Ch. 13

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Happy Steve Austin Day!

Reader's POV

When we landed back in Bygone Island, we landed in the village. We'll I landed on something soft. Ryder landed on the hard ground. You know, maybe he should've gone first.

When he landed, we heard the usual screams of citizens. When we got up, they screamed at us again.

"What? It's me and Ryder." I said. I saw some people shake their heads and point to behind us. I saw Ryder look behind us in the corner of my eye. He gasped.

"Um, (Y/n), you might wanna see this." He said, tugging my arm. I hesitantly looked behind me to see an army of robots lead by Egghead. I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"Egghead! Give us a break! I came here of peace and quiet!" I shouted to him. I could see why Team Sonic was always on edge. How do they deal with this guy all the time?

"Well, this is how I pay bills!" He shouted down to me.

"What bills?! You live on your own island!" I yelled.

"I pay for water and light just like you." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"For one day, can you just leave these people alone?" I asked, desperately. I've had a wild 24 hours. I almost drowned, met a million fictional characters and almost got killed. I want peace and quIet.

"NO! Robots...ATTACK!!!" He shouted. Then every robot started moving towards us. Now I'm scared. But perfect timing, Team Sonic got there and destroyed every robot.

"You guys ok?" Amy asked me.

"Physically, yes. But I was verbally assaulted." I said, glaring at Egghead. He returned the glare.

"Watch your brat!" He yelled before flying off. I growled and started taking off my shoe. I aimed to hit him square on his head but before I could throw it, Ryder snatched it away from me. I whined and tried grabbing it back. He held it over his head. Unbelievable. Even when he's a raccoon, he's still annoyingly taller than me. I started getting embarrassed when I had to start jumping but it took him no effort to keep it away from me. I could hear Team Sonic snickering at me.

"Try being shorter than average!" I yelled back at them. Then, I caught a glimpse of the sky. No Egghead anywhere. I looked back at Ryder growling. "You're meaner than your human self."

"I know." He said gave me my shoe. I had an idea in mind to get back at him. I examined my shoe for a few seconds as a distraction and hit his head. "Ow!" He yelled and rubbed the spot I hit him.

"Don't be a baby." I said while putting my shoe on. Then, Team Sonic walked over.

"What happened?" Tails asked.

"A long story." I said and crossed my arms.

"So you turned Ryder into a raccoon?" Sonic asked.

"No, he turned himself into a raccoon." I replied.

"What, you don't like me as a raccoon?" Ryder asked me.

"No, *Rocket. I don't have a problem with raccoons." I teased. He growled at me.

"Don't call me that. I'm nothing like Rocket." He told me.

"Who's Rocket?" Knuckles asked. "He sounds cool."

"He's a superhero that's part of a huge company." I explained.

"Yeah, I'm not a fan." Ryder said. I rolled my eyes. He always had a problem with Rocket for some reason. He never went into details why.

"Are they any animals in that company that are cool? Like a hedgehog? Preferably blue? With super speed?" Sonic urged. I rolled my eyes.

"You have your own company. Don't get greedy." I told him.

"Ok, back to important stuff, you shut off the portal?" Amy asked.

"Yes. No more American things will come through to here." I said.

"Are you sure?" Tails asked.

"I'm sure of it. I completely shut it down and Ryder locked the door." I said. I looked towards him and he looked worried. "You did lock the door right?"

"It might've slipped my mind." He said, avoiding my death glare. I started talking my shoe off but Sonic grabbed, NOT MY SHOE, but me. That's right, he grabbed and carried me over his shoulder away from Ryder. I was struggling so he would drop me but he kept his grip.

"(Y/n), let's be calm about this." Amy said, trying to reason with me. I eyeballed my target and threw my shoe. Luckily, he wasn't looking at me and it hit him.

"Ow!" Ryder yelled and I smirked.

"That's it, no more shoes for you." Amy scolded me.

"It's fine. I just wanted to hit Ryder for dooming your dimension." I said, as if it wasn't a big deal and shrugging. "You know I'm not going back, right?"

"Even if someone did walk into your lab, they wouldn't be able to turn the portal on again, right?" Ryder asked.

"Well, I thought 'Hey, Ryder locked the door. I'll just turn it off and leave.' All anyone has to do is turn on the computer then turn on the portal." I said.

"So you doomed our dimension again?" Sonic asked me.

"No," I said and pointed to Ryder, "HE doomed your dimension. You broke it you fix it." He simply rolled his eyes. Then, I started struggling so Sonic would let me go. He is a dead raccoon.

So, I'm feeling better today. My band director lost a bet and he had to shave off half his beard. It was a pretty funny experience. Vote, comment, share, follow and all that shit.

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