Ch. 43

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Several minutes later, Ryder finally found the shiny object known as the key. He when found it, he quickly grabbed it and climbed to the top of the dumpster for air.

"I found it!" He exclaimed, clutching the key.

Sonic and Tails looked at him.

"What did you find?" Tails asked.

"The key!" He exclaimed again.

"You dumpster dived for a key?" Sonic asked.

"The key that's getting us home!" He said and climbed out.

"How?" Sonic asked.

"The key gets us to (Y/n)'s lab! Which gets us home!" Ryder answered.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Sonic asked. "Come on!" He exclaimed and grabbed both their hands and ran them to the address Ryder told him.

There stood the building full of labs assigned to gifted science students, (Y/n) being one of them.

Ryder quickly told them a plan that was for the sole purpose of them being unnoticed: Sonic would run them up to (Y/n)'s lab as fast as he could so they could hurry up and go home.

"One...Twoo-AHHH!" Tails started but Sonic was impatient and started running when Tails barely said 'two.' He ran into the building and up to the fourth floor, third door on the right.

Ryder had new bruises from being dragged around like a rag doll. As for Tails, his bruises didn't get better from the attack of the fangirls.

Ryder walked weakly to the door and used the key to unlock the door. Once opened, Sonic and Tails followed him into the lab. It looked decent for not being used in a while. The tables developed a thin layer of dust.

"So how do we get home?" Tails asked.

Ryder didn't respond, but instead climbed into the chair and turned on the computer. Once that turned on, he started the portal program and the portal opened, showing an image of Bygone Island.

"Home." Sonic simply said.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't go yet." He said and locked the door.

"On three." Tails said.

"One..." Sonic started.

"Two..." Ryder said.

"Three!" They all said and jumped into the portal, sending them back to Bygone Island, falling toward the beach.

When they jumped, it was a huge blue glare that filled the room. Anyone out in the street could easily see the blue glare it sent off in through the window. A lot of bystanders kept walking except three guys in a truck parked across the street.


As they fell, Tails caught Sonic and flew them safely to the beach. Ryder simply fell and almost hit the beach. He landed a few meters away from the shore in luckily shallow water.

As Sonic and Tails soaked up the feeling of being home, Ryder swam back to shore and shook himself off like a dog.

"I hate you guys." He muttered but Sonic and Tails didn't bother to hear him.

Something hit the boys immediately: Where is everyone?

Shadow, (Y/n) and Silver, whom they haven't met, are in Tails's workshop, destroying it. Amy, Sticks, Knux, Sydney and Jade are in the cave.

"Where is everyone?" Tails asked.

"No idea." He said and used his communicator to call Amy.


While Sticks did a reasonable thing and watched the cave, Amy and Knuckles fought over who was in charge. It wasn't really a fight since Knuckles just agreed with her, in a disagreeing way.

Sydney and Jade just sat there, laughing quietly and staying out the way.

As Amy and Knux kept fighting, Amy's communicator went off.

"Who could be calling?" She asked. "You and Sticks are here must be Sonic!" She exclaimed. "Sonic?"

"Ames?" He answered back.

"You're back! You're back!" She exclaimed. Sticks heard this and exchanged shifts with Knuckles.

"Did the aliens catch you?" She asked.

"No, more like humans." He answered. "I was attacked by fangirls and kidnapped by Animal Control."

"Animal control?" Sticks asked.

"Yes, I've heard about the fangirls. (Y/n) told us all about it." Amy said.

"Where is (Y/n)?" Tails asked.

"She's with Shadow and Silver." Amy answered.

"Silver?" Tails asked.

"Oh right! He's a genetically created and modified mutant from the future to prevent the event of Solaris uniting. Apparently, someone does something that caused Solaris so he's here to help." Amy explained.

"You know where they are?" Sonic asked.

"They went to Egghead's place." Sticks answered.


Sonic hung up without a 'goodbye.'

"Hey Tails, wanna pay Eggface a visit?" He asked.

"Nah, I'll pass." Tails said. "I have to check on my workshop. Ryder, wanna come with?"

"Sure." Ryder said and walked with Tails to his workshop. Sonic rolled his eyes and ran on water to Egghead's lair.

Once he arrived, he found a hole in the door. 'Probably Shadow.' He thought. He walked in and examined the place. When he turned a corner, he found Cubot and Orbot deactivated on the floor.

'Probably (Y/n).'

Yay! Another full chapter that doesn't switch to another set of characters in the middle! Bye!

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