Ch. 47

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Sonic has been in the bushes for a small while. It's been about ten minutes since he left Egghead's lair. As he looked out for Amy, Knux and Sticks, he still kept his eye on the four humans. But, then something caught his eye.

A group of four animals just appeared on the beach not too far away from where Sonic was hiding. It was Shadow, Silver, (Y/n) and Ryder!

Sonic was still confused on how they just appeared on the beach. His first guess was Shadow.

"Psst! Psst!" Sonic called out to the group of four.

The only one that heard it was Shadow. And you could imagine how pissed he was when he saw Sonic. All Sonic got was a glare as the other three stared at the humans.

Then Sonic motioned for them to hide in the bushes with him.

Despite his deep hatred for Sonic that's still growing, he rolled his eyes. He turned to the three and told them to hide in the bushes. (Y/n) didn't hesitate to run into the bushes but the other three followed behind her, walking.

"Sonic?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yeah?" Sonic replied.

"You know Shadow told me to plan your funeral, right?" She asked.

"I didn't open the portal, alright?" Sonic replied.

"You suggested it though." Ryder interrupted.

"But you opened it." Sonic shot back.

"It doesn't matter who did what." Shadow said. "I'm still planning on murdering all three of you."

"I get first call." Silver said.

"You're slower at math than in a race with me." Sonic remarked. "You're forgetting Tails. Where is he?"

"He's running here." (Y/n) answered.

"Why?" Sonic asked.

"Because he's not smart enough to know he could've just teleported here with us." Shadow answered.

Sonic only rolled his eyes and turned towards the group.

"Don't worry, Sonic." (Y/n) said. "I'm pretty sure he'll get here. His workshop isn't that far away from here."

As the animal group was talking, the orange-led group started walking into the jungle, but away from the animals. You see, the humans weren't that smart to look all 360 degrees around them. They just looked at the oceans and at the right side of the ocean.

As the orange group started wandering through their part of the jungle, 'Iblis' had this...feeling. And the feeling was coming closer to him.

"Sir, are you alright?" The blonde guy asked.

The Orange nodded and kept walking, following the feeling.


Tails had ran from his workshop all the way to the jungle by the beach. It was only when he looked back and saw (Y/n), Ryder, Shadow and Silver weren't there. Was he too fast?

"Guys?" Tails called out.


He huffed and thought very mean thoughts about them before walking toward the beach.

As he walked, his ears picked up on distant sounds around him. He stopped in his tracks and listened closer. A few twigs snapped and leaves shook. Just Amy and them he thought.

He started walking again towards the beach. He stopped when his ears picked up more information. Voices. He listened closer and heard the words 'combine' and 'end.' The rest wasn't loud enough for him to hear.

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