Ch. 20

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A little PSA:

A message by @morgan_parry caught my attention of adding a new character in this. I actually have an idea of how I'll bring them in. Thank you @morgan_parry! I'll start that mini storyline next chapter.

Reader's POV

Well, we wandered around the entire lair. I'm surprised Egghead hasn't caught us. He must still be knocked out from Amy.

"Weren't you with Tails when we all split up?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah. He threw me through a window. That's how I got these cuts." I answered. Amy looked at my arms.

"You're fine." She said.

"Where were you guys?" Sonic asked.

"In some room with a killer bookcase." I answered.

"A killer bookcase?" Knuckles asked.

"She brought it to life to destroy us all." Sticks said.

"Yeah. I brought it to life so it can kill me." I saw, sarcastically.

"See?! She admitted it!" Sticks exclaimed.

"Excuse her, (Y/n). Sticks doesn't get sarcasm." Amy said. I simply nodded and sighed.

"But when I mean 'killer bookcase,' I mean 'I pulled a book but it was a trap and I ended up in a tube and was tortured by Egghead.'" I said.

"Then I saved her." Amy added.

"Maybe if we go back to the room where he trapped you, it could lead us to the 'killer bookcase.'" Sonic said.

"Let's go." I said and I led them to the room. At first, I didn't recognize it because it was glass everywhere. Luckily everyone have shoes.

"Lemme see your hammer, Ames." Sonic said. Amy didn't hesitate to hand it to him and he held it without any problem.

"Sonic, you're a god too?" I asked.

"Am I?" He asked.

"We had a little bet and she lost." Amy said.

"What was the bet?" Knuckles asked.

"If I could pick her hammer up. She's a god." I answered.

"She's mad that she isn't worthy." Amy said.

"A not worthy singer. Ha." Sonic added. I growled at both of them.

"How is Sonic worthy?" I asked. "Oh, I get it. You taught your little boyfriend the secret of picking it up."

"We aren't dating!" They both yelled. I smirked.

"Can't you just drop it?" Sonic asked.

"It's not my fault a lot of your fanbase supports SonAmy." I answered. "There is another ship that takes over the fanbase, too. It includes Sonic but I know for a fact that he won't like it."

"Who else am I shipped with?" Sonic asked.

•(Y/n) takes her shoe and breaks the fourth wall•

I'm pretty sure you guys are aware of the Sonadow ship. If not,

•Author repairs fourth wall•

"The other ship you're involved in is actually with someone you hate...a lot." I answered.

"Who?" He asked. I smirked again and ended up giggling. When I got myself together, I whispered in his ear who the other half was. "NO! NO HE ISN'T!" I was already laughing on the ground from his reaction.

"Who is it?" Sticks asked. Sonic was too shaken up from the answer and I was laughing uncontrollably.

"I-It's S-S-Shadow." Sonic answered. I laughed harder.

"Why Shadow?!" Amy asked.

"Hey, there's also Shadamy!" I yelled over my laughs.

"What?!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, the fanbase is pretty messed up." I said, somewhat calmed down but still laughing.

"How did those ships start?" Sonic asked.

"Well, SonAmy started when Amy was different. I have no idea how Sonadow started. The start of Shadamy started because of Amy." I said.

"How is SonAmy and Shadamy my fault?" Amy asked.

"Well, SonAmy started when in a way, you were different. When in a way, you were stalker obsessed with Sonic. When Shadamy started, your colorblind-ass mistaked Shadow for Sonic." I said.

"What? I'm not colorblind!" Amy exclaimed.

"Really? I have another ship that says different. However, you don't know him." (*cough* Silvamy *cough*) While arguing about the fan-made ships, we heard a BOOM! sound and looked that way. Knuckles and Sticks were standing by a huge whole that led into the room where Tails and I were in.

"If you guys are done talking about ships, we wanna start looking for Tails." Sticks said. Sonic, Amy and I agreed to fight later and look for Tails. We all went through the hole and was in the science filled room again. And we saw Tails! He had a pile of books all around him.

"Tails!" I yelled. He jumped and looked back at us.

"Oh hey, (Y/n)." He responded and started looking at the books again. "Where were you?"

"I was trapped with a bookcase! Or did you not notice?!" I exclaimed.

"I just thought you were really quiet." He answered. I buried my face in my hands and sighed.

"Where did you go?" He asked.

"After I was trapped and was tortured by Egghead, Amy found me. Then, we split up, I found Sonic, Amy found Knuckles, Sticks dropped in, we fought about ships then found you." I said. "And what were you reading about that caused you to be unaware of your surroundings?"

"Eggman has some fascinating science books." Tails answered.

"Is science more important than life?" I asked. He was about to say something but just closed his mouth. "Wow."

"Some of these books talk about the ability of time travel and portal travel." Tails said, completely ignoring me

"Yay, you got your nerd stuff so can you finish stealing? Egghead could be up." I said.

"Fine. Grab your books, Tails. We're leaving." Sonic said. Tails grabbed three books and walked toward us.

"Lead the way, (Y/n)." Sonic said.

"I don't know how to get out." I answered. I didn't pay attention. While singing, I just started making random twists and turns. I just got lucky finding Sonic and Amy Knuckles.

"Just guess." Amy said. I sighed.

"Fine." I said. They all followed me back into my trap room. Now, I just needed to remember which way I went.

Since I'm feeling more creative and that bringing in that character will make things interesting, I will have another chapter out later today (April 5th, 2018). Follow, comment, share, vote and all that shit. Bye!

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