Ch. 17

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Reader's POV

"Tell me this, you little (A/s). Why is Team Sonic here?" Egghead asked. I pretended to look like I don't know what he's talking about. But I'm a bad liar.

"Team Sonic who?" I asked. He sighed annoyingly.

"Don't act stupid! I remember you from the other day! You killed Orbot!" He yelled.

"I was defending myself! They were gonna kidnap me!" I yelled back.

"Um, that was the plan." He said.

"How did you even know about me?" I asked.

"Well, I was retreating from Team Sonic~" He started but I cut him off.

"By retreating, you mean 'you lost and didn't want to die at their hands~'" I started but he cut me off.

"As I was saying," he yelled, "I was leaving back to my island lair and saw you fall out the sky out of some portal."

"Wait, if you saw me falling...into water...deep water...why didn't you save me?" I asked. I get it, your a villain, but you don't just let a body fall into the ocean.

"I assumed you were dead." He answered.

"Yeah, that makes sense. I kill myself and throw myself into water." I said, sarcastically.

"How does that make sense?" He asked. I facepalmed. Man, I'm surrounded by idiots. "But, I needed Orbot and Cubot to kidnap you because I needed to ask you questions about where you came from."

"I'm not talking about that piece of shit country." I told him.

"Language!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes. "But you told me it was an island named (S)." I widened my eyes. Shit! I did say it was an island.

"Yeah. There, we don't call it an island. We call it a country because it's so large." I explained.

"What made it so bad?" He asked. I rolled my eyes again and hit my head on the glass.

"I'm not fucking explaining it again!" I yelled. He tapped on the glass and got my attention. Man, that's annoying. Now I know how fish feel.

"Language! Would you kiss your mother with that mouth?" He asked me.

"I would and have." I snapped back. I can't go one day without cursing. It's a lifestyle. It's not a good lifestyle, but it's one.

"Whatever. Tell me why it's so bad." He pleaded. I crossed my arms.

"Ok, I'll tell..." I started, "...on a few conditions."

"And those conditions are?" He asked.

"First, you free Team Sonic. Second, you give them all the supplies they need." I said.

"Deal!" He exclaimed. "But, Team Sonic isn't in my clutches. But, I'll have Orbot and Cubot find them."

"Yeah, right. I know better than to trust you." I snapped.

"Who's in the tank and who's free?" He asked.

"Who's had karate lessons and who continuously loses to Sonic?" I asked back. He growled and turned away from me and left the room. I growled and kicked my foot on the glass. Then, I noticed I made a mark. I could easily kick it and probably break it. Or, I could scream but that would be too loud.

*Timeskip, five minutes and 100+ kicks later*

So...kicking didn't work. Right now, I'm sitting against the glass facing the door. Why don't you call for Sonic you ask? I'm not a damsel in distress. Well, I thought Tails would've noticed that I was gone. I mean, I mysteriously disappear from his sight? Maybe they noticed and are looking for me. Or they~ What's that sound?

I heard pounding against the door. What or whoever made that sound also left imprints that was visible on my side of the door. Eventually, it stopped for a few seconds and the doors suddenly bust off their hinges. It was Amy!

"Amy!" I yelled and got up.

"Hey (Y/n). How did you end up here?" She asked.

"I was touching stuff I wasn't supposed to and ended up here. Egghead and I had a little chat, though." I said.

"Oh really?" She asked and walked over to my tube. "What was that chat about?"

"Well, about America. But I kinda lashed out and he left." I said.

"How bad was your lash out?" She asked then gasped. "Did you curse?"

I nodded.

"(Y/n), you can't just go around with your dirty mouth." Any scolded me.

"I watch my mouth around Tails." I said with a bit of defense in my voice. "But can you get me out of here?" She noticed the marks from where I was kicking.

"It looks like you can just shatter it from kicking it." She said.

"Exactly. It looks like I can. I've been trying and my foot hurts and my arms and hands hurt." I said.

"How did you get those cuts?" She asked.

"Tails." I said, examining my cuts.

"Yeah, I'll talk to him about that. But meanwhile, cover your face." She said and got ready to swing. I covered my face and turned away while she swung and broke the glass. I carefully stepped out the tube and we both ran to find the rest of the team.

So, when I started the chapter, I was playing Splatoon 2. After my unreliable team lost, I started writing this. Seriously, I feel like I'm on Fortnight carrying my team and WE STILL LOSE. *snickers then starts laughing* Sorry, my friends and I have 'started' this new thing called #FortnightAndChill. Again, we don't know if it's already been done. Anyway, follow, comment, share, vote and all that shit. Bye!

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