Ch. 32

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The events in Ch. 32 SPECIAL did not happen. Think the Matrix.

**Bygone Island**Amy, Sticks, Knuckles and M**Third POV**

"STOP!!" Two feminine voices shouted. M turned around to be faced with the two female 'rats' he tried to kill earlier.

"What do you two want?" M asked, still impersonating (Y/n).

"Where's (Y/n)?" Amy asked.

"What are you talking about?" M asked. "I'm right here."

"We mean the real (Y/n)." Sticks said.

"I'm right here." M said. "That faker is far away."

"Where?!" Amy yelled, demandingly.

"Which part?" M asked and sinisterly smirked. Now that caught Amy and Sticks off guard. Is M telling the truth? Did he decapitate (Y/n) and cut off her limbs?

"You're lying." Sticks said.

"Yeah, I am." M admitted. "But it's one of my favorite things to do. Well, second favorite thing."

After the last attack, Amy and Sticks were careful around the 'evil twin.' They knew he could strike anywhere from anytime.

"What's takes number one?" Amy asked.

"It's between destruction and murder." M said and disappeared. The girls gasped and got into their battle stances. Any had her hammer and Sticks had a wooden spear.

M reappeared but in his original prototype form behind the girls. AKA- his green eyed, Shadow form. The red eyeball, yellow pupil form is if he reunites with Iblis.

He shot an Energy beam at both the girls and they both fell, unconscious like before. Now, Knuckles is gaining consciousness from that punch earlier. Seriously, it wasn't even that hard a punch. It was more of a baby slap if anything.

When Knuckles raised his head, through his right black eye, he saw Shadow.

"Hey Shadow, when'd you get here?" Knuckles asked as he stumbled up. M rolled his eyes as he saw the battered echidna attempt to stand up.

"I thought echidnas were extinct." M said.

"They almost are." Knuckles said and sat on his bench press and held his eye. "I'm the last of them."

"Then let me change that." M said. He held out his hand and shot another energy beam right at him. Knuckles was flung from his bench into huge pile of rock.

The only thing M saw was the imprint of Knuckles's impact.

Three targets down, two left.


"Let me out!" Ryder yelled to the orange. The orange simply chuckled to himself.

"On one condition." The orange said.

"What?" Ryder asked.

"Tell me a few things." The orange answered.

"I ain't telling anything." Ryder growled.

"Then stay in there." The orange said. "I couldn't care less."

Ryder sighed and scratched at the cage he was still in. He wasn't getting out anyway.

"What are the damm questions?" He asked, giving up.

"Where did you come from?" The orange asked.

"I was born here." Ryder answered.

"Yeah, a talking raccoon was born here." The orange said sarcastically. "How did you become a raccoon?"

Ryder widened his eyes and crossed his arms. No way was he ratting out his friends.

"Science experiment gone wrong." He said, lying.

"Who conducted the experiment?" The orange asked.

"A bad scientist." Ryder answered. "He wanted to switch bodies. I mean, Me and a raccoon and switch us back. He just switched our brains and never switched us back."

"Too bad." The orange said. "Because I didn't think raccoons wore shirts and shoes."

Ryder looked at his navy shoes and grey shirt.

"I feel naked without anything else on." Ryder said, slightly blushing.

"You have one more time to answer truthfully before I send you to the lie detector." The orange said. "And trust me, if you lie on that thing, you will be shocked."

Ryder looked down and growled.

"Fine, I came from Bygone Island." He said.

"And where is Bygone Island?" The orange asked.

"It's in another dimension." Ryder said and his ears pinned back in embarrassment.

"And how do you get back here?" The orange asked.

"With a special remote." Ryder said. "But I was clumsy and dropped it and broke it."

"So there's no way to get back?" The orange asked, slightly upset.

Ryder shook his head. He wasn't going to give away the portal back at (Y/n)'s lab. He locked the door anyway but he could have strong men ready to break it down at his command.

"Is the blue rat and yellow rat your friend?" The orange asked.

Ryder stayed quiet.

"If you don't answer it, we will have them exterminated." The orange said. Ryder stayed silent a few minutes before speaking.

"Why?" He asked.

"Why will I have them exterminated?" The orange asked.

"No, why do you want to know if I'm friends with them?" Ryder asked.

"I assume you would want them to save you?" The orange asked. Ryder looked up at him.

"You would let them save me?" Ryder asked.

"Come on, I'm not a cruel person." The orange said. (HAHAHAHAHHA!!!)

Ryder gave him a 'really' look.

"You sure about that?" Ryder asked. "You might not call yourself cruel but other people call you racist, sexist, homophobic~" Ryder said while listing the personality traits on his fingers.

"You're done." The orange said. "Do you want to leave or not?"

"Yes, let me leave! Sonic and Tails are my friends!" Ryder exclaimed. The orange stood up and started walking out of his office.

"Excellent. I'll make a call." The orange said before leaving his office. He walked down the hall where he was met by the three men by the 'Animal Control.'

"Capture the blue rat and the yellow rat. The raccoon has no idea what he's done to everyone."

Yeah, I'm back! Not that anyone noticed. Is that good?...Anyway, a few announcements.

1) I have a cover contest going on right now! It started April 12th and there's a new end date! It's no longer May 25th. It now ends May 18th. Remember, top three people get their OCs in the book!

2) I opened a RP book! Please read and follow the rules and have fun!

3) I will not update Monday April 30th, 2018, May 7th, 2018 or May 11th, 2018. I have two band rehearsals and a concert those days.


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