Ch. 41

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"Any idea of what Iblis could look like?" Sonic asked as he kept dragging Ryder and Tails throughout the city.

"Iblis has to be different from everyone else." Tails answered.

"That's the point, dumb-ass." Ryder added.

Sonic stopped them near the city line to finish their conversation.

"Tails, did they say anything on what Iblis may look like?" Sonic asked.

"No." He answered. "Shadow just said if we destroy him, we can come home."

"If Iblis has been here for a while, then he must be disguised as a human." Ryder suggested.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought." Sonic said. "Tails, do you have any technology that can help us with this?"

"Um, I may have something on my tool~." Tails started but didn't bother to finish the sentence.

"Don't tell me we need your tool-belt that those stupid girls stole." Ryder said.

"...What should I tell you then?" Tails asked.

Sonic only groaned.

"All I want to do is go home." He whined.

"Tails, call (Y/n) for clues or hints because I'm sick of this shit, too." Ryder also complained.

Tails rolled his eyes and called (Y/n) via the CDC.


After Silver met everyone, (Y/n)'s CDC started beeping. Silver, being from the future, jumped at the sound and aimed his hands as they started to glow teal.

"What is that?!" He yelled.

"My communicator..." (Y/n) replied and answered the CDC. "Hello?"

"(Y/n), we need information on Iblis." Tails replied.

"Who are they?" Silver asked in a quiet voice so the boys in the real world wouldn't hear him.

"Sonic, Tails and Ryder." She whispered to him before responding back to Tails.

Silver's eyes widened in curiosity. Torill never mentioned anyone by the names of Sonic, Tails or Ryder.

"What info do you need?" (Y/n) asked.

" his appearance?" Tails suggested.

Shadow then got involved.

"Are you three so dense you can't figure out where a genetically created god-like organism is?" Shadow asked and unintentionally yanked on (Y/n)'s arm.

"All of the beings here are humans." Tails answered.

Shadow unconnected the CDC from her arm so he could talk to them. Silver actually had a few things to say to the others.

"I had no idea other humans lived on Bygone Island. I was only aware that Ivo lived here." Silver said.

"Who's Ivo?" Amy asked.

"Ivo Robotnik?" Silver asked.

"He means Egghead." (Y/n) assured everyone.

"Does Bygone Island have both animals and humans?" Silver asked.

"Eggman is the only regular human that lives here, but he lives on his own island." Amy answered.

"These aliens just got here." Sticks added and pointed to Sydney and Jade.

"These beings are aliens?" Silver asked.

"No, they aren't." (Y/n) assured him. "They are from the human world."

"You guys have the technology to go to other worlds?" Silver asked.

"Yep, thanks to Tails." Amy answered.

Just then, Shadow walked back to the group and gave (Y/n) her CDC back.

"What did you tell them?" Sticks asked.

"I said I would call back later with the information." He answered.

"With what information?" Amy asked.

"Information on what Iblis looks like." He answered.

"And where do we get that info?" (Y/n) asked.

"From the Doctor." He replied.

"No way he'll tell any of us." (Y/n) said.

"We'll have to force him then." He said.

"Um, why am I going?" She asked.

"Not just you." He said and pointed to..."Silver 's going with us."

"I am?" Silver asked.

"Why bring the new guy?" Sticks asked.

"Actually, I don't mind meeting Ivo." Silver replied. "Let's go."

"We still haven't established why I'm going." (Y/n) added.

"Don't worry, I'll go in your place." Amy said.

"No, it has to be the Mephiles-trigger." Shadow said, harshly.

"Why me?!" (Y/n) asked, in a shouting manner.

"Because if you never came here, the Doctor would never have known the first phase of his plan worked. He wouldn't have finished Project Mephiles and be at the last phase of his plan. So yes, you." He answered.

She growled at his very right explanation and gave in.

"You, female inferiors." Shadow called to Amy and Sticks, who growled at his word choice.

"Yes, ignorant male?" Amy replied.

"Watch the humans." He commanded and the girls hesitantly agreed while the humans talked amongst themselves, probably promising to never vape again.

Shadow, (Y/n) and Silver all teleported to Egghead's base on his island. Silver was amused on how the technology worked compared to his time.

"Where do we knock?" Silver asked.

"We don't." Shadow answered and spin-dashed into the door multiple times, attempting to break a hole in.

"Why don't we just knock and hope Ivo lets us in?" Silver asked to her, over Shadow's noise.

"Because 'Ivo' isn't friendly towards us or anyone." She answered, over his noise. "Plus he wouldn't answer to us."

"What have you done to provoke him?" He asked.

"I may have 'killed' one of his robots." She answered. "I have no idea what Shadow did but~" She stopped when Shadow succeed and broke through the door.

All three entered the lab and started searching for Egghead.

The first room they encountered, no Egghead. But they don't really need to see Egghead, per se. If they find any information on Iblis, it's useful. The very last resort is Egghead.

The second room, they found Orbot and Cubot nervously standing in place. Both Shadow and (Y/n) gave serious looks as Silver's face went into worry.

"Where is the Doctor?" Shadow asked.

"Um...which one...?" Cubot asked. Shadow growled and looked at Orbot.

"I'm sorry but that information is classified." Orbot answered, confidently.

(Y/n) started trying to undo her shoe to knock some sense into Orbot again but forgot one thing. The stupid sports tape.

"Listen you bucket of bolts. Tell us where the doctor is." Shadow demanded.

"No!" Cubot shouted, like a kid.

"You've sealed your fate."

So, between answering RPs and my phone being taken away, I can barely write this. But school is over so I'll have more time. Bye.

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