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I know I keep saying that it's the end of the book but I had this idea so...


So...Solaris happened two-ish weeks ago. I mean, didn't scar me enough to rethink life...even though it should've...but it's been on my mind non-stop.

Stuff went back to...somewhat normal.

Egghead somehow survived that throw from Silver so he was able to do his weekly battle with the team.

Me, however, just spent a lot of time at the beach. I barely slept. My sleep schedule is still fucked up. But when I did fall asleep, someone would take me and I would end up in Amy's or Tails's place.

But today I was still on the beach when I woke up. Not that I minded, but I just got worried. So I stood up, brushed the sand off myself and stretched before walking into the village.

The villagers have heard about me being part of stopping Solaris so I get free fruit for life. So I picked up an apple at a small fruit store before walking to Tails's workshop.

The doors were wide open when I approached it. But being the somewhat nice person I am, I knocked before entering...even though I could see Tails sitting at a table with a lot blueprints.

"Who is it?!" Tails yelled.

"(Y/n)." I replied.

His ears immediately pointed up and he frantically turned around to look at me a split second before clearing his desk completely of the blueprints and placing them in a nearby drawer. Then he looked at me with a nervous smile. It seems he broke out in a small sweat as well.

"Ok, you can come in!" He yelled.

I slowly walked in and as I got closer, I noticed his was panting heavily.

"Tails, you alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine!" He blurted out. "I-I mean...Why do you ask?"

"Because you're rushing your speech." I started. "And you're also sweating and out of breath."

"Well um..." He started. "...I gotta go. I promised Sonic I'd help him with something. Later!"

Tails then sped out his workshop, leaving me alone. And if he's telling the truth, which I doubt he is, he's going to somewhere to meet up with Sonic.

Come to think of it, the entire group has been acting weird. They have to be hiding a something.

So, to attempt to find something even secret-worthy, I went through Tails's stuff. Yep, I have no shame. He shouldn't have been suspicious.

I went through the drawer that he hid the blueprints in and found them. I looked at them.

I could barely make out what the blueprints had on them. It was extremely difficult to make out what the object even was.

As I looked at the other blueprints, I heard Tails's voice talking to someone. Maybe Sonic? That's when I went into panic mode.

I shoved all the blueprints back in the drawer as fast as I could before Tails's walked in. When I turned around, he had just set foot in the workshop.

"(Y/n), you're still here?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I'ma head out." I answered while walking out. "I'll see you later."

When I left the workshop, I walked back to the beach. I found my area and sat there as I looked at the water. Pretty soon, I found myself laying down and letting the ocean sounds drift me to sleep. But before I fell asleep, I thought of one thing:

'What could they be hiding?'


Great, I'm hearing the voices again. Oh wait, it's just the team. What do they want?

I opened my eyes to see random colors. So I slowly focused them and found the team all staring at me.

"Yes?" I asked before yawning.

"We have a surprise for you." Amy said.

"Well, three surprises." Knuckles finished.

Surprises? Why am I scared already?

"Don't worry, you'll like'em." Sticks ensured me.

"What are they?" I asked.

"Well, they're at a secret location." Sonic said. "You have to be blindfolded before we take you."

I knew there was something to be scared about.

"Should I be scared?" I asked.

"No, you'll love the surprises." Tails said.

After considering every single possible outcome that could happen, which were about more than a million, I hesitantly stood up.

Amy tied the blindfold around my head so I was completely blind. Then, they started walking me to the surprise.


After 20 minutes of walking, we finally stopped. We must be there.

"1..2..." The team said before one of them ripped off the blindfold. "Surprise!"

I looked at my first surprise. It was a shack! Unlike Sonic's, it had privacy.

The shack was HUGE! It had plenty of windows, strong materials for the walls and roof and looked absolutely beautiful.

"Guys..." I started but couldn't find the words to express how thankful I am. Except I just hugged them and they all hugged me back.

After the hug, I ran into the shack almost as fast as Sonic to find it fully furnished. A comfortable couch, a coffee table and chairs were in the living room along with a TV. But something on the coffee table caught my eye: my duffle bag and phone.

I haven't seen either of those things since I landed here. So I was surprised to see them. Actually, how come I didn't notice they were gone?

"Um...about your electronic device..." Tails started. "When I first looked at it, it was completely non-functional from all the water damage. So I took it apart and replaced all the ruined parts with new parts. So now, it should work better than it did before!"

I tried it out. It did work better than it did. Granted, it is an iPhone 6s and it was slowing down but it works so much more faster!

I ran over and gave Tails a huge hug.

After some time, they left me so I could enjoy my new home.

Ok, sucky ending but I had no other ways to end it.

Ok, I released this so it could make sense for the One-Shot Book. *Cough* Check it out and request *Cough* Bye!

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