Ch. 39

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So, now this is after Ryder broke the bad news to Sonic and Tails about the remote.

Sonic, already sick of (S) and of him, jumped on him and started choking him. Tails is currently still trying to pull him off Ryder.

"Sonic, let go!" Tails yelled, pulling on Sonic's waist.

"Man, let go!" Ryder strained to yell, as he was starting to black out. Finally, Sonic loosened his grip and Tails pulled him away.

"You idiot! You stranded us here!" Sonic shouted, growling in the process. "Our one mission: Save you and go home! How do we get home now?!"

"Don't you guys have your own?" Ryder asked, catching his breath.

"No! It was stolen by a bunch of fangirls!" Sonic answered back.

"And (Y/n) refuses to help us." Tails added.

"That's not like her." Ryder said. "She normally helps people."

"Then you talk to her." Sonic said. Tails dialed (Y/n) on the CDC.

"Hello?" She answered.

"(Y/n), we have good news and bad news." Tails said.

"I'll take the bad first." She said.

"We can't come home." Tails answered.

"And what's the good?" She asked.

"We found Ryder." Tails said.

"Then you guys can~Shadow, shut up!" She exclaimed.

"What's Shadow saying?" Sonic asked.

"I said, 'It doesn't matter.'" Shadow answered. Sonic and Tails rolled their eyes.

"Why doesn't it matter?" Ryder asked.

"Because they claim a being called Mephiles has to unite with a being called Iblis to make Solaris." Sonic answered.

"And what will Solaris do?" Ryder ask.

"Destroy the world." Sonic, Tails, Shadow and (Y/n) all said.

"So, for us to guarantee that Solaris won't unite, no one makes any portals." Shadow explained. "Except those stupid humans."

"What humans? What is Eggman doing?" Tails asked.

"No, my friends from (S) got here." (Y/n) said.

"I swear, I closed the portal!" Ryder exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Ryder." (Y/n) assured. "It wasn't through the portal...It was through the remote."

"Does that mean..." Tails started.

"Yep, they were part of the crazy fangirls that jumped you guys." (Y/n) said.

"I told you, we aren't crazy!" A female voice shouted, barely loud enough for the boys to hear.

"Anyway." (Y/n) continued. "They got here."

" what?" Ryder asked.

"Don't come~" Shadow started.

"We know!!!" Sonic, Tails and (Y/n) yelled.

" there anything else they could do?" (Y/n) asked, almost begging.

He thought for a few minutes before answering. "If they can exterminate Iblis or we can exterminate Mephiles, they are free to come back." Shadow answered.

"One problem...who is Iblis?" Sonic asked.

"Didn't we tell you?" (Y/n) asked.

"No, something happened and you never told us." Tails answered.

"Oh, well in (S), Iblis is~" (Y/n) started but was distracted again.

There were distant voices talking, which caught (Y/n)'s attention.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)?" Tails asked.

"Oh, for my sake..." Shadow started. "Iblis is~~" Then he stopped.

"Goddammit, tell us who!!!" Sonic and Ryder yelled.

Then, the call just ended. The only thing they heard before it ended was the voices.

"I hate this!" Sonic yelled. "It's like the same thing keeps pushed over again and again!"

"Sonic, relax. We just have to find out who Iblis is." Tails said.

"At least it lowers the distance we have to search. (S) is not the biggest state." Ryder said.

"You guys are right." Sonic said. "Now let's search." He said before taking off with both boys to search.


(Y/n) is now trying to murder both Sydney and Jade. Why? The girls left the remote in Jade's house when they warped here. Now the boys in the real world really have no way back home.

The fighting didn't happen until after she ended the call.

Amy and Shadow are keeping (Y/n) from attacking Sydney and Jade. But, her being a (A/s) and about half their height, she didn't really pose as a threat.

After a while, she calmed down but still held a death grudge against the girls.

To cool off, she left everyone to walk in the woods. She couldn't take everything right now so she just needed time to herself.

As she walked, she grumbled incoherent swears under her breath. But her grumbles were loud enough for her not to notice branches crunching around her.

Suddenly, Mephiles appeared in front of her, in the respective form. She gasped and slowly walked backward.

"Hello, sister." He said. She started running, hoping to lose him. That didn't help when he warped right in front of her, sending her to the ground, looking up at him. He stood before her, smirking down at her.

"Any last words, sister?" He asked.

"Just three." She responded. "Iblis is dead."

Mephiles growled and was about to attack her, possibly killing her until a white blur took him out. She was stunned and wondered what the hell just happened.

She stood up and looked at the direction where the white blur went. Then, a ivory hedgehog with cool looking quills emerged from the bushes. He took a good look at her before growling.

Ok...I'm not putting deadlines on when I post chapters anymore. I've been late every single time and I can't go back to posting a chapter a day. I wish I could but the RP book has been majority of my time (and also people who don't read the title *growls*). But, I end school Thursday and will hopefully get my phone back before so I can work only on this. Bye.

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