Ch. 40

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The ivory hedgehog looked at both (Y/n) and Mephiles, growling at both of them.

"Um...are you ok?" (Y/n) asked, quietly so she wouldn't make him any more mad. He just growled before walking over to her. She walked back until she backed into a tree.

"If I knew Mephiles could split himself, I would've came more prepared." He said.

"What?" She asked. "I'm not him! He's impersonating me!"

"Save it for when you're in Hell." He growled and teleported right in front of her.

(Y/n) saw Mephiles getting up and recovering and took her chance and pointed to him.

"Look, that's him!" She shouted. The ivory hedgehog looked to see Mephiles stumbling but quickly regaining his balance. He pulled off of her and walked over to him.

(Y/n) could see something shining some teal in the hedgehog's hands. She didn't know if it was just his gloves or he was summoning something.

When Mephiles saw the hedgehog approaching him, he only smirked and cocked his head to the side before turning into his natural form.

"Why it isn't my good friend..." He started.

"You! Why are you doing this?!" The hedgehog yelled. The shiny thing in his hands revealed to be some type of weapon because he shot a beam out of the his gloves. Mephiles only dodged it by teleporting to right in front of him.

"Don't believe random strangers." Mephiles replied back. The hedgehog stopped his hands from shining before attempting to choke him. Mephiles happened to teleport away before Silver made contact with him.

(Y/n) stayed near the tree, watching everything before slowly walking toward him. His ears perked up and he turned around, giving her a frown.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm sorry I" He started. "I just...I just want to save my time."

"W-Wh-Who are you?" She asked.

"I am Silver the Hedgehog. I was told by Mephiles that a being named (Y/n) the (A/s) is responsible for uniting Solaris and destroying the world." He explained. "But since it's obviously not you, it had to have been someone else."

She was two seconds away from punching him in the face.

"Start from the beginning." She commanded.

"Well, first..."


Silver the Hedgehog is actually a genetically created and modified 'mutant' created by Torill Robotnik.

In their future, Torill follows in her family's footsteps and becomes the seventh generation scientist and possibly counting.

Her mother, Mirille, would tell the story of how the future ended up in ruin. Torill's great-grandfather, Dr. Ivo Robotnik (Egghead), created two beings called Mephiles and Iblis and they united to create Solaris and destroy both the human world and Bygone Island.

When Solaris took over, Egghead made himself 'king' and married a woman by her will. Three generations later, Torill happened.

Torill was determined to change the past so her future wouldn't be left in ruin. So when she reached adulthood, she gathered some elements that possessed supernatural powers within them. One of the main elements was a rock with a few teal azurite crystals.

After a few months, she had successfully created Silver the Hedgehog. His sole purpose is to prevent the event of Solaris uniting.

After Silver was told his mission, he was given only one object to help him jump through time: the only Chaos Emerald left.

After Solaris destroyed and Egghead took over, the seven Chaos Emeralds were discovered in the lower levels of the Earth. Three generations later, only the green Emerald remained in the family while the others are in unknown places.

Silver, with the green Chaos Emerald, was about to start his journey until a certain black hedgehog with no mouth tricked him into attacking, and possibly killing, the one person who could've beaten Solaris.


"So if we defeat Solaris, your time will be restored?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yes. I and everyone else will live in peace." He answered.

"Well, you obviously can't do this alone." She said. "Wanna meet my team?"

"Sure." He said.

Silver followed her back to the beach to see the others. Silver was shocked to see other humans on Bygone Island. He knew that Egghead lived here before the Solaris invasion but had no idea two other humans live among the animals.

"Hey guys!" (Y/n) yelled to the group as Silver trailed behind her.

The group looked toward them to see her and an...advanced looking hedgehog.

"Before you guys ask anything..." She started and gestured toward Silver. "This is Silver and he's here to help us fight Solaris."

"How do we know he fights with us?" Shadow asked.

"Solaris destroyed my future. My sole purpose is to destroy it." Silver answered. "So, I'm here to help."

So I made Silver act that way in the beginning because I felt he needed that edge. Plus, him playing the 'naïve and gullible' role would not have worked anywhere. Bye.

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