Ch. 5

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Me being a Shadow fangirl (who isn't?) was gonna make Shadow the winner of the fight. But this isn't a Shadow X Reader so Sonic wins.

Reader's POV

Sonic smirked at me through my cage.

"Are you gonna let me out or are you just gonna stand there and look stupid in front of your girlfriend?" I asked. He blushed and started looking for a key.

"She's not my girlfriend!" He shouted, unintentionally loud. Amy and Tails looked up at him. I couldn't help but cover a small smile on my face.

"It's hard to unlock this without a key." He said, looking at the key hole. I rolled my eyes and bowed my head.

"I got this." Amy said, walking over and past Sonic. She raised her hammer. "Watch out, (Y/n)." I rushed over to the other side of the cage, which really wasn't far because it was like a 5x6 cage that barely reached 6ft tall. She smashed the door out using her hammer and the door was off it's hinges.

"Thanks." I said, walking out the cage.

"No problem." They all said. We were on the way out the room to leave the building but was stopped. Holy fuck, how can this get anymore worse? Well, apparently I jinxed it because Shadow teleported in front of us, stopping us from leaving the room.

"Now what?!" Sonic yelled at Shadow, obviously pissed off. Shadow smirked and teleported away. But "away" was actually behind me. He gripped his hands around my waist and teleported us away. It was white for a brief second then I caught a glimpse of his silhouette.

The lights beamed on and I guess I was in a lab. I looked around and found tubes of floating organisms. They all looked like fetuses sleeping. Then, I looked back to see Shadow gripping my waist. I struggled to get out of his grasp but to no avail.

"Let me go, Emo!" I shouted at him. He only tightened his grasp. Then, a door opened to Egghead came out.

"I see you won your second battle, Shadow." Egghead said.

"He didn't win! He~" I said and was cut off by Shadow covering my mouth. The rest of my sentence contained profanity so he can either see the future or he didn't want to seem like a loser in front of Egghead.

"She's delirious. She's mistaken me for my inferior." Shadow said, still covering my mouth. I struggled to peel his glove off my mouth while kicking. It didn't really help considering he had one hand around my waist and the other on my mouth. Kicking my feet did nothing but take me off balance and Shadow carried my weight.

"Take her to the~" Egghead started to say but I interrupted him by screaming my question because Shadow still covered my mouth.

"What's that on your hands?" I screamed. Shadow removed his hand from my mouth.

"What?" He asked.

"What's on your hands? On your gloves?" I asked pointing to the red and black things with a gold band around them. He looked at the one that covered my mouth and back at me.

"My arm cuffs." He answered.

"Arm cuffs? You've done time?" I asked, curiously. I knew that was a seriously dumb question. All part of the plan.

"No, I have not~" He started but I broke out of his grasp, sending him back off balance and bolted to the nearest door. Egghead then closed every door in sight. Fuck this shit.

"Shadow, restrain her!" Egghead yelled while he jumped into his flying thing. He turned it on and started flying to the skylight. I groaned looking at him getting away but he was the least of my problems. The glass from the skylight shattered and it fell...and I ended up cutting my arms while covering my face. The cuts weren't that bad, not a lot of blood was drawn.

I turned back to see Shadow no where in sight. My stomach dropped at the feeling that he can appear anywhere at anytime. Especially with no exits anywhere within reach where I could quickly get away.

"Big mistake." Shadow said. I turned around to see him walking towards me. I started backing up and ended up at a wall.

"W-What are you gonna d-do?" I asked, uneasy.

"It's (A/s) hunting season." He said. He was about to start skating but I widened my eyes. Not at Shadow but at the person behind him.

Sorry for a long time without updates. Being grounded sucks. But, it wasn't just the grounding. Band also affects my life, like some after school rehearsals and a upcoming competition (also a winter guard show I'm volunteering at.) and just sucky school stuff. Next chapter will be out next week! Tuesday at the latest!

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