Ch. 38

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"Jade!" Sydney yelled. To get her out of the trance, she had to yank her arm.

"W-What?" Jade asked.

"Shadow was behind us!" Sydney exclaimed.

"Shadow? Why?" Jade asked as she turned behind her to see nothing but foot steps.

"Where is he?" Jade asked.

"He just...disappeared." Sydney answered. "Like, he sunk into the ground."


Amy lead the way to the beach.

"(Y/n), what could've dropped from (S)?" Shadow asked.

"I don't know." I answered. "Nothing has fell from there in weeks."

"Could it be Sonic and Tails?" Sticks asked.

"If it's them, they broke the rule." Shadow answered.

When we were on the edge of both the jungle and the beach, we stayed and examined the lifeforms.

They were humans! Humans I know!

Amy gasped but I covered her mouth.

"Shut up." I whispered and Amy nodded.

"Who are those humans?" Shadow asked.

"Aliens disguised as humans." Sticks answered.

I sighed and removed her hand from Amy's mouth.

"Sticks, don't be ridiculous." Amy answered.

"We'll have to believe her as those beings as aliens." Shadow said.

"They aren't aliens though." I said.

"Then what are they?" Sticks asked.

There was no other way. I had to tell them. "They're my friends." I admitted.

"Friends?" Amy, Sticks and Shadow asked.

"Yeah, from (S)." I answered, embarrassed. "We went to school together but I got so focused on coming here that I just stopped going to school and I never saw them after that."

"How did your 'friends' get here?" Shadow asked.

"Did they have access to your lab?" Amy asked.

"No one but Ryder and I had a key." I answered. Unless Ryder met up with them and let them here.

"So why are they here?" Sticks asked.

I shrugged before sighing. "Want to ask them?"

"Sure." Amy answered.

"Why not?" Sticks answered.

"No." Shadow answered.

"Shadow, come on." (Y/n) begged. "It'll mean a lot to me."

He only stared at me.

"I'll promise that..." I started an whispered in his ear. The promise was a little weird but I knew he would go for it. And he did. He rolled his eyes but he agreed.

"Fine." He said.

"Thanks, Shadow." I said.

As we walked down the beach, Amy walked next to me.

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