Ch. 30

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Amy is now beyond worried for (Y/n).

Did she go missing looking for her evil twin?

Amy walked to Sticks's burrow in the jungle. She had passed it a twice when looking for (Y/n), but didn't bother asking Sticks because she figured that Sticks wouldn't help after an alien tried to kill her.

She knocked on the burrow's door and Sticks answered.

"Hey, Ames." Sticks said. "You feeling alright? Did the alien mess 'ya up?"

"No, I'm fine." Amy started. "But we have to talk about (Y/n). It's important."

"What about the alien?" Sticks asked.

"She came and talked to me earlier. It wasn't her that tried to kill us." Amy said.

"How can you believe the homicidal alien?" Sticks asked.

"She looked me in the eye and said it wasn't her. She has an evil twin running around. She can't change her fur and her eyes and rip her mouth off." Amy said, defending (Y/n).

"You don't know what humans can do!" Sticks exclaimed.

"I know that humans have a conscious like us!" Amy argued back. Sticks just stayed silent because she knew Amy was right.

"I believe she didn't do it. The girl who did it looked too different from her." Amy said.

"Who was it then?" Sticks asked.

"Her and I are calling that person the evil twin." Amy answered.

"Where is the evil twin?" Sticks asked.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her since she knocked us out." Amy answered.

"Where's (Y/n)?" Sticks asked.

"I don't know. I looked for her in the village, the beach and the jungle twice. I can't find her." Amy answered with a shrug. "That's why I came here for you. I need your help finding her...or the evil twin...or both."

"Fine. I'll help." Sticks said. "I'll go find Knuckles."

With that, Amy and Sticks started for looking for him. He was known to be at either the village or down at the beach. They decided to go the village first.


M was walking around the jungle in the form of (Y/n). He had no idea how to use the CDC. The fox he knew as almost as intelligent as him kept trying to call. The process was like you teaching an older family member how to use a new piece of technology. It's super frustrating.

After probably the fourth time the fox called, he finally figured out how to answer it.

"Hello?" He asked, in his imitation of (Y/n).

"(Y/n)!" A feminine voice yelled through the communicator. M could've swore that the blue and yellow targets were both male.

"What took so long to answer?"The voice asked.

"" M started but the voice interrupted him.

"Nevermind! I'll ask why later!" The voice exclaimed. "Sonic and I are trapped in (S)!"

"May I ask why?" M asked.

"The fangirls we were jumped by took my toolbelt! It had the remote latched to it!" The voice exclaimed.

"Oh no." M said, trying to sound like he cared.

"Is that all you have to say?!" The voice asked. "I know you said you wouldn't help us but~"

M had found the end button on the CDC. He was trying to find it the entire time he was on the call. After that, he took it off and threw it into some bushes.

When he reached the end of the jungle, he was soon walking on the beach. While walking, he saw a moving organism in the distance. As he walked closer, he made out the organism to be red. When he got closer, he didn't recognize the species of the red individual.

The red individual was really Knuckles. The girls should've checked the beach first.

Knuckles had just finished a set of bench presses and hooked it back on the holder. He sat up and spotted the hybrid he known as (Y/n).

"Hey, (Y/n)!" He yelled and waved toward 'her.' M had no choice but to walk over to him. Not only that, but he had to exterminate the targets ASAP. M started walking over and started deep thinking. Egghead would refer to the colored rats as their actual names. He just had to figure out who matches the name.

After examining the red individual, he saw he had spikes on his knuckles.

The red rat must be Knuckles.

"Hi." M said when him and Knuckles were closer.

"Hey, you look different." Knuckles said. M's eyes widened.

The fool said Knuckles was the dumbest of the rats...

"I don't look different." M stated as a fact.

"Yeah, you do." Knuckles argued back. "Where's your sports tape?"

M looked confused then he remembered that one difference he didn't count on. He didn't think anyone would notice. The real (Y/n) had sports tape on her arms and on her shoes. M didn't. The only three who knew of the sports tape was Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. The girls weren't there when she got the tape. In fact, the girls didn't know she even has sports tape.

"My sports tape?" M asked.

"Yeah. When Sonic spin-dashed into you? We put sports tape on you? You complained?" Knuckles asked, trying to remind '(Y/n).' M still remained confused.

"Say, what happened to your eyes?" Knuckles asked. "And your fur?"

The red rat is asking too much...

Before Knuckles could comprehend what was happening, he found himself on the ground. M had punched him. And before he could attempt and kill him like with the girls, he heard two feminine voices shout, 'STOP!!!'

Sorry this chapter took too long. I was exhausted Sunday, I had to "study" for testing and I had to "study" and was exhausted today. I have part two of testing tomorrow. Then I have after school band rehearsals and concerts and testing...yeah, I'm done with life. Bye.

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