Ch. 49

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I had just warped to another part of the island. I was still in the jungle, but I didn't know where. As long as I was away from those colored rats...

As I looked around, the feeling I had earlier grew more. It was like the feeling was getting closer to me.

"Iblis...Iblis..." I heard someone say.

I looked behind me, thinking the rats found me. But there was no one. No one for what I could see. Only me.

"Iblis, it's Mephiles." The voice said.

Oh, it's just the voice in my head.

"Oh, it's just you." I said, out loud.

"Of course it's me." Mephiles said. "The time to unite has come."

"So it is." I replied and looked around. "Where are you?"

A took a few steps but stopped in my tracks. A hedgehog about half my height appeared in front of me, levitating so eye contact was made.

The hedgehog looked a lot like the other hedgehog I encountered earlier. Only that one was black and red. This one had red sclera and green irises with claws.

"Nice to meet you, Iblis." Mephiles said.

"You're the voice inside my head?" I asked.

"Indeed, I am." Mephiles answered. "And now, we must unite to form Solaris. I'm afraid we won't have the opportunity to later."

I nodded. I don't know what happened next because it was a blur.


Mephiles turned into a teal-ish streak and flew into 'Iblis's head. He now had full control over Iblis. He always communicated to Iblis, just through their heads. Who do you think influenced him to be the president he is?

All the questionable things he said and did. All Mephiles. Mephiles is his conscience. Now, no one is aware of it, not even the body guards. But people should've been at least suspicious when he wanted to be president.

The transformation was quick but seemed a long time. Instead of an orange human, 'Iblis' and Mephiles was now a giant creature.

A loud roar emerged from Solaris. The roar could be heard from everywhere. The entire island, even all the way at Eggman's island lair.


Egghead had just gotten back to his lair.

As he landed his Eggmobile he walked back to the automatic doors. Soon, he realized that he left Orbot and Cubot at Bygone Island. Oh well.

It wasn't long after he realized he left them that he heard a distant roar. He stopped walking and turned back to face the rival island. No one on Team Sonic can roar, at least not that loud.

It couldn't be...not this soon...


That roar startled everyone. Even the two 'orphaned' robots that were heading back to Egghead's lair.

~But back to the important people~

The roar startled the entire group, except the unconscious Tails.

"You don't think..." (Y/n) started.

"They did." Shadow finished.

"Just like how it's written out." Silver added.

"What now?" Ryder asked.

Before anyone could say anything, another roar was heard. But now it seemed closer than before. That louder roar was actually able to wake Tails up.

Tails jerked up but was still in Knuckles's arms.

"What happened?" He asked. Everyone looked at him before hugging him to almost death, except Shadow, Silver and Ryder. They each had their own reason for not showing that side of them.

"Tails, long story short, Solaris is united." Sonic said, quickly.

"And we need to make a plan." Silver added.

Tails hopped out of Knuckles's arms. But when he landed on the ground, a loud boom was heard and the group looked at him suspiciously. Everyone but Shadow, who looked toward the other side of the jungle.

"Guys, I promise!" Tails exclaimed. "That wasn't me!"

"Then what was that?" Sticks asked.

"Are you ignoring the obvious?" Shadow asked.

"Pretty much." Knuckles answered.

The booming sounds got closer.

"We gotta hide." Ryder said.

"Will my workshop work?" Tails suggested.

"Perfect!" Sonic exclaimed. "Let's go!"

The group then started running with Sonic leading the way. As they ran, they heard occasional roars but no more booming sounds.

When they approached the village, all the citizens were acting normal. But inside, they were panicking. Based on experience, they guessed it wasn't the work of Eggman. Wrong.

The group actually just ran through the village and made a B-line to Tails's workshop.

Once they arrived, Tails closed and locked the doors once everyone was in.

"Anyone with a battle plan?" Sticks asked.

"First, we need to assemble a team." (Y/n) suggested.

"We already have a team." Sonic said. "Plus Shadow and Silver."

"But not (Y/n) or me?" Ryder asked.

"We don't need innocent lives being taken away."  Amy answered.

"But in retrospect," Shadow started, "it's originally (Y/n)'s fault in the first place. If she had never came, we won't even have to deal with Solaris uniting. Then, if Ryder never opened that portal in the human world, we wouldn't have to be dealing with Solaris. So if their lives are taken, they wouldn't be so innocent."

That good point made (Y/n) glare up at him. Ryder glared also.

"If you're suggesting I fight with you guys, I have no problem with that." She said.

"Um, I do." Ryder stepped up. (Y/n) turned around and Ryder caught a glare from her. Her facial expression told a very violent threat that she could, would and will carry out. He sighed and looked down at her.

"I'll fight with you guys." He finally said.

(Y/n)'s glare didn't soften as she faced the entire group. "How exactly do we fight?" She asked. "We don't have any special powers, abilities or weapons."

"Well..." Tails started.

"Well what?" Ryder asked.

"I could give you guys powers..."

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