Ch. 34

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While walking, Tails felt a weird presence behind him and Sonic.

"Sonic?" He asked, worriedly.

"Yeah, Tails?" Sonic replied.

"Is another fangirl following us?" Tails asked.

"No, we lost them a long time ago." Sonic said. "Why?"

"Because I think someone's following us." Tails answered.

"Jeez, you're as paranoid as Sticks." Sonic said. "Everything is fine."

"You're right." Tails said.

Really? Is everything really fine, Sonic?

After walking another block, a man suddenly stood in front of them and blocked their way. Sonic didn't take mind to him but Tails recognized him as one of the animal control guys.

They both looked up at him and they saw the man had a collar similar to the one they trapped Ryder in.

"Don't try running, rats." The man said.  The boys started walking backward to make a run for it but backed into a pair of legs. When he looked up, they saw another one of the guys part of animal control.

"Easier than I thought." The man (who is blond) said.

"So much easier." The other man (who is brown-haired) said.

"What are you gonna do to us?" Tails asked.

"Relax, we're taking you to see your little friend." The brown-haired one said.

"You're lying." Sonic said.

"Now, would we lie?" The blond asked.

"No, but you would kidnap." Tails answered. "And you have!"

"Either way, you're coming with us." The blonde said and both the men started walking toward them. Sonic, who grabbed Tails's hand, was about to run but the third man (who was bald) drove the truck so they had no other ways to escape...but up. Tails could fly them away but it would take him to long to get in the air.

The brown-haired one quickly used the collar around both Sonic and Tails and dragged them to the back of the truck. Both the boys struggled to get out to no avail. The brown-haired man threw them in the back of the truck and slammed and locked the door shut.

"Sonic?" Tails asked, scared.

"Yeah, Tails?" Sonic replied.

"I'm scared." Tails answered. "You lied to me! You said everything would be fine!"

"Tails, everything will be fine. I promise." Sonic said, trying to calm him down.

"No, it's not! No it's~" He started but Sonic cut him off.

"Call (Y/n)." Sonic said.

"She made it clear that she wouldn't help us." Tails said.

"Just call her." Sonic said.

Tails rolled his eyes and called (Y/n) on her CDC. After a few rings, she answered.

"Y-Yeah, Tails?" She answered, shakily.

"(Y/n)!" Tails exclaimed. "We're in...What's wrong?"

" go first." (Y/n) said.

"We got kidnapped!" Tails exclaimed. "These guys are taking us to where they said where Ryder is!"

"So find Ryder and bring him back." She replied. She wasn't really paying attention to them because she was staring at the girls's and Knuckles's lifeless bodies. Shadow had checked them; they all had pulses. Then Shadow overheard their conversation and walked over to her.

"No, you guys can't come back." He stated.

"Shadow? What are you doing with (Y/n)?" Sonic asked.

"Long story." (Y/n) answered.

"Don't come back." Shadow said, again.

"And why not?" Tails asked.

"Because that's what the Doctor would want you to do." Shadow answered.

"Why is Egghead involved in this?" Sonic asked.

"Do you guys remember that sketch we found in those books you stole from Egghead?" (Y/n) asked.

"Of Mephiles?" Tails asked.

"Yes! Him!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"His one and only purpose is to unite with Iblis to create Solaris." Shadow explained.

"What or who is Iblis?" Sonic asked.

"Iblis is~" Both (Y/n) and Shadow started but was interrupted by a scream by Tails. Then on his end, the CDC cut off.


"So much for trying to warn them." (Y/n) said.

"At least they know what could happen." Shadow said."We can't let them make any portals."

"Then how will they get home?" She asked.

"Simple. They don't." They said.

"But..." She started but he cut her off.

"It's either Solaris ruins here or there." Shadow said.

"I mean...I hate it there but I don't want people to die." (Y/n) she answered.

"That's why they shouldn't take any chances." Shadow said. "Because then we risk either Iblis coming here or Mephiles going there."

"What if we open a secret portal?" (Y/n) asked, starting to sound worried.

"(Y/n), give up." He said, bluntly. "No one enters Bygone Island, no one goes out."

It was a sad fact, but (Y/n) had to accept it. She would never see the boys again. She can't imagine on how the girls and Knuckles will react.

"Fine." She said, sadly.

I give you guys permission to slit my throat and rant to me. I started this chapter the day after I published the last chapter BUT testing got in the way and the RP book, too.

So I saw Infinity War back on Sunday (April 29th, 2018) and all I can say I hated when...SUPERMAN DIES!!!! HAHAHAH! SO DOES BATMAN!!!

I'm sorry but I'm's a lot to take in.

Edit: Oh! I forgot! Please let me know (COMMENT) if you are making a cover for the book! I have an idea that involves the winners (and possibly me). So please comment if you are because I'm thinking of closing the contest. Bye!

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