Ch. 48

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About ten minutes later, Sonic was starting to get worried. He was already worried but he was now more worried. Tails's workshop was only five minutes away from the beach. And Tails knew it was an emergency. It would've been at most two minutes if Tails ran.

"Tails should've been here by now." Sonic said.

"You're right." (Y/n) added.

"Maybe something bad happened." Ryder said.

"And that's bad because...?" Shadow asked. Everyone looked at him and Sonic growled and glared at him.

"Shadow, this is really not the time. So I'm saying this at clear as possible." (Y/n) said and got on her toes to whisper in his ear. She whispered what she wanted to say and retracted down to her original height. He glared at her but obeyed what she had told him and left Sonic alone.

"Just think, where could Tails be?" Ryder asked.

"Is there another beach other than this one?" Silver asked.

"No, this is the only one." Sonic answered.

"When should he have been here?" (Y/n) asked.

"About ten minutes ago." Sonic said and turned around to look at his surroundings but saw the Orange and his group was gone. "Dammit." He muttered.

"Um...Sonic, they've been gone." Ryder said.

"Since when?!" Sonic asked.

"About ten-ish minutes." (Y/n) answered.

"Do you think...?" Silver asked.

"It's no question." Sonic said and sped out the bushes to where the orange group was standing.

Sonic saw several footsteps in the area where the group stood but they wandered off into the jungle. The sand from their shoes trailed behind them but not that far. It at least gave them a lead.

The rest of the group walked behind Sonic and wondered what the hell was happening.

"Any leads?" Silver asked.

Sonic pointed to the footsteps leading into the jungle. Without another word, Sonic sped away and followed the tracks.

"Should we beat him there?" Shadow asked.

"Beat him where?" (Y/n) asked. "We don't know where the hell the footsteps lead to. Let's just go after him."

"Agreed." Silver added.

Shadow rolled his eyes and sped after Sonic to catch up with him. Which left the only three without super speed.

"Asshole." (Y/n) muttered.

"We might as well start now." Ryder suggested.

Silver nodded in agreement and led the way to follow the tracks.


"You will feel the wrath of Iblis." The Orange said in a very deep and demonic voice.

This startled the group.

"Do humans act like demons?" Knuckles asked in a whisper to the girls.

Both the girls shrugged.

"Are the little rats scared?!" A distant voice from up above yelled.

All four of them looked up to see Egghead with Orbot and Cubot in his Eggmobile flying a few yards above them.

He then lowered the Eggmobile to the ground and him and Orbot and Cubot climbed out.

"Who's he?" The Orange asked.

"Eggman." Amy growled.

"He's your creator." Orbot said.

"He created you in a lab." Cubot added.

"My...creator?" The Orange asked.

"Yeah." Sticks answered. "And you both will be meeting yours in a second."

Eggman and The Orange looked at Sticks.

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" The Orange asked.

"No, it's a promise." Amy answered.

"And she carries out her promises." Sonic added.

Amy, Sticks and Knuckles looked over to their right and saw Sonic. Shadow arrived seconds later.

Remember, it's their first time seeing Sonic since he got back from (S). He still looked pretty fucked up from the fangirls and his scarf was still missing.

"Sonic?" Amy, Sticks and Knuckles asked.

"Shadow?" Eggman, Cubot and Orbot asked also.

"In the flesh." Shadow said.

Sonic looked at them but saw Tails unconscious through the bushes. It didn't look like he was breathing and he thought the worse.

'He's going to pay, goddammit.' Sonic thought to himself.

"Look, Iblis..." Sonic said and started walking toward him. "If you know what's good for you, you'd leave and go ruin the States again."

"What's left to ruin?" The Orange asked. "I need some new land to...experiment with."

"Why here?" Amy asked.

"Well, I knew about this place a long time. And something dragged me here. And that something is world domination." The Orange started. "The voice in my head said so."

'Voice in my head?' Shadow thought.

"I wouldn't just rule the States, I would rule the Earth. Every single dimension. The Universe. And I'll be damned if I let rats ruin my progress." The Orange continued.

"Well, these rats have tricks up their sleeves." Knuckles said.

"Iblis has some as well." Egghead said. "Mephiles is on the island as well. It's only a matter of time before they unite."

"Not happening." Sticks said.

"Oh, it is and it will." The Orange said and faded away to another part of the jungle: the other side.

"Damnit!" Sonic yelled.

"What now?" Amy asked.

They all looked at Eggman and glared at him.

"Start counting, rats." Egghead said before climbing back into the Eggmobile and leaving...and left Orbot and Cubot to walk back to his lair.

Just then, Silver, (Y/n) and Ryder emerged from a part of the jungle.

"What took you so long?" Shadow asked.

"We walked." Ryder answered.

"What did we miss?" (Y/n) asked.

"Iblis dissappeared to who knows where." Amy answered.

Ryder spotted Tails. "What happened to him?"

"We don't know." Sticks answered and Knuckles went and picked him up. "We saw him in these big guys's hands unconscious."

"Is he...alive?" Ryder asked.

"I didn't check." Knuckles answered. "I just pushed him into the bushes."

They all surrounded him. Amy checked his pulse and it was normal. He is very much alive. Chloroform can't kill you.

"Tails is fine, we just need him to rest. Why don't we~" Amy started but she was interrupted. She saw something on the other side of the jungle. The others followed her gaze and it lead to the sky.

No, it wasn't a portal. A streak of cyan light shot up from a further part of the jungle for a few seconds then stopped.

A loud roar was then heard.

Ok...I may have rushed this chapter. I tried to have it make sense but tbh I'm trying to get this story done before I have no time to work on it. Bye.

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