Ch. 7

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So I'm sorta back. I'm still suffering from writer's block but not that extreme. I at least got something for this chapter but it'll be super short.

Reader's POV

What we were all looking at shocked us. Especially me. It was...a human. What's worse, I know him: Ryder Daniels. 

*Ryder isn't your best friend. He's more than an acquaintance but less than a best friend.* 

He would stop by the lab I worked in everyday and bring me food and stuff. But why is he...Oh right. I only programmed my 'avatar' for me and none for anyone else. No wonder he's a human. I mean, when I was human, I was pretty short. He's a giant compared to us! His normal height is 5'10 and we're all 3'6 or shorter.

"What is...Who are...?" Sonic stuttered. I buried my head into my hands and exhaled before looking back at Ryder.

"I'm not here to harm you guys. My name is Ryder and I'm just looking for (Y/n)." Ryder said. Sonic, Amy and Tails turned to me. Knuckles noticed and looked down at me.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm (Y/n)." I whispered so no one but Knuckles and I could hear.

"(Y/N)?!" He yelled, unintentionally. I face palmed myself and mumbled incoherent words under my breath. My gosh, he's so dumb. When I looked up, I caught a glance at Ryder looking at me. I sighed and walked toward him, bowing my head.

"(Y/n)? Is that really you?" He asked while he took a knee so he was eye contact with me. I looked him in the eyes and nodded.

"How are you a (A/s) and I'm a human?" He asked. I was about to speak but then again, Sonic, Amy and Tails have no idea what my backstory is and how I got here. As for as they are concerned, they think I was abandoned at sea.

"What is he talking about? How do you know this...thing?" Amy asked. I turned and looked at them.

"It's a long story." I answered while scratching the back of my head and avoiding eye contact.

"Then do long story short." Sonic replied. I glared at him before taking a deep breath. Goddammit, I thought I would have had at least a couple of days to figure out how to tell everyone. Not even a solid day here and I was kidnapped by Eggman, held captive by Shadow, and got knocked out by Psycho's hammer. Now, I have to pour my feelings out to these guys?

"Ok. Long story short: I'm not a (A/s). I'm a human. That's what Egghead and Ryder are. I'm from another dimension. And in that dimension, I'm from a country called the United States and within those states, I'm from (S)." I started.

"So in your dimension, beings like Ryder and Egghead rule over us?" Tails asked.

"Not at all. In this dimension, you guys talk and walk like humans. In my dimension, animals like hedgehogs and foxes and echidnas all live freely in their habitats. Humans don't mess with them." I explained.

"Well, technically, humans mess with video games." Ryder snuck in. I widened my eyes and glared back at him. I mouthed "Shut up," before turning back to them.

"Video games," Sonic asked. "What does video games have to do with this?"

I sighed.

"Well first, this dimension is not that known to people in my dimension. In fact, no one but Ryder and I know it exists." I started.

"How are you guys the only ones?" Amy asked.

"Ok, do you want me to be blunt with this?" I asked.

"Sure...?" Sonic answered, uneasy.

"So...You guys aren't real. None of this is real. You all are simply video games characters that are in a spin-off show called Sonic Boom." I said. Their eyes widened.

"We-We aren't real?" Tails asked.

"I'm sorry, you guys and everything around us is fictional." I said.

"So, how are you here?" Sonic asked.

"I left the United States through a portal I made and landed here. When you guys found me in the water, I was fresh from the U.S." I said.

"The portal was still open so I went through it and here I am." Ryder said.

"No, I meant, how are you a(n) (A/s)?" Sonic asked.

"Oh. I thought to myself: 'Would it be a good idea to walk around as a (R) human girl from (S)?' So, I used a program to make the boy you see now. It's avatar." I explained.

"Why did you leave?" Amy asked.

"Simple. I hated America. We had a terrible year which is named 2016. The country is led by an orange and it's just...I can't explain it." I said. I would have to be drunk to start talking about America's problems.

"What was so bad about 2016?" Tails asked. I blinked before sighing. "You guys will have to get me drunk first. I refuse to go in detail about how bad 2016 was. 'Bad' is an understatement. It was a nightmare!" 

"Yeah, and 2017 wasn't really that hot either." Ryder said.

"Which is why I made a one-way por..." I stopped mid-sentence. I realized something. The portal is one way...which means Ryder can't go back. I slowly turned and looked at him.

"What's wrong, (Y/n)?" He asked.

"You can't go home." I sadly said. He gave me a confused look before he realized it, too. I feel bad for him. He has family and friends that care about him back in (S).  He had a life. I left because I didn't have much. He had so much stuff.

"I-I can't?" He asked, stuttering. I sadly shook my head 'no.' He bowed his head and I could hear him sniffling. "You sure I can't go back?"

"Unless Tails can help me with a portal back to (S)..." I started.

"I'll do it!" Tails shouted.

"And we'll help." Sonic added. I looked back at them and smiled. This was actually gonna work out.

*Looks at clock* Damn, this crappy chapter in a few hours? How?! Anyway, vote, comment and share and all that crap. Bye!

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