Ch. 27

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Tails lowered down to Sonic, who was curious as to why Tails looked scared.

"What's going on?" Sonic asked.

"These guys are capturing Ryder!" Tails exclaimed. "They're restraining him!"

Sonic's eyes widened. He quickly walked over to the crowd, followed by Tails. He saw through dozens of legs and spotted Ryder. He had a leash tightly wrapped around his neck and he was struggling to get away. A man who held the other end of the leash kept his grip and heightened the intensity of how tight it was around Ryder's neck.

Soon, Ryder was slammed to the ground stomach down and one of the men placed his foot onto of his back. The boys have had enough of those men torturing him. Sonic then spin-dash through the dozens of legs. No, no one was hurt but those people felt something brush against them.

Sonic uncurled himself from Spin-Dash and was facing one of the three men. He smirked when that man attempted to catch him. Sonic was already behind him. The man who had the leash on Ryder turned around to help the other guy. Man, that was a mistake.

Sonic was able to distract both of them while getting in a laugh every so often.

"You humans are so slow." Sonic said in a taunting voice. The two men got angry-or angrier-and attempted to catch Sonic again. The man stepping on Ryder's back got distracted looking at the two other men making fools of themselves. He released his some of his weight off his foot, which allowed Ryder to breathe better.

Sonic was able to run and grab Ryder out from under the man's shoe. Ryder was barely conscious.

"Dang, Ryder. You're so much heavier than Ames." Sonic commented. Ryder might've been falling deep asleep but he was able to hear perfectly fine. He'll get Sonic for that later.

But, Sonic was about to run out the crowd to a safe spot. Unfortunately, he was shocked with a *tickle stick* that left him completely unconscious and laying on top of a blacking out Ryder.

Tails made him way through the crowd to check both the boys. He detected a pulse in Sonic but also noticed his arms and legs were jolting around. He found a pulse in Ryder but he looked straight up dead.

One of the me took the almost dead raccoon and carried it to the back of the truck.

"Ryder! No!" Tails exclaimed. What could he do? It's three men twice the size of a little fox. The odds weren't in Team Sonic's favor today.

The men put Ryder into a cage in the back of the truck. His cage was on the top of four rows and right by the door. He was still unconscious when the man locked the cage's door and slammed the back door.

Tails frantically shook Sonic but he was still jolting around. The three men all piled into the truck as Tails started shaking harder. The sound of the truck starting up startled Sonic into waking up. Just as the truck started pulling away, Sonic's vision cleared up and focused on Tails.

"W-What happened?" He asked.

"You were shocked! They got Ryder!" Tails exclaimed. He pointed to the truck that was about to turn a corner. Sonic weakly stood up and started running with Tails behind him.

After a few minutes of solid chasing, the truck blended in with other commercial trucks in a round de bout. Tails wouldn't be able to get a bird's eye view because there were much bigger trucks.

"Shoot." Sonic said. He was stumbling and his legs were weak and still slightly jolting.

"Ryder could be anywhere now." Tails said.


Ryder had gained consciousness after a lot of twist and turns. He was repeatably slammed into the cage walls and developed bruises. When he looked around, he saw human-dimension wild animals like pitbulls and rottweilers barking and trying to break out of their cages.

When Ryder felt the truck make a hard stop, he heard two doors open and slam shut. He heard foot steps grow louder as they approached the back of the truck. One of the men opened the door and stepped to Ryder's cage. He opened it and grabbed him. Well, he was reaching to grab him but Ryder bit him. Oof, the guy has rabies now.

After a few minutes of struggling to get Ryder out of his cage, they finally left the truck and approached a building. Ryder stopped struggling and stared at the building in fear.

The men walked in through the lobby and into an elevator up to the highest floor. While riding up, a short pre-recorded message filled their ears.

Welcome to Trump Towers.

Ryder's eyes widened in fear. He wasn't much of an orange fan. He didn't despise the orange as much as (Y/n) did, but he wasn't a favorite.

When the reached the top, they all walked down a long hallway and approached double doors. One of the men did a secret knock-which took forever- and the orange actually answered the door.

Ryder growled and started struggling to leave two of the men's grip.

"Let me go, morons!" Ryder yelled. But, they didn't let him go. All the men except the orange laughed.

"We caught the rat." One of the men said.

"That's not the right one." The orange said. "The rat I want is blue."

I'm so sorry for the shitty chapter. I've been super distracted. I just saw the news. Apparently, the US and their allies launched an attack on Syria. Ughh, If I can just jump through my TV into Bygone Island. Or just go to the UK or Canada or Australia. Oh, and the *tickle stick* is really a tazer. I just like calling it a tickle stick. Bye.

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