Ch. 36

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"Got it." Tails whispered back. The orange thought nothing of it as he exited the office.

Sonic counted to three on his fingers before him and Tails ran toward the men about to take Ryder's cage. Sonic spun dashed into the blond one while Tails distracted the bald one.

Sonic was able to knock out the blond one. He climbed onto the desk and tried to unlock Ryder's cage...until the Blond woke up and grabbed Sonic and pulled him away from the cage.

After distracting the bald one, Tails started working at the cage. It had a combination lock that had a 6-number combination.

"Ryder, any favorite six number passcodes?" Tails asked.

"No idea." Ryder replied.

While they were figuring out a passcode, Sonic was fighting off both men.

"Any time now, guys!" Sonic exclaimed.

"We're trying!" Ryder yelled and then noticed something on the back of the lock. A sticker that says:

Make America Great Again

He rolled his eyes and realized something.

"Tails, put in these numbers in this order!" Ryder exclaimed. "11! 08! 16!"

Tails quickly put the combination in and the lock popped off ad Ryder was free. He jumped out the cage and off the desk. Sonic had temporarily knocked both men out.

"About time! Let's get outta here!" He exclaimed.

They all ran toward the door. Ryder tried turning the knob but couldn't.

"Ugh! That orange asshole locked us in!" Ryder yelled and punched the door.

"There has to be another way out." Tails said.

All three scoped the room and found an available window.

"Bingo!" Sonic and Tails exclaimed as they ran toward it...leaving Ryder.

"Um, guys?" Ryder asked, getting the boys' attention.

"What's up, Ryder?" Sonic asked.

"I'm kinda afraid of heights." He admitted.

"Just cover your eyes when we jump." Sonic replied.

"It's not that~" Ryder started. "Wait, jump?!"

"It's the only way out quick enough, Ryder." Tails said.

Ryder kept stalling until Sonic picked him up bridal style and put him down at the window. Ryder stared down at his death, until Sonic pushed him.

He yelled and flailed as gravity pulled him down...until he was lucky enough to grab a window washer ledge. Tails safely brought himself and Sonic down to that window washer ledge. Ryder was traumatized.

"I hate you." Ryder growled.

"Did you die?" Sonic asked.

"Almost!" Ryder exclaimed.

"You didn't though. Be happy." Sonic responded.

Ryder growled at him and stood up. He made that painful mistake of looking down. When the men brought him there at first, they took them to the top floor. AKA: the 75th floor. When he was forced to jump, he only went down five.

After seeing how his life could end with one slip, he backed away and leaned against the window behind him.

"Ryder, you ok?" Tails asked

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