Ch. 26

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Third POV

After Amy and Sticks fled from (Y/n), (Y/n) was left very confused. Who could blame her? Two of her only five friends thinks she's a homicidal monster.

While Amy walked home, she was trying to gather her thoughts together from earlier. She forgot everything after he disappeared. All she remembered was Sticks pushing her out of the way.

She was too busy to notice her surroundings. The black gas was hiding in plain sight and later turned into his (Y/n) form. He started stalking her from a far distance.

After a few minutes, Amy came up at her house. M was a few feet away, hiding in a bush. When he made the slightest sound, Amy's ears perked up. She turned around and scanned the area. M crouched down into the bush more and was careful to not even breathe.

After Amy finished looking around, she went into her house and slammed the door shut. M rose from the bush and scowled.

I thought the pink rat was exterminated.

He turned into the black gas and left the bush but stayed hidden and away from anyone's sight.


Picking up from when Sonic and Tails were mauled by crazy human fangirls.

After the girls left them alone, they all left with their own unique souvenir from the boys.

The boys were left unconscious from lack of oxygen for about an hour while getting jumped.

Sonic woke up and had no memory of what happened after the fangirls found their way in. He examined his body and widened his eyes in fear. The sports tape that was on his arms was completely ripped off. That left his once blue arms now mostly peach with spots of blue. His quills were completely messed up and he could've swore some of the girls pulled some out. He had a black eye from a girl that accidentally elbowed him. His gloves were both gone and the sports tape on his legs and shoes were semi-gone. Meaning, most of the tape stayed on his shoes but on his legs, the ripped off tape left patches of peach skin.

He looked over at Tails, who didn't look too good either. His tool belt and flight goggles were both gone. Two lucky girls grabbed them. His fur was messy and he only possessed one glove. The tape that was on his shoes also ripped off some of the fabric that was on them.

Sonic crawled over to him and shook him awake.

"Tails? Tails, buddy. Wake up!" Sonic pleaded while shaking him. Tails didn't move an inch. That's when Sonic started panicking. He violently shook him and that's when Tails started coming to.

"Sonic?" He weakly asked, with his eyes closed. Sonic smiled.

"Buddy, are you ok?" Sonic asked.

"I'm hurting a lot." Tails answered, his eyes still closed.

"Me too." Sonic said. "You don't look too bad."

Tails opened his eyes and widened them in fear when he caught the glimpse of a super damaged Sonic.

"Sonic! Your face!" Tails exclaimed. Sonic gave him a confused look.

"What's wrong with my face?" Sonic asked.

"You have a black eye!" Tails exclaimed. "Wait, do I have a black eye?! I'm too young and cute to have a black eye!"

"Tails, relax. Your face is fine." Sonic said. "And I'll just ignore that 'young and cute' comment."

"Sorry." Tails said, apologetically. Then, Tails noticed something. "Where's my goggles and my tool belt?"

"Some girls probably stole them." Sonic answered.

"Oh no! The remote was latched onto it!" Tails exclaimed. Yes, that very remote that lets them jump through dimensions. They can't rely on (Y/n) now. For one, she's dealing with her own problems. Second, she wouldn't help them anyway. They're on their own.

"It's alright, Tails. All we have to do is find Ryder. He still has the original remote." Sonic said.

"What about the fangirls?" Tails asked.

"What more could they want? They took your goggles and tool belt. They took my gloves." Sonic said.

"Don't forget your scarf." Tails added. Sonic's eyes widened. He started around feeling his neck, where his scarf would be. He didn't feel any cloth.

"Sonic, are you ok?" Tails asked.

"No! I'm not ok! Those crazy bit~" Sonic started but calmed down. (Y/n)'s bad habit of cursing constantly must've rubbed off on him. "It's one thing when they take my gloves...but my scarf?!"

Tails was about to make a big mistake saying the scarf was no big deal. It really is a big deal. The scarf is super important to Sonic. Tails of all people should know how important it is.

"You're right." Tails started. "What should we do?"

"Right now, let's focus on finding Ryder. I'll worry about my scarf later." Sonic answered. Tails nodded. Both of them stood up and left the old abandoned building. They were super careful and both of them were ready to run just in case.

"Now, where could Ryder be?" Sonic asked.

"I don't know. If he was captured by fangirls, I'm done." Tails answered.

"Let's hope." Sonic said.

After a few minutes, they came across a huge group of people crowded in the street. The boys looked at them with confused looks.

"What's going on?" Sonic asked.

"Hold on." Tails said. He started spinning his Tails and he soon had a bird's eye view of the whole street. He looked at the crowd of people. The crowd was surrounding a few other people and a truck that had the words 'Animal Control' plastered on the side. Tails lowered a little so he could get a closer look.

Well, in the middle of the crowd, those few people had matching uniforms. There was also a small organism the uniformed people were surrounding. When Tails lowered more, he realized they were surrounding and restraining a raccoon with a gray shirt and navy shoes.


Hey...if you saw the last chapter or what my read count is currently...I REACHED 1K READS. IM SO FUCKING HAPPY!!!!!!! Also, CONTEST IS ON. Bye!

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