Ch. 52

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After that roar, no one heard anything. No footsteps, no other roars, complete silence.

"Does Solaris have any super secret powers that we don't know about?" Tails asked to Egghead.

"Even if he Solaris did, you think I'd tell you?" Egghead asked.

"Later, you will." Sonic said.

"How?" Egghead asked.

"Do you seriously think that Solaris won't turn on you?" Amy asked.

"Solaris might be the most powerful being in the universe." Ryder said.

"I doubt it answers to anyone, even you." Shadow added.

"It's only a matter of time before it turns on you and everyone dies." Sticks added. "Including you."

"I made Solaris one of the most loyal in the world." Egghead pointed out.

"Orbot and Cubot seem pretty loyal to you." (Y/n) shot back. "Who knows how many times they think about turning on you?"

That honestly got to Egghead. He suspiciously looked down at his robot sidekicks with a glare.

"Because, if they think about leaving you, Solaris wouldn't hesitate to." (Y/n) added. "Ain't that right?" She asked to Orbot and Cubot.

Orbot and Cubot simply looked at each other then at the ground, silently.

(Y/n) was actually getting into Egghead's head. Yes, he...isn't the nicest boss toward Orbot and Cubot but they've always been loyal toward him for the longest. But what if they are having second thoughts? If they have second thoughts, Solaris would easily overthrow him.

"So, what will it be, Eggman?" Sonic asked.

Egghead honestly thought for a while. He'd rather die at the hands of Solaris than team with them. And that's saying a lot. But, he didn't want to die at the hands of his own creation. He sighed before placing his hands behind his back.

"This is a one time thing, understand?" Egghead asked.

"Deal." Sonic said and reached his hand out, waiting to seal the deal.

Egghead reached his hand out and briefly shook Sonic's hand before retracting his hand and putting it behind his band.

But when Sonic retracted his, another roar was heard, louder than the previous one. It came from the east side of the group. So they turned that direction and readied their weapons.

"Orbot. Cubot. Go see what Solaris looks like." Egghead commanded them, whispering.

"Why us, sir?" Orbot asked.

"Because if you don't do it, I'll dismantle you." Egghead threatened, still whispering.

Orbot and Cubot sighed sadly before slowing moving the sound, looking at the ground. So they waited for them to return.


The entire group was starting to feel impatient with the robots. They left 15 minutes ago! They should've been back a long time ago.

"How long does it take to see what Solaris looks like?" Amy complained.

"It sounded so close." Tails added.

"Should we just go?" Ryder asked.

"Don't you think we should wait until they come back?" Egghead asked.

"Give it up, they aren't coming back." Shadow said. "If we had gone, we would've been fighting it by now."

"Agreed." Sonic said. "Do we let it come to us or do we go to it?"

"It would be better to go to it." Egghead suggested. "It would be an ambush."

"Of course he'd know something about ambushes." (Y/n) muttered to Ryder.

"And we'd probably have a better chance." Silver said.

"We'll take that chance." Sonic said.

"So let's go." Shadow said and looked at Sonic. Sonic looked at the whole group, including Egghead, and they all bowed their heads at him, which meant 'We're ready.' Then Sonic looked back at Shadow before nodding his head.

"On your count." Shadow said.

A few seconds later...

"Now!" Sonic yelled and instantly, everyone...even Egghead...started running toward Solaris's possible location. However, Egghead was left dead behind to trail everyone.

After a few minutes, Sonic and Shadow came to a halt behind some bushes, which caused everyone else to stop.

"Why'd you stop?" Knuckles asked.

For two reasons actually. One, they saw screws and wires scattered around. The two looked around and found both Orbot and Cubot completely dead. The wires spilled out of them like robot guts. Of course, they couldn't tell Egghead or he'll be off his game.

The second reason is because they planned on doing a surprise ambush.

Sonic waved him off, which meant 'shut up' and Knuckles did what was told. However, Sonic kept his left hand up and started counting down from three, slowly.

When he got to one, they all popped out the bushes in their battle stance, besides Egghead.

They all stared up in amazement at Solaris. A 50ft...artificial creation, looking down right at them. It looked exactly like the picture Silver showed them. The red core was somewhat exposed. The arm shielding looked stronger than it actually could be.

"Triple spin dash on three." Sonic whispered. Then, Silver stood next to Sonic.

"One...two..." Silver started then without the mention of 'three,' they all 'Spin Dashed' into Solaris while the others with purpose scattered around to completely surround Solaris. Solaris saw them coming and held it's arm up to it's face so they spun into his arm, weakening the armor.

When they landed, they saw their impact barely made a crack on the armor. And they need to break that armor, the other arm and the armor protecting the red core.

"Egghead, any ideas?" Amy asked.

"Just one." Egghead replied. "ROBOTS!!!"

A few seconds later, almost every robot the Sonic team has seen ever has arrived at that specific spot of the island, ready to fight.

"ATTACK!!!...TEAM SONIC!!!" Egghead finished and evilly smiled while pointing to mainly Sonic.

When Sonic realized that Egghead broke their deal, he growled, along with everyone.

"Egghead, you swore!" Sonic yelled.

"I crossed my fingers!" He yelled back in a teasing voice.

"Egghead, you double crossing bastard!"

Ok, tiny self-advertisement:
1) I have a Ask/Dare my OC. It isn't just my Sonic OC. It's all my available OCs as of right now (Sonic and Boondocks).
2) I also made an art book with my super shitty art!
Ok, advertisements over! Bye!

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