Ch. 16

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Reader's POV

Ok, it's been a week. Ryder trapped himself there. He's smart though. He couldn't have trapped himself there. He still has the remote.

All Team Sonic has been doing is nagging me to go back. If they want Ryder back, they can go get them. Well, I told them that. And well, they carried out their plan and went over to Eggman's lair to steal stuff. However, they dragged me along. Why? They never gave me a straight answer with actual details. Just one or two word answers and that's it.

So, we flew over to Eggman's lair on Tails's plane. When we landed, I mentally said ughh. I hated this place. I never wanted to come back but whatever. That's how life goes, I guess.

We climbed out the plane and Team Sonic took it upon themselves to start their plan. To which then, Tails took my hand and led me around the back of Eggman's lair.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked while I ran behind him, with his hand holding mine.

"We're doing the plan. Duh." He answered, like it was obvious.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't at your little meeting that discussed the plan." I yelled. He then shushed me.

"Shh! Egghead might here you." Tails said.

"This wall is super solid. It'll take a torpedo to just make a dent." I said. "Stop changing the subject! What's the plan?"

"Well, we all have cues. I'm waiting for Amy's cue." Tails explained.

"And who's cue is she waiting for?" I asked.

"Knuckles's cue." He answered.

"And his cue?" I asked.

"Sticks." He answered.

"And her cue?" I asked.

"She starts the entire thing." He told me.

"How do you know when Amy cues you?" I asked.

"Believe me, I'll know." He said.

"Who knows this much energy goes into stealing." I said.

"We aren't stealing." Tails said.

"You guys aren't returning the stuff you're taking." I said, making a point.

"After you get Ryder, we'll dismantle the remote and return the parts. Easy."

"Um, what part of 'I'm not going back' don't you guys get? All you do is land there, get him and come back. How hard is~"

I never got to finish my explanation on how to get Ryder. Why? Because Amy's 'cue' happened. Her cue consisted of tossing a destroyed robot off the roof and almost hitting us and yelling, "Go, Tails!" Tails grabbed my hand again and ran to another part of the lair. He then took both of my hands and flew to a window where we saw an empty room.

"Swing." He told me. I looked up at him with a face that asked, 'Are you crazy?'

"Why?" I asked, whining.

"Because the only way we'll get in is if you swing." He told me.

"I'm not swinging!" I yelled.

"Gotta go it the hard way then." He said. What does he mean by that? What the hell is he planning? Next thing I know, he's swinging me. And he swung me straight into the window, where I was prepared and kicked my legs up. The window shattered and he let go of me so I fell in and slid across the floor. Great, I have more cuts to bandage up after this. He flew in after me and landed safely next to me.

"I hate this plan." I huffed and carefully got up. "So, I assume you cue Sonic?"

"Yep." He said and took out his communicator. He talked to Sonic for a brief second before hanging up. Tails led me around the room to find supplies. He looked around tools and I looked around a bookshelf full of science stuff. Unfortunately, I pulled—well, tried pulling—a book out the shelf and I guess it's a trapdoor because the entire shelf moved and next thing I knew, I was in a glass tube. It wasn't as cramped as the cage, but still very small. The automatic doors opened to reveal Egghead.

"Ooh, it's—Oh. It's you." He said, unamused.

"Gosh, I hate you!" I yelled and pounded on the tube. The cuts on my hands and arms made it hurt more than it normally would've.

"Sneaking and stealing, I assume?" He asked.

"Sneaking is a basic survival move in girl world. Stealing is more of a guys' thing."

"So why are you here? If Team Sonic sent you..." He started but I zoned out trying to think of ways to get out. I gasped when I had an idea. "What? Why are you gasping?"

"I have an idea!" I yelled, excitedly.

"Oh. And that is?"

"This tube is made of glass. If I scream at the right pitch, the glass will shatter. It'll shatter like your dreams did years ago." I said, not realizing fully what I said. That last part was completely out of my reflex to insult someone. I heard him growl and he walked toward his computer.

"Tell me this, you little (A/s). Why is Team Sonic here?"

Fun fact: My goal was to work that shattered dreams joke in somehow in this chapter. Goal achieved. Also, even though I haven't posted in a while, I somehow gain up to 500+ reads. How? These chapters are real shit. Anyway, follow, share, comment, vote and all that shit. Bye!

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