Ch. 14

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Happy St. Pat's Day!

Reader's POV

So, I decided that Ryder will go back alone. That's right. I. His opinion doesn't really matter right now. My opinion is 'I'm not going back.' I didn't even want to go the first time.

"That's it! You're going back!" I yelled. Sonic was still holding me and still kept his grip. "Sonic, let me go."

"But, then you'll kill Ryder. He's a cool guy." Sonic said.

"Yeah, he's just the cool guy that doomed your dimension." I said.

"Except for that." Sonic said. "I'll put you down if you promise not to kill him."

"I promise I won't kill him." I said, in a forced kind of way. He put me down and walked towards Ryder. I bitch slapped him.

"Ow!" He yelled holding his muzzle.

"(Y/N)!" Amy yelled.

"I said I wouldn't kill him. You said nothing about slapping him." I said.

"Violence isn't gonna solve this, guys." Tails said.

"Then how are we gonna settle this?" Sonic asked.

"Well, we~" Amy started. I all of a sudden heard something or someone whistling. I looked up and saw something coming closer. Like it was falling...Oh gosh, it is.

"Run!" I yelled. We all ran away from the object, whose shadow was becoming bigger on the pavement. Ryder and I hid behind a table, Tails hid behind a stand and Knux, Amy and Sonic hid behind another table. As usual, we heard the screams and a huge thud! We all peeked from our hiding spots and looked at the object from (S).

We all walked towards it. It was a clear container. But, it had pink sparkly stuff in it. We took the top off and it smelled weird. I stuck my hand in it and it left my hand-print and it reverted to it's natural state.

"Who sends slime in this?" Ryder asked.

"Oh my gosh! I love it!" Amy yelled as she took a handful of it in both her hands. Everyone else curiously touched it.

"You guys call this slime?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah, it was extremely popular then it lost it's buzz." Ryder said.

"That was literally every video on YouTube." I said.

"What else was popular?" Knuckles asked.

"Those stupid internet challenges." I said.

"Internet challenges?" Tails asked.

"Yes, like the cinnamon challenge, ALS challenge, ice bath challenge, 1000 layer challenge, yoga challenge, 1000 degree challenge and more." Ryder said.

"Don't forget the Lego walk." I added.

"That, too." Ryder said.

"They sound fun." Knuckles said.

"They don't look fun, though. They look extremely painful and it's hilarious." I said. I glanced over at Amy who was playing with some of the slime.

"Can I keep this?" She asked me.

"Sure." I said, shrugging. She happily put her portion of the slime in the container.

"So, when are you going back?" I asked Ryder.

"When you come back with me." He answered back.

"For the millionth time, I'm not going back. You'll be gone for thirty seconds." I said.

"Actually, you guys were gone for an hour." Tails said. I looked back at him.

"No, we were't. We were gone for probably ten minutes."I said.

"Maybe in your dimension." He said.

"Well, that's good to know." Ryder said. I glared at him and saw a glimpse of something flying towards us. No, not another falling object. Goddammit, it was Egghead.

"What do you want?!" I yelled.

"I want to know who dropped off a huge TidePod at my island fortress." He stated. He was dragging it from his air-thingy on a rope. Then, something clicked. 

"You know what TidePods are?" I asked.

"Of course I do. I use them for my laundry." He said.

"I wouldn't mind him eating TidePods." I whispered to Ryder. Apparently, Sonic heard me. Noisy hedgehog.

"Why would Egghead eat a Tide thingy?" He asked, loud enough for him to hear.

"Yeah, why would I?" Egghead yelled.

"No reason." Both Ryder and I said.

"America?" Tails asked. I nodded.

"What is this America?" Egghead asked.

"The island Ryder and I are from." I answered.

"Wait, so there's another island that's totally defenseless? How far away is it?" He asked.

"Far." Ryder answered.

"How far?" He asked.

"Far." Both Ryder and I answered. Then, I saw Egghead think to himself then fly away. He's no doctor if he's taking a female (A/s)'s word on an imaginary island. Well, I wouldn't have a clue what he would do if he tried going to America. If he took over, at least he would be a better leader than the orange.

This was an extremely short but I had no other ideas. Also, there will not be a chapter 3/18/18 because I have family/homework stuff to take care of. Vote, comment, follow, share and all that shit. Bye!

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