Ch. 45

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After walking around and following the destruction the trio of Shadow, (Y/n) and Silver made, he pushed it off and went to find Egghead. He was determined to prevent Solaris. Even though he knows something happens to cause Solaris, he wanted to quickly prevent it. He also hoped that the portal Ryder made didn't cause it.

As he walked, he wondered why Egghead didn't bother to send out robots. They would be all over him before he would step on his island. But now he was worried.

When he came to the main part of his lab that had his weapons on display, he found Egghead! He was sitting across the room at a table and working on a weapon.

"Long time, no see Egghead!" He shouted and leaned on the door way while crossing his arms.

Eggman looked back at him, with a relieved look. Then this is when the weird shit happens.

Eggman ran—right, he ran—towards Sonic and tackled him in a hug. Sonic was left shocked and weak from that encounter.

"Sonic! You're back!" Eggman exclaimed. "I was think that you decided you were too cool for me!"

"Oh, Eggman," Sonic started, "I'm already too cool for you."

Eggman got up and gave him a 'really' look.

"Look, I'm playing, Egghead." Sonic finished. "But, seriously, I wasn't even gone that long."

"You were gone for a few weeks, maybe a month." Egghead replied.

" I wasn't. I was gone for only a day." Sonic corrected him. "It was a very long and painful day, but it was a day."

"Where were you anyway 'for a day?'" Eggman asked in a mocking voice. "That must've been a painful place."

"I was in the United States, the worst place in the universe." Sonic replied. "And it was painful. I was attacked by fangirls, kidnapped and enslaved and tortured!"

"Did I hear you correctly?" Egghead asked. "You were in the United States?"

"Why do you care?" Sonic asked.

"Oh, I'm just wondering." Egghead lied. "I have...a dependent on that end."

Sonic was about to say something, but instead shook his head. "Nah. I didn't see any egg-shaped people." He teased. "But enough with the chit chat. We have stuff to talk about."

Eggman went back to his table to work on his weapon. "What type of stuff to talk about?" Eggman asked.

"It may be along the lines of 'the end of two worlds.'" Sonic answered.


The group of three kept accusing the poor two boys on it.

"My sole purpose in my life is to keep Solaris from coming to be." Silver started.

"And thanks to your stupidity, you two are the cause of Solaris." Shadow added.

"Three." Ryder said.

"But I count two." Silver replied.

"They had a third person with them." (Y/n) answered. "Sonic. Where is Sonic anyway?"

"He went to pay Eggman a visit." Tails responded.

"He's talking to the enemy why?" Shadow asked.

"I didn't bother to ask." Tails responded. "But, I need a quick recap."

"Ok, Eggman made two beings: Iblis and Mephiles. He sent Iblis into the real world a long time ago." Silver started.

"Mephiles must've still been in development because Egghead waited till he was ready to send him in the real world." (Y/n) added.

"When Mephiles and Iblis unite, they will create Solaris and destroy the world." Shadow said.

"And, now we know Solaris is uniting because..." (Y/n) added before walking and standing right in front of Ryder and Tails. "You dumbasses opened a portal when we told you 10 times not to!"

"We told you its fine!" Ryder yelled back. "Solaris isn't happening."

"Quick flashback, Ryder." (Y/n) said. "When I first got here, not long after, there were American things falling here. Like the TidePod and slime. That proves the portal didn't shut off!"

"And what are the chances that Iblis seen it?!" Ryder asked, yelling.

"Pretty certain since Solaris happens!" (Y/n) replied.


Amy was in a lighter mood since she talked to Sonic. It was really no secret that she missed him. When Sonic was gone, he occasionally thought about her. But he had his own shit going on.

The human girls, Sydney and Jade, were talking to Knuckles a little bit. It kept them busy.

Sticks however had the nerve racking job: watching for portals. Or watching for Mephiles. Either is a real threat.

While watching, she saw another portal drop four beings.

"Another portal! Four people!" Sticks warned them.

"Four?" Knuckles asked.

"Yep!" Sticks replied. "It dropped four."

"You stay here." Amy told Sydney and Jade. The two nodded in agreement. "Let's go." She told Sticks and Knuckles.

The three then started for the beach for the mystery beings.


"Theworldisn'tending! Whatareyoutalkingabout?!" Eggman asked, in a hurried and worried tone.

"I mean I know you released Iblis in the States. I know you released Mephiles in the town. I have eyes here." Sonic stated.

"First off, I disguised Iblis so he would look like a real human. Second, Mephiles escaped by himself. I haven't seen him in a while." Eggman replied.

Sonic only growled. He didn't know how to react or speak.

"Is Iblis doing his job well?" Eggman asked.

"What is Iblis's job?" Sonic asked.

"To destroy America, of course." Eggman answered.

Sonic widened his eyes. No one has enough power to mess up a country unless...

Sonic sighed and tiredly looked up at Eggman. "Iblis is..."

"Donald Trump! Correct, Sonic!" Eggman exclaimed, evilly.

"The president?" Sonic asked.

"President?!" Eggman asked. "He's president?!"

"Apparently from what (Y/n) said." Sonic answered. "He's a bad president from what I heard."

"Well I didn't raise him to~" Eggman started but a beeping was soon heard: Sonic's communicator.

"Hello?" Sonic asked.

"Sonic!" Amy exclaimed. "More people came from a portal!"

"More?" Sonic asked, agitated.

"Yeah, well now I have a better view of them." She said and it was silent a few seconds. "One looks very orange." She whispered.

Sonic glared up at Eggman.

"What?" Eggman asked in a whisper. "When I sent him off, he was white."

"I'm on my way, Ames." He said and ended the call.

"So help me if Solaris happens..."

Ok, so I'm not in the best mood but I'm
not gonna rant about it. The story's coming to an end soon. Wow, this story took only...4, almost five months? Bye.

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