Ch. 51

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"Now that the hybrids have their weapons, can we make a plan?"

"Whatever, let's just start." Sonic said.

"First, we have to know what we're dealing with." Tails started.

"A monster." Shadow said with sarcasm. "Now what's the next step?"

"Finding weak spots?" Knuckles suggested.

"To find weak spots, we need to actually see it." Sticks answered.

"I know what it looks like." Silver spoke up. "Torill showed me pictures of Solaris all the time."

"Do you have some type of picture?" Tails asked.

Silver nodded and slipped his right glove off. He reached in and took out a small folded and crumpled paper. He unfolded it a few times and showed both pictures: a) Solaris in it's normal state then b) in it's final form.

(Why aren't there pictures? Read the EOC A/N)

"Do you seen anywhere that could be a weakspot?" Sonic asked everyone.

"That red thing looks like it could hurt it." Amy pointed out.

"Do you think that arm armor is strong?" Tails asked.

"It looks like it can easily be broken off with enough force." (Y/n) answered.

"So we just break the armor and aim for the red thing?" Knuckles asked.

"Looks like we got a plan." Ryder said. "Should we split into teams?"

"Of three?" Sticks asked. "Interesting."

"I work alone." Shadow said.

"And you won't be dying alone if you don't suck it up and help us." Sonic snapped.

"Fine." Shadow said and glared at Sonic before looking back at the team. "What are the teams?"

"I was thinking Sonic, Shadow and Silver on one team." (Y/n) suggested.

"Why us three?" Silver asked.

"Because you three are the strongest, power wise." (Y/n) explained. "Then, Ames, Knux and Sticks on the next team then me, Ryder and Tails on the next."

"Seems like they'll work." Amy said.

"Yep, I kinda already planned most of it in my head." (Y/n) said. "It starts of like..." She stopped when she saw something green on Shadow. "Hey Shadow, what's that green thing?"

Shadow pulled out the green object AKA the green Chaos Emerald that actually belongs to Silver. He 'did the honors' and teleported them to the beach.

"What is it?" Sticks asked.

"A Chaos Emerald." Silver asked and snatched the emerald from Shadow's hand. "More specifically, the Time Emerald. It's how I got here."

"Aren't there seven emeralds?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yes, there are seven that happen to match the seven elements of life." Silver explained.

"Power, reality, space, soul, time, mind and light, right?" Ryder asked.

"Correct. You guys know your archeology." Silver complemented.

"So where are the other emeralds?" Knuckles asked.

"In the world known as Earth. In the lower levels, close to Earth's core." Silver answered.

(Y/n) and Ryder gave each other looks before looking back at the group.

"If you three are done with your jewel talk, could we go and save the world?" Shadow asked.

Before anything could say anything to Shadow's smartass question, a loud roar was heard. It sounded really close, almost like it's in the village. Then there were screams heard.

"Come on." Tails said and everyone left the workshop. (Y/n) and Ryder readied their lazer guns and left with the group.

When they arrived to the main part of the village, no one was there. Completely abandoned.


Egghead had gotten into his Eggmobile and flew to Bygone Island. Those roars made him really nervous. Especially since him himself doesn't know the power Solaris has.

During the creation process, Iblis was packed with sun powers. He can shoot sun rays out of his eyes. And his heart in human form is really the 'red thing' in his normal form.

Mephiles is a real different story. He was made from dark energy.

But when Solaris happens, Solaris is a dark being, no light energy at all.

When Egghead had landed on Bygone Island, Orbot and Cubot found him almost instantly. After harshly pushing them off, Egghead walked toward the village. There were no roars heard since he arrived.


As the team walked around looking for any clue to find Solaris, they approached a real common enemy: Egghead. It took everything in all of them not to murder him then and there.

"What do you want?" Amy asked.

"To witness the destruction of this dimension and the next...and the next." Eggman answered.

Orbot and Cubot was about to say something but they remember the infinite threats they received over the years. So they just kept their mouths shut.

"You realize that you'll die too, right?" Sonic asked.

"No, because Solaris bows to me." Eggman replied. "Team Sonic 2.0 will finally be obliterated!"

Eggman was about to go on full speech before another roar was heard. Then everyone turned to the direction the sound came from.

Ok, I'm sorry but I had to put those slight Infinity War similarities. Also, WattPad would not let me upload on the top OR within the chapter for some damn reason. Bye.

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