Ch. 24

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Sonic and Tails landed in (Y/n)'s childhood park. It was fairly sunny but no one was there to enjoy it. It was completely empty.

"Why is it so empty?" Sonic asked.

"No idea." Tails responded. They looked around at the scenery. It was like a normal park but (Y/n) always came here to calm herself when she was mad.

They started walking and eventually ended up at a less secluded place. They walked through the bushes and all the attention focused on them. Granted, it wasn't a lot of people (maybe seven?) around but the everything stopped when they saw Sonic and Tails.

"What are they staring at?" Tails asked, whispering.

"Us." Sonic answered. "(Y/n) did say we're famous in this world."

They didn't know, but a brown-haired fangirl wearing a Sonic shirt turned around and saw them.

"Sonic?!" The fangirl yelled. Both of them looked to where the call came from. They saw the fangirl staring at them in awe. The boys started backing away when the fangirl started slowly walked towards them.

"Who are you?" Tails asked.

"My name's Emily! I'm your biggest fan!" She yelled and started walking faster. The boys walked backward faster, scared out of their minds. Then, Emily started running towards them. Sonic grabbed Tails's hand and started running.

"You can run but you can't hide, Sonic the Hedgehog and Tails the Fox!" Emily yelled. Sonic and Tails heard her but wished the didn't.

"Sonic? What was wrong with that girl?" Tails asked.

"Crazy fangirl." Sonic answered. They rounded a corner into an alley and rested when they knew Emily was out of sight.

"But you have crazy fangirls...and sometimes fanboys on Bygone Island." Tails said.

"Yeah, but that girl is a human. Crazy, human fangirls are so much more scarier than regular fangirls." Sonic said.

"It's probably just her." Tails said. "What are the chances of another encounter?"

"You're right. Let's go." Sonic said. They walked out the alley and started walking down the street, where they received more weirded out looks.

"Do you have any idea of where Ryder could be?" Tails asked.

"Nope. (S) is actually a big place. It's gotta be four times the size of Bygone Island." Sonic answered

"Could you do a perimeter check? With your speed, it shouldn't be a prob~" Tails started but stopped when Sonic and him stopped in their tracks. They all of a sudden saw a huge group (think about 30 girls) of teen girls probably no older than 16. They all wore either blue, yellow or black shirts.

"I'm scared." Tails said.

"Me too." Sonic responded. They started walking away from the mass of crazy fangirls. But, a blonde girl with a black shirt on spotted them and pointed.

"Emily isn't lying! Sonic and Tails are here!" The blonde shouted. Sonic and Tails stopped in their tracks and looked back. Every girl was now looking at them with surprised looks.

There was a mix of shouts from all the girls. It was either "Sonic!" or "Tails!" There were mature shouts that Sonic will have to explain to Tails later. Soon, the girls were shouting and running towards them. Sonic grabbed Tails's hand again and ran away.

Sonic and Tails's ran all around the city/town for hours. Finding Ryder was the last thing on their minds. They just needed a place to rest from those fangirls.

Right now, they are hiding in an old abandoned building on the bad side of the city/town. They've been there for an hour. They could hear the shouts and screams of fangirls occasionally but they were still safe.

"Sonic? When can we go out?" Tails asked.

"Do you wanna get ripped apart by fangirls?" Sonic asked.

"Are they still there?" Tails asked. Sonic quickly glanced out the window to see. He saw no fangirls, for now.

"I don't see them." Sonic answered.

"Sonic, you have super speed." Tails said. "Just out-run them."

"Then we'll be too busy running. We're supposed to be looking for Ryder." Sonic said.

"Do you think the fangirls got him?" Tails asked.

"Doubt it. But those girls are crazy." Sonic said.

"Why didn't (Y/n) tell us about this?" Tails asked.

"Yeah, why didn't she?" Sonic asked.

"Hold on, I'll ask her." Tails said. He took out his cross-dimension communicator (let's just call it the CMC) and dialed for (Y/n).

After a few seconds, (Y/n) answered.

"What, Tails?" (Y/n) asked, annoyed. "I'm at the beach, relaxing."

"Why didn't you tell us about crazy fangirls?" Tails asked. There was a long silence before Tails asked again.

"I thought you guys knew that already." (Y/n) answered.

"No, we didn't!" Sonic yelled.

"Didn't I tell you guys that Ryder could've been caught before you could find him?" (Y/n) asked.

"We thought you meant by an army or the government or something like that. Not by crazy fangirls." Tails said.

"Crazy, human fangirls!" Sonic exclaimed.

"Just out-run them." (Y/n) said.

"Well, we're busy running away from them. We can't focus on finding Ryder." Tails said.

"Just relax, guys." (Y/n) said. "Fangirls can't do anything bad."

"They were yelling things!" Sonic exclaimed.

"Yeah, probably your names." (Y/n) responded.

"No! Things that a 10-year-old shouldn't be hearing!" Sonic exclaimed. There was another moment of silence before the boys heard hysterical laughing from (Y/n).

"That's hilarious!" (Y/n) said, over her laughs. She quickly gained composure. "But seriously, just ask them to leave you alone."

"THEY WON'T LEAVE US ALONE!!!" Sonic yelled. It was very obvious he was beyond pissed. All he wanted to do was come here, get Ryder then go back. It's been three hours since they arrived in (S) and all they have been doing is running away from fangirls.

After his little outburst, they heard rapid footsteps come toward the building they were hiding in. There was a group of three girls, one wearing blue, one wearing yellow an one wearing black. A girl in a blue shirt spotted a patch of blue and walked toward it. She saw Sonic.

"Girls! Sonic and Tails are here!" The girl yelled. The boys held their breath and hear a million other rapid footsteps coming their way. They soon heard screams and shouts as one broke a window and they all piled in.

"This is all your fault, (Y/n)." Sonic said.

"Hey, I didn't yell." (Y/n) responded. A lot of the fangirls were in the building staring at the boys.

"Sonic?" Tails asked, whispering.

"Yeah?" Sonic responded, whispering also.

"Run." Tails said. Sonic didn't hesitate to grab his arm and run for an exit. But, behind them was more fangirls. They came, they saw, they got captured and ripped apart.

I really wanted this chapter out sooner but I ended up taking a nap after I got home from school. Also...THANK YOU FOR 900+ READS. I doubt this book will get to 1000. Comment, share, follow, vote and all that shit. Bye.

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