Ch. 31

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While walking back to my cave, I noticed two things wrong. First, the entrance was blocked off. That was no accident no matter what anyone said. Second, I could've swore that I heard chains and screams. They seemed to come from the cave.

So, I teleported into the cave. It was surprisingly really dark but the crystals lit the cave up decently. As I walked, the chains and the screaming grew louder. When I looked closer, I saw a tipped-over chair and legs.

The legs appeared kicking. When I walked closer, I saw a female struggling to get out of the chair and chains.

**Reader's POV**

While struggling, I guess someone came to save me. I looked to my left and saw...rocket shoes. Oh shit, it's Shadow.

Before I confirmed it was Shadow, I looked closely at his shoes. Red, white and black. It's him.

I looked up at him and went silent.

"Who did this?" He asked. Stupid asshole. How does he expect me to talk when my mouth is taped shut?

"Mhmmhmhm! Hm hmm hmmhm!" I yelled. Translation: Mephiles did it! He tied me up!

"What?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. How is the Ultimate Lifeform this stupid.

"Hmmhm hmmm mhm mmhmm!" I yelled. Translation: Get the tape off! He must've understood that part because he ripped the tape off my mouth. It hurt like hell!

"Oww!" I screamed.

"Now what were you saying?" He asked.

"Yeah my muzzle is ok! Thanks for asking!" I yelled. I saw his face change to a confused look.

"You're that annoying (A/s) from earlier." He said.

"So?!" I asked, yelling. "Get me out!"

"Who chained you up?" He asked while tipping the chair back upright.

"Mephiles." I answered. The chains he was handling was dropped. His face was emotionless.

"What?" I asked.

"When I kidnapped you, I took you to that lab." He said. "Remember? With all those fetuses?"

I nodded.

"When he persuaded me to work with him again, he showed me the lab infinite times." He started. "He would go on about modeling a lifeform after me."

"So you know about Mephiles?" I asked.

"I'm familiar with him." He said. "But I'm better than him."

"In what ways?" I asked.

"I'm smarter and more powerful than him." He started. "Also, I'm better looking than him." He started undoing the chains again.

I muttered something under my breath that was about the statement he just said. It wasn't an insult, I swear!

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing." I answered, quickly.

"That sounded like you said~"

"I said nothing!" I said, cutting him off. He shrugged it off but I'm afraid he'll bring it up later.

After he undid my chains, I started rubbing my wrists so I could feel them again.

"How long have you been here?" He asked.

"I don't know. A few hours?" I answered. In reality, a few hours to me is probably half an hour. But, it was really a few hours.

"I've gotta warn faker and his inferior of friends." He said.

"Hate to break it to you but 'Faker' isn't here." I said. He gave me an irritated look.

"Is he dead?" He asked.

"No." I answered, in a sorta worried voice. Ok, I can understand why he would take it like that.

"He isn't dead." I stated. "He's rescuing one of my friends."

"Where?" He asked.

"In my home country, the U.S." I answered. He widened his eyes at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Faker is in the United States?" He asked.

"Yeah. I sent him and Tails there." I answered. "What's wrong?"

"You're stupider than Faker. And that's really stupid." He said. I glared at him.

"He's saving my friend." I stated. "How is that stupid?"

"The doctor has a plan that involves going to the United States." He started. "Whatever you do, don't let Mephiles anywhere near it."

"Please. For all I care, he can destroy it." I said and crossed my arms. He gave me a disgusted look. "What?"

"It's your home." He said. "Why would you speak so badly about it?"

"Because it's a bad country." I answered. "I refuse to go into details."

"Fine. I'll explain the Doctor's plan." He said.


Sonic and Tails have been running around the city trying to find the truck that took Ryder. He couldn't be that far. Wrong! (S) is bigger than Bygone Island significantly.

They stopped running so both of them could rest. Right now, they are walking down the street, still receiving weird looks. But they could really only focus on watching for fangirls.

Since '(Y/n)' hung up on Tails, he was really upset. He knew 'she' was mean and wasn't going to help. But hanging up on him wasn't cool.

"She still won't answer!" Tails exclaimed. Since 'she' hung up on him, he's tried calling back six times.

"Maybe she's taking her nap." Sonic suggested.

"It just doesn't make sense!" Tails exclaimed. "She wouldn't just hang up."

"Calm down, Tails. It's probably a—What's that? Sonic asked. They walked right in front of a store that sold TVs. All six of the flatscreens on display showed the news.


All the screens showed the headline and a video of the rocket.

"No wonder (Y/n) hates this place." Sonic said.

"They're starting a war!" Tails exclaimed.

Just a FYI, I made a Sonic RP book. Please read and follow the rules. Bye.

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