Ch. 53

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"Egghead, you double crossing bastard!" Sonic yelled.

"To think you knew me!" Eggman yelled back.

Not only does the team have to fight Solaris, but fight the entire Eggman army. Talk about a double crossing.

Sonic then talked through his communicator to his teammates that had them.

"Ok, new plan." Sonic started. "Tails, have your team work at the core. Team Rose, smash every robot you see."

"And where do we fight?" Silver asked.

"...Wherever you can." Sonic answered. Silver nodded and went over to help Sticks and Knuckles, who were fighting off a couple of robots. Meanwhile, Shadow had business to take care of. But he decided it could wait until after the battle.

Knuckles and Sticks fought only the inner layer of the thousands of robots that surrounded them, only making little progress. After helping them, Silver flew over to Any to help her, who was almost overpowered by them. But none the less, they worked as a good team. She with her hammer and Silver with his telekinesis.

Meanwhile, 'Team Tech' had it's own problems. Tails had his one of a kind gun with him and was using it while (Y/n) and Ryder were putting their shooting skills to the test. Their main goal is the hit the core. But, the robots are preventing it. In their part of the battle area, part of the robot army attacked them and kept them from ever hitting the core.

As for Sonic and Shadow...they are breaking every robot in their individual paths.

While the entire team battled, it really didn't help that Solaris shot fucking lazers from it's glowing eyes AND it's core. Fun.

However, while battling, the robots seemed to keep coming and coming. Egghead watched excitedly from a couple of hundred feet away.

"Guys, there's too many robots!" (Y/n) exclaimed. "And the lazers from Solaris don't really help!"

"Anyone got any plans?" Sonic asked, yelling.

"We need to use something strong and with a lot of mass to attack Solaris, or at least get it off guard." Tails suggested.

"These robots could have a lot of mass." Kmuckles suggested.

"What would the robots do?" Shadow asked. "All they do is attack us."

"We could use them as weapons." Knuckles suggested.

Finally, Knuckles says something intelligent!

"That could work!" Amy yelled. "But how? It's not like they'll aim at Solaris!"

"Unless..." (Y/n) started. "Silver!!"

Silver, who was blasting robots with his powers, looked at (Y/n) after he was done. He saw her waving him over from behind a bush so he flew to her and hid behind the bush with her.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Can you lift like four or five of these robots at once?" She asked.

"I can easily pick up at least ten." He answered. "Why?"

"Because I need you to start throwing robots at Solaris." She said. "That way we get rid of robots faster and we weaken it."

"No problem." He said and flew out the bush.

(Y/n) popped out of the bush and started shooting robots that got to close to her.

Silver flew up until he was about 10 yards above the ground and looked around. Sonic and Shadow were spin dashing the hell out of some robots while Knuckles and Sticks fought off their own group. Tails used his unique gun while flying a few yards above the ground and got a decent amount of robots while Amy kept smashing every robot in her path. Then, Ryder and (Y/n) shot from their own bushes. And they still have to avoid those fucking lazers.

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