Ch. 18

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So, I'm currently writing this in an amusement park line for a rollercoaster. There's a 70 minute wait...another delay...and more delays so why not write?

Reader's POV

Amy and I are now waiting outside by Tails's plane. She was told by Sticks that their plan was done and to meet them there...That was an hour ago.

"What's taking them so long?" I asked Amy.

"It's not like them to be late like this. I only wait ten minutes. Sometimes only fifthteen. Knowing them, especially Sonic, he's probably getting more stuff." Amy explained.

"How long does it take to take a few things? And why does it take some elaborate scheme to steal stuff?" I asked, irritably.

"I don't know. Sonic makes the plans and calls the shots." Amy answered.

"And if he's sick?" I asked.

"Tails takes over." She said.

"Oh. I would've thought that his girlfriend is in charge when he can't work." I snapped. I smirked and started laughing. (I'm sorry. I support SonAmy.) Then, I hear her growl. I looked at her and she's gripping her hammer.

"It's a joke." I said and smiled weakly. She put her hammer down and sat back down on the wing of the plane. Now I know to never make SonAmy front of her at least.

*Timeskip, ten minutes*

"That's it! I'm going to look for them." I said and got up. I've waited way too long for something I was dragged to.

"But (Y/n), it's Eggman's lair. You'll get captured again." Amy said, trying to worry me. Meanwhile, I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying. I was thinking where they could be. But how will I get into Eggman's lair? I looked at Amy's hammer.

"I need your hammer." I said.

"Um, no." She answered.

"But I need it to~" I started but she cut me off.

"Let's make a deal. If you can pick it up, you can use it." She offered.

"Deal." I responded. We shook hands and I walked over to her hammer. It can't be that heavy. I mean, she can pick it up. So, I gripped it and pulled.

*After many failed attempts later*

"Ready to give up yet?" Amy asked. I growled at her. How the hell can a piko hammer be that heavy? It's like lifting a fucking car! I feel like I'm trying to lift Thor's hammer. (*cough* Age of Ultron *cough*)

"Are you a god or something?" I asked, panting. She walked over and effortlessly picked it up and rested it over her back.

"Nope. You just aren't worthy enough." She answered.

"Oh. I get the trick." I said.

"There isn't any trick." She replied.

"Yeah there is. Whoever carries Amy's fingerprints is worthy." I said, mockingly.

"Did you forget I wear gloves?" She asked.

"Whoever wears Amy's gloves is worthy?" I asked.

"More like, whoever is the fabulous Amy Rose the Hedgehog is worthy." She responded. I rolled my eyes and tried picking it up again. It's no use.

"Whatever. I can find a weapon that can break the door myself." I said and started looking around.

"You can just ask for my help and I'll help you, you know?" She offered.

"I'm good!" I shouted and looked around in Tails's plane. Under the pilot's seat, I found a wrench. I mean, it's not bad but it isn't intimidating. I sighed and jumped out the plane and looked at Amy.

"Can you help me?" I asked.

"You're welcome." She said. I rolled my eyes and we both started looking around. I mean, I saw the window Tails shattered and the pile of robots that Amy destroyed earlier but that's it. We kept walking and found a place where Amy was more familiar with than me. It had more destroyed robots in a trail leading around the corner. We hooked the corner and found an entire pile of destroyed robots. I figured Sonic got carried away or something else happened. As we kept looking around, I saw footprints that were made visible by the leaking oil of the robots. Goddamn, they were huge.

"Whose prints are those?" I asked.

"Probably Knuckles's." She answered. I started snickering to myself. "What?"

"You know what they say about guys with big feet?" I asked.

"No." She answered. "What?"

"I'll tell later." I answered. We followed the footsteps and they led into a sealed door. With a few whacks of Amy's Thor-like hammer, it was soon a hole big enough for us to go through. We both climbed in and started walking around. I think she smashed her way through the wall into Eggman's living room. We saw him laying on the couch watching TV.

"Hey! I just repaired that hole from when Shadow destroyed it!" He yelled.

"Stop complaining and tell us where my friends are." Amy said.

"The rats aren't here anymore. I disposed them properly." He said, sinisterly. I started taking off my shoe (yes, again with the shoe.) but Amy stopped me.

"I got this." She said and started for Egghead with her hammer.

Ok, so remember when I said I was writing this chapter in line? Well, the line moved (yay!) and I rode that ride...and two more and wrote the rest after the last ride. Comment, share, follow, vote and all that shit. Bye!

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