Ch. 42

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"What do we do until we get information on Iblis?" Ryder asked.

"We take charge." Sonic insisted. "We will not wait for something that we can do ourselves."

Tails was about to ask something that made perfect sense but decided against it. "Right, Sonic. Let's do this on our own." He said, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Now, we know Iblis is in some kind of disguise." Sonic started.

"Obviously." Ryder said.

"But, he must have a convincing disguise since no one has found him out." Tails added.

"What do you expect humans to do when they see a monster?" Sonic asked.

"Take a picture and post it on Twitter and Instagram." Ryder answered.

Sonic and Tails looked at him with the most confused looks.

"What?" Ryder asked. "Humans will take pictures of everything. Trust me."

"Ok...?" Tails replied. "So, do we check every human in this town?"

"We might have to." Sonic answered. "But that'll take too long."

"What's the quickest way?" Ryder asked.

"The quickest way would've been to use an invention I had. But that's on my toolbelt." Tails answered.

"Ok, second quickest way?" Sonic asked.

"I honestly don't know." Tails said. "Walking up to every human in town would take who knows how long."

"By the way (Y/n) and Shadow tried to tell us, it sounded like they had a name." Ryder suggested.

"Everything has a name." Tails stated.

Ryder only growled. He was done with everything that was happening. It had nothing to do with the US's short comings.

"That's it! I'm getting us back!" Ryder exclaimed and started walking back into the main part of town. Sonic and Tails followed, worriedly.

"Did I say something wrong?" Tails asked.

"No!" Ryder yelled. "I'm not waiting on anyone or anything! We're going back!"

"But Shadow said~" Tails started but Ryder stopped in his tracks.

"Fuck Shadow! Seriously! He's just trying to get rid of us! Especially Sonic!" Ryder shouted, causing attention. The humans walking by them pretended to not see them and minded their own business. "If he really wanted Iblis gone, he would've gotten us more information!"

Sonic wouldn't admit it but Ryder had a point. Him and Shadow weren't friends or acquaintances at all but he would've put that aside if the world's at stake.

"Is it possible Shadow is lying?" Sonic asked.

"If that's true, then (Y/n) is lying with him." Tails said.

"No, (Y/n) doesn't lie." Ryder stated. "Besides, she isn't really good at it. I would know."

"And you're gonna figure it out?" Tails asked.

"Exactly!" He answered and kept walking.

After walking 6 blocks, the boys were walking behind the orange building.

"Why are we back here?" Sonic asked. "Those animal control guys want us dead."

Then, Ryder shocked them by freely without warning jumping into the dumpster. He was now waist deep in it. Ryder was sure what he was looking for was in there.

"Gross, Ryder!" Tails exclaimed.

"Shut up, Tails." Ryder replied, slowly sinking into it.

"How does this get us home?" Sonic asked.

"You'll see." Ryder replied before taking a deep breath and going into the trash.

"If he needed someone to dumpster dive, he should've asked for Sticks." Sonic remarked.

"Sticks wouldn't help him." Tails replied.

"Why not?" Sonic asked.

"She still doesn't trust him and thinks he's an alien." He pointed out. "Plus, how would she get here?"

"Don't make smart-alec questions, Tails." Sonic replied.

Meanwhile, Ryder had no luck looking for that special item: the key. The one of two copies that unlocked (Y/n)'s lab and could get them home. He's been swimming in the garbage for a few minutes and still hasn't found it.

Sonic and Tails have been talking to pass the time but almost got into several arguments.


Shadow and Silver had to brutally beat information out of both Orbot and Cubot. Silver was against it at first but Cubot made a bad choice by calling him a 'pothead.' That immediately made Silver blast a streak of teal at him, deactivating him.

As for Orbot, he was stubborn and refused to be bullied into giving up any information. Shadow and Silver exchanged glances before deactivating him together.

And where is (Y/n)? She didn't care if they used violence or not. Plus, she refused to be involved after Cubot's remark.

Soon, the three were walking among Egghead's walls. Silver was obviously enjoying the lairs of the past while Shadow wished this was over.

"(Y/n), you've been here before." Shadow said. "Where is Iblis's information?"

"If I had that information, don't you think I would've saved it?" (Y/n) asked, sarcastically.

"Please don't argue. We need to focus on Solaris." Silver said. "(Y/n), is what Shadow asked true?"

"Yeah, I've been here before but that was before I knew about Solaris." (Y/n) explained. "But, last time I was here, Tails took back a book and that's how we found out about it"

"What book?" Shadow asked.

"Some geeky science book he found while they were robbing Egghead." She replied.

"Robbing?" Both boys asked.

"Long story." She said. "But the book is back at his workshop."

"Is that book based on everything Solaris?" Silver asked.

"It didn't look like it. A paper of everything Mephiles fell out of it." She answered.

"Take us to it." Shadow commanded.

"So we aren't gonna bother to ask Egghead?" She asked.

"Easy plan. If there is nothing Iblis related in the book, we come back." Silver explained.

"Good deal." She said. At that time, they all teleported to Tails's workshop to find the book.

So...I give you guys permission to slit my throat. My lack of motivation caused this chapter to be posted a few days later than what I wanted. But, I'll try to be more active on here. Bye!

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