Ch. 21

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Reader's POV

Leading Team Sonic is a absolute nightmare. Instead of leading them back to the living room with the Shadow and Amy made holes in the wall, I led them to where Shadow held me after he lost his fight. (*cough* Ch.5 *cough*)

The room had the same 6 fetuses floating in the tubes and scary looking features. Not the fetuses, the room in general. But the fetuses were different from the last time I saw them. Now, all the fetuses had their own color to them. Each one was either red, orange, yellow, green, dark blue or very light blue.

All of a sudden, Tails's communicator started going off. It acted like a metal detector.

"What's wrong?" Amy asked.

"My communicator goes off when it senses dangerous elements." Tails said. He started moving around the room until it was rapidly beeping. He was in front of the very light blue fetus.

"What could be dangerous about a baby?" Sonic asked.

"Technically, it's an embryo or a fetus." Tails said. "Plus, it's in Eggman's lair. How could it not be dangerous?"

"Good point." Amy said. "But does your communicator say why it's dangerous?"

"It says it's an unnamed element." Tails said.

"Impossible. Every element known to us is discovered." Sonic said.

"Exactly. Known to you. What about the unknown ones? This element may be unknown to you guys but discovered by man." I suggested.

"But how did he discover it?" Amy asked.

"And when?" Tails asked. "These fetuses look a few months old."

"Baby aliens!" Sticks exclaimed.

"They look more like hedgehogs." I said.

"Why is Eggman making hedgehogs?" Knuckles asked.

"Maybe because he got tired of building robots." I joked.

"Or maybe I'm carrying out an evil plan." Egghead said. We all looked back and saw him standing in front of an open door.

"What's the plan, Eggman?" Sonic asked.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." Egghead answered.

"But you're using an unnamed element in this fetus!" Tails exclaimed.

"I know." Egghead responded. "And it's a plan even you little rats won't be able to stop."

Everyone but me got offended. I mean, technically, I'm not a rat and physically I'm not a rat. I think Sonic got the most offended because he did a Spin Dash toward Egghead. Egghead fell back and out of sight but Sonic bounced back. I thought he would've uncurled himself. Nope. Spun dashed right into me.

***Time later***

I woke up again. Man, my record of not getting knocked out was ruined by Sonic. This time, I woke up in Amy's place surrounded by Sonic, Knuckles and Amy. I groaned and held my head. But I noticed that my arms were bandaged in...oh no. Sports tape.

"I hate you, Sonic." I said.

"Yeah, sorry about that." He said while scratching the back of his neck. I tolled my eyes and sat up.

"What happened after I got knocked out?" I asked.

"Well, you got knocked out. Then, Egghead was unconscious again. We took the chance to leave but Tails left behind something that would destroy Egghead's plan." Amy explained.

"What'd he leave behind?" I asked.

"A boom!" Knuckles said.

"He means 'bomb.'" Sonic said. I widened my eyes.

"So you steal from him then bomb his lair?!" I exclaimed.

"How many times do we have to tell you?" Sonic asked. "We didn't steal. Plus, Tails destroyed the room, not the entire lair. At least Egghead's so called master plan will never happen."

"So just destroy the plan, not the lair!" I exclaimed.

"That was the only way to be sure." Sonic said. I rolled my eyes and looked at my taped arms. Now I know why everyone rips on the sports tape. It looks horrible on me. Then I looked at my shoes. THEY TAPED THOSE TOO!!

"Why'd you guys tape my arms up?" I asked. I could hear in my voice that I was agitated.

"You had cuts and when Sonic spin dashed you, it made more cuts." Amy answered.

"But why my shoes?" I asked.

"So they don't come off your feet." Knuckles answered.

"But in my world, we take our shoes off when we get home." I said.

"Why? You'll just have to put them on the next time you go out." Sonic said.

"Yeah, we don't care. Plus, I can't shower in my shoes. I'll get them wet." I said, whining as I examined my (F/c) Converse. Well, they were a dark shade of (F/c) now because of constantly walking in the mud.

"They could use a wash." Knuckles said.

"But what's wrong with sports tape? It's awesome." Sonic said.

"You didn't have band-aids or gauze?" I asked.

"No. And you weren't bleeding. No blood, no foul." Knuckles said.

"The term is 'No harm, no foul.'" Amy corrected him.

"Exactly!" I exclaimed. "And I was harmed. Twice today!"

"Stop overreacting." He commanded. I crossed my arms and laid back down. "Another reason we taped your shoes is so you don't throw them anymore."

What?! My shoes are my only weapon! So when Orbot and Cubot kidnap me again, should I throw a book? My shoe actually made a difference!

"No worries. I can just cut the tape off." I said.

"Ha! 'I can just cut the tape off.' I remember I said that three years ago." Sonic said.

"Are you saying that this tape is permanent?" I asked.


"No. But the tape's so strong, it'll rip your arm fur off." Sonic said.

"Like waxing?" I asked.

"Basically." Any answered.


"No, but it'll be painful peeling it off your skin." Sonic said.

"Really?" I asked.

"It's not that bad. I wax my arms." Amy said.


Eggman had just woke up. After Sonic spin dashed him, he was knocked out and wasn't awake to see what Tails had done. His fetus lab was destroyed. Tails had intended to blow up the fetuses, too. Oof, that didn't work.

The dangerous fetus they encountered was the only one who survived the bomb. Egghead really only cared about that one anyway. It was the finished prototype. The red one, the orange one, yellow one, green and dark blue were all the prototypes that had flaws to them. If the prototype had too many flaws, it was remade. Egghead only kept them just in case.

He examined his blown up lab the looked at the surviving fetus. Those little rats will pay! he thought as he stared at the surviving fetus.

"My lovely project. My lovely Project M..."

Yay! Two chapters in one day! Comment, share, follow, vote and all that shit. Bye!

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