink?" I asked.


"Because, I need to be good and drunk before I start talking." I answered, taking my feet off the couch.

"I'm a teenager. I don't believe in underage drinking." Amy answered, crossing her arms.

"So the boys never annoyed you so much, you wanted to just have a glass of wine now and then?" I asked, slouching back. She glared at me.

"Red or white?" She asked.

"(Red/White), please." I said. After a few minutes she came back with a glass of (Red/White) wine for me and red wine for her. I took a sip and placed my glass down. "Ok, 2016 started with a gorilla..." I started.

*An hour and two refills later...*

"Then...the orange won! The electoral wanted Hillary to win! The orange won! Right then, America mentally said 'We're fucked.' He didn't take it seriously, too! America voted for a racist, homophobic, sexist orange to represent us!" I basically yelled, while occasionally slurring my words.

"Well, did the orange deliver his promises?" Amy asked, not affected because she barely drank her wine.

"No! That 'I'm gonna build a wall' shit hasn't happened. He's put travel bans, though. Also, he's starting a nuclear war with North Korea! All he does is tweet meaningless 'threats' to Korea's leader! Then, their leader is saying that when they test their bombs, they're gonna test them on us!" I yelled. Amy gasped. "Yeah! I know!"

"Ok, I see why you're here." Amy said.

"Yeah! I didn't even put a dent into 2018! I could talk about all the stuff that already happened, but I'm not gonna." I said. Amy nodded.

*Present time*

That's the last thing I remember before I blacked out. Amy claimed I just passed out after that. What happened last night, the world may never know. What Amy and I know is that I have a raging hangover. The boys better not get on my bad side.

Right now, I'm heading to Tails's workshop where Amy and I are meeting Sonic, Tails and Ryder. I hope their night went better than mine. I'm not saying it was bad. I just don't like the hangover.

When we walked in, Tails waved. "Hey, guys!" He yelled. I immediately covered my ears because when you're hungover, everything is 10x louder than it normally is.

"Hey, guys." I replied, almost at a whisper while walking toward them. I leaned against the table.

"What's wrong with you?" Sonic asked.

" have a bad headache." I answered. I rubbed my forehead and that didn't really help. Then, Ryder gasped.

"You did not!" He yelled. I covered my ears again.

"Ryder." I said, almost whispering.

"Amy, did you make her talk about America?" Ryder asked, whispering.

"I just wanted a list of the bad things. She ranted for an entire hour about everything in order that happened in 2016." Amy said, defenselessly.

"You didn't complain." I said, rubbing my temples.

"You didn't give me anytime to." She remarked.

"Why don't you tell us while we work on the portal back to Earth?" Tails asked.

"Not a good idea. She used very vulgar language to describe it." Amy said.

"Only because I was drunk. I'll watch my mouth around him." I answered back.

"Fine." Amy said.

*Twenty minutes later*

"So, now it's the summer. Now, during this time, innocent black people were being shot and killed by white policemen for no reason. It happened so many times, a movement started called #BlackLivesMatter. For example, a black man and his family are driving right? A white policeman stops him and asks for ID and registration. The guy goes for his ID that's in his back pocket, the cop shoots him. An innocent black guy shot in front of his wife and child." I said while handing tools to Tails.

"That's terrible." Sonic said.

"Not as terrible as Suicide Squad." Ryder remarked*. I chose to say nothing.

"Anyway," I started, "after that, trolls were a thing, too. Making fun of celebrities for no reason."

"Don't forget the shooting." Ryder said.

"Oh yeah. There was a shooting at a bar in a city in a state called Florida." I said.

"Gosh, why was there so much violence?" Tails asked.

"Ask the people who inflicted all the violence." I answered. "But the worst of all was the election race."

"Or the election, period." Ryder stated. I nodded my head.

"True." I responded.

"What was bad about the election?" Sonic asked. Ooh, counting off all the things that went wrong are gonna be fun.

"Endless political commercials, eye-bleeding debates, the news was just about the election and the candidates." I answered.

"Were the candidates decent?" Tails asked. Ryder and I looked at each other and started laughing. Once I caught my breath, I started talking again.

"Are you kidding? They were awful! One was a racist, sexist, homophobic orange with social media and the other one was a liar with an email account." Ryder said.

"Didn't you say an orange was president? Since when do oranges talk?" Tails asked. I buried my face in my hands. Oh Tails, how can you be so intelligent but so stupid at the same time?

"No, he's human. He just has incredibly orange skin." I answered.

"You know what I hated? The clowns." Ryder stated. I widened my eyes at the mention of clowns. They scare the absolute shit out of me.

"Yeah, that was scary." I said.

"Clowns? You didn't mention that last night." Amy said.

"Oh, I must've forgot that. Some idiots thought it was a good idea to dress as scary clowns and kidnap and kill people. It became like a viral thing on the internet where people would 'clown hunt.' But most of them were fake." I said.

"How did they think it was a good idea?" Sonic asked, freaked out.

"Ask the clowns." Ryder answered.

Anyone notice the astrid(*)? If you did, that means "I don't know whether you liked Suicide Squad or not." I didn't put an opinion for the OC because it would've conflicted with some readers sooner or later. I chose never. Also, I have nothing against Amy. She is queen. And, for you Americans, wasn't that a good trip down Memory Lane?...No?...Fine. Bye!

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