Ch. 29

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Reader's POV

"S-Shadow?" I asked.

"Think again." He said. I was so confused. He had no mouth but his muzzle moved like it did.

"Who are you?" I asked. His muzzle moved again like he smiled. Then he started laughing maniacally.

"Who the fuck are you?!" I yelled, almost screaming. He placed his index finger on my lips and shushed me.

"Shhh. If you want answers, then be quiet." He said, calmly and almost whispering. I stared at his dead green eye slits and panted in fear from my anxiety attack.

"I will tell you everything once. I trust you will listen." He said. I frantically nodded and he took his finger back.

He still remained close to my face. Our noses almost barely touched.

"I am Mephiles." He said. I widened my eyes.

Mephiles as in Project Mephiles? How? Tails blew up the lab. He's supposed to be dead. He lies!

"W-What? How? You're supposed to be dead!" I exclaimed.

"The twin-tailed fox?" He asked. "An individual of his intelligence should know that a simple bombing wouldn't do anything. I would know."

"H-How?" I asked, shakily.

"Because I'm smarter than him. The fool that kept me imprisoned made me the most intelligent lifeform among mankind." He said.

"Egghead?" I asked.

"If that's what you call him, then yes. Egghead." He said.

"Do you wanna know something?" I asked. He seems intrigued.

"What is it?" He asked. I waited a couple of seconds before I kicked him.

I underestimated his intelligence. He caught my foot and his muzzle moved again. My heart started racing and he pushed my leg towards me so I tipped back in my chair and fell on my back.

I groaned in pain and struggled to free myself. It's no use. He chained me to a chair.

"I saw that little action coming from a mile away. But I must thank you, (Y/n)." He said. I stopped struggling and looked toward him. He walked over and kneeled and looked down at me.

"How do you know my name?!" I yelled.

"Because twins know everything bout each other." He said. I widened my eyes in disbelief.

"You're my evil twin?" I asked. His muzzle moved like he was smirking and he did the unthinkable. He warped himself into an exact replica of me! At the last second, a mouth appeared on the muzzle. My evil twin was smirking down at my suffering.

How Amy described Mephiles was dead on. Darker fur and green eyes. She was kinda right about the mouth.

" did you~" I started but he cut me off.

"I absorbed your shadow." He said in a perfect imitation of me. "I must admit, you made my job easier. Breaking up the colored rats will be far easier without you in the way."

"W-Why?!" I exclaimed. He took his hand caressed my cheek.

"So much stuff to learn in so little time." He answered.

"Can I a-ask one more question?" I asked.

"Ask on." He answered.

"Did you absorb Shadow's shadow? Is that why you looked like him?" I asked.

"That was two questions, my dear, stupid twin." He said. 'Stupid?' "And I don't know of any individual by the name of Shadow."

He stood up and I heard his footsteps start going faint.

"Wait! So why do you~" I started but stopped when I heard his footsteps growing louder. He kneeled next to me and slapped something on my mouth so I couldn't speak.

"Let's hope duct tape will shut you up." He said. "Oh, If I'm going to be your twin, I'll need your little communicator." He took my only way of communication and started walking away.

"What?!" I yelled. My speech is now muffled to anyone who could hear me.

"Now off to unite with Iblis." He said. After taking a few steps, he turned around and looked at me. "Bye, (Y/n)." I saw a somewhat bright light flash for a brief second and he was gone.

I started screaming for help and struggled to break the chains.

After a while, I stopped because I was tired of struggling. My heart was beyond racing and I was out of breath. There's no more hope. The US can't be worst than this.


Amy thought about (Y/N)'s possible evil twin. She wouldn't admit she was somewhat wrong but she kind of knew that wasn't her. (Y/n) wouldn't just all of a sudden have a different eye color and darker fur...and no mouth. She also felt something evil within the twin.

To lazily apologize to (Y/n) she walked down to the beach to find her. (Y/n) always said she loved the beach and you would always find her there.

Amy walked along the shore line but didn't spot her. She spotted (Y/n)'s place where she naps all the time. After searching all of the beach, she searched the jungle and the village.

When she arrived at the village, a lot of the citizens asked if she was feeling ok after the attack brought on by the evil twin. She replied that she was feeling fine.

After searching the beach, jungle and village again, Amy got worried. Did she scare (Y/n) off? Did she run away?

Ok, so this is definite. After the main story ends (basically this book), I will make a separate book of just one-shots following the events of this book. I don't know if I'll make character x reader stories because I'm not really in to the lovey dovey shit. I might but I don't know right now. I do know that I'll take request. Also, I feel like the way I write the characters are not really canon in terms of their personalities. Am I writing their personalities ok? Bye.

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